From Beowulf to Hamlet Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.
Old English 2000 years ago: Celtic languages Today: Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic From approx. 450 AD: Angles, Saxons, Jutes invaded England Changed the language into Old English Also influenced by Old Norse, the language of the Vikings Viking raids from the late 8 th century Old English (Anglo-Saxon) period: c. 450 – 1100 Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.
Beowulf Old English text, probably from the 8 th century A long poem about the hero Beowulf, who kills three monsters: Grendel, Grendel’s mother and a dragon Old English is very different from modern English Ic lufie Þe = I love thee = I love you Kyning = king, cwen = queen Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.
1066 and All That First the Vikings invade England Anglo-Saxon king Harold II defeats King Harold Hardrade at Stamford Bridge. Then the Normans invade England William of Normandy defeats King Harold II William the Conqueror becomes king of England Harold’s death The Bayeux Tapestry Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.
French William the Conqueror made French the language of the court, the church, the nobility, the merchants Changed the English language completely Vocabulary Grammar Spelling Pronunciation Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.
Middle English Old English gradually changes into Middle English Ca. 1100–1500 Never a standardized language Many regional varieties Most famous work in Middle English: The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343–1400) Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.
Early Modern English Mid 15 th century: invention of printing press Spelling becomes more fixed Early Modern English period: c. 1500–1700 Shakespeare (1564–1616) Hamlet to Ophelia: “Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” Targets lærerressurs © H. Aschehoug & Co.