Northern Europe United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Nordic Countries –Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden Romans conquered the Celts in Britain in 80AD Germanic tribes drove out the Romans in the 400s. Vikings conquered parts of Britain, settled in Normandy and moved to Russia 1066 William the Conqueror of Normandy conquered England. England would go on to grow a global empire
Government Monarchy with a parliament –Representative lawmaking body whose members are elected or appointed. 1215 nobles forced the king to sing the Magna Carta inspiring political ideas such as trial by jury and not taxation without representation. 1800s Industrial Revolution started in Britain After WWII most of Britain’s colonies gained independence Ireland was divided into two states, the northern half (Protestant) remained part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Catholic) gained independence.
Economy The section of Scotland between Glasgow and Edinburgh is called Silicon Glen because of all the high-tech companies. Most nations are in the European Union (EU) with the exception of Norway. And nations like Denmark did not accept the Euro. Many natural resources in this area
Culture and Modern Art Germanic and Celtic languages are spoken here. Most of this region is Protestant, with Ireland holding to Catholicism. Henrik Ibsen is considered the father of modern drama, William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Charlotte Bronte and James Joyce have shaped Northern Europe’s arts
Life Women are apart of business and politics Most people live in cities and have a high standard of living Welfare is mostly the responsibility of the government (with programs that give money for raising children and health insurance) Customs like afternoon tea Rugby, cricket and many of the winter sports were developed in this area