Challenges to address in the next future Apr 3, 2006 HEPiX Spring Meeting 2006 Enzo Valente, GARR and INFN
2 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Agenda Challenges: 1.E2e with other networks 2.Connecting more regions
3 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Agenda Challenges: 1.E2e with other networks 2.Connecting more regions
4 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] LHC Data Grid Hierarchy Tier 1 Tier2 Center Online System CERN 700k SI95 ~1 PB Disk; Tape Robot FNAL: 200k SI95; 600 TB IN2P3 Center INFN Center RAL Center Institute Institute ~0.25TIPS Workstations ~ MBytes/sec 2.5 Gbps Mbits/sec Tens of Petabytes by An Exabyte within ~5 Years later. Physics data cache ~PByte/sec ~2.5 Gbits/sec Tier2 Center ~2.5 Gbps Tier 0 +1 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier2 Center Tier 2 Experiment CERN/Outside Resource Ratio ~1:2 Tier0/( Tier1)/( Tier2) ~1:1:1
5 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Current LHCOPN topology
6 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] GÉANT2 Topology
7 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Esnet Topology Spring 2006
8 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] LHCOPN – LHC Optical Private Network Every Tier1 will be connected to the Tier0 with a direct 10Gbps “lightpath”. Those lightpaths will be of different kinds: –single or concatenated layer 1 links (STM64, LANPHY, WANPHY) –layer 2 VLANs Tier1s should also provide a dedicated backup link to Tier0, –during the startup phase (Service challenges) backup will be provided via routed paths (GN2, Esnet, Abilene, NRENs..).
9 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Challenges Multidomain L2VPN: something router manufacturers did not consider enough Interoperability between platforms An L2 path can be a security backdoor into someone’s LAN –An alternative using L3VPN was studied –A trusted relationship is needed Complex setup –VPLS could be the solution to scale to T2 numbers
10 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] LHCOPN challenges Security –The LHCOPN will bypass the security system (firewall, IDS...) already in place at every Tier; current technologies cannot deal with the requested bandwidth Operations The ENOC is Network Co-ordination Service. It is required to: –look after network issues for EGEE and LCG –receive network TTS from NRENs, analyse them and provide relevant information to the GGUS who will then interact with the users –monitor the e2e status of the lightpaths and trigger the appropriate corrective actions Monitoring –Several metrics, several different devices, and several OSI stack levels to monitor
11 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Agenda Challenges: 1.E2e with other networks 2.Connecting more regions
12 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Networks, Grids and HEP Next generation 10 Gbps network backbones are almost here: in the US, Europe and Japan – First stages arriving, starting now Major transoceanic links at Gbps since Getting high (reliable; Grid) application performance across networks means: – End-to-end monitoring; a coherent approach – Getting high performance (TCP) toolkits in users ’ hands – Working in concert with Internet2, Terena; the Grid projects and the Global Grid Forum Network improvements are especially needed in SE Europe, Latin America; SE Asia, and Africa. Removing regional, Last mile bottlenecks and compromises in network quality are now (in all world regions) On the critical path
13 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] ICFA-SCIC Closing the Digital Divide Spread the message: “ ICFA SCIC is there to help ” Help identify and highlight specific needs (to Work On) –Policy problems; Last Mile problems; etc. Encourage Joint programs Make direct contacts, arrange discussions with gov ’ t officials – ICFA SCIC is prepared to participate Help Start, or Get Support for Workshops on Networks (& Grids) – Discuss & Create opportunities – Encourage, help from funded programs Help from Regional support & training groups (requires funding)
14 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Global connectivity Oct 2005
15 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] A global, federated e-Infrastructure EGEE infrastructure ~ 200 sites in 39 countries ~ CPUs > 5 PB storage > concurrent jobs per day > 60 Virtual Organisations EUIndiaGrid EUMedGrid SEE-GRID EELA BalticGrid EUChinaGrid OSG NAREGI
16 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] EUMEDCONNECT
17 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] GRID initiatives around Europe These initiatives aim to extend Grid Infrastructure for Research, which can become part of EGEE and be integrated with analogous initiatives in the Mediterranean (EUMedGrid), Balkans (SEE-Grid), North Europe (BalticGrid), Latin America (EELA) and Far-East Asia (EUChinaGrid). Another purpose is to raise grid awareness and competences among the researchers, to make them able to profit of this new powerful tool, to foster collaboration with European and wordlwide projects and to promote scientific and industrial development in the area.
18 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] ALICE Topology October 2005 ALICE and EELA
19 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] SEEREN and SEEGrid
20 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Planned TEIN2 Topology November 2005 TEIN2 and EUChinaGrid
21 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] GEANT2-ERNET and EUIndiaGrid Mbps from Europe to Mumbai Then?
22 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] The UbuntuNet Alliance (S-E Africa) Angola Botswana DRC Kenya (KENET) Lesotho Malawi Mozambique (MoRENet) Namibia Rwanda S Africa (TENET) Swaziland Tanzania Uganda (RENU) Zambia Zimbabwe …others… General Internet access Connections to each other; and to –Géant –Abilene (Internet2) –EUMEDCONNECT –CANet (Canadian REN) –TEIN2 (China, Japan, Malaysia) –AARNET (Australian REN) –…others… These countries..and they want it all very CHEAP !! ……..all want
23 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Interaction point with GEANT for grid issues Technical Network Liaison Committee to address grid issues with GEANT/NRENs Definition and establishment of Service Level Agreements for end-to-end services Joint operation of ENOC (e-Infrastructure Network Operations Centre) Deployment of network performance mgmt tools Coordination of input to GGF Network Measurements Working Group
25 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] Agenda Challenges: 1.E2e with other networks 2.Connecting more regions
26 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] IPv6 IPv6 already available – Standard Research networks are IPv6 compliant Grids need an high performance network IPv6 is the value-added component
27 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] IPv6 IPv6 can do everything you can do with IPv4, and IPv6 do it better Public end-to-end network based on High performance forwarding New generation routers support native IPv6 packet forwarding through hardware ASICs Removing NAT and Private IP address reduces network delays
28 [EV-HEPiX Spring meeting 2006] IPv6 Collaboration with ASIA-PACIFIC drives to improve IPv6 in Europe IPv6 will coexist with IPv4 GRID Middleware needs to be IPv6 compliant Applications should be transparent