WMA 5: Inkomati - Rainfall and Evaporation
WMA 5: Inkomati - Base Map
WMA 5: Inkomati - Land Use
WMA 5: Inkomati - Sectoral Water Requirements (2000)
Sectoral contributions to the economy (1997) Contribution Agriculture Mining Manufacturing Electricity Construction Trade Transport Finance Government Other Community 0 % 20 % 30 % 10 % National Inkomati WMA
WMA 5: Inkomati - Water Availability (2000)
WMA 5: Inkomati - Water Reconciliation (2000)
WMA 5: Inkomati - Population scenarios
WMA 5: Inkomati - Water Reconciliation (future)
WMA 5: Inkomati Groundwater Geology underlying the WMA is generally not of high water bearing capacity Relatively good availability of surface water: only limited abstraction of groundwater occurs in the WMA Only about 1% of total available yield from the water resources from groundwater Most of groundwater use is for rural domestic supplies, game and livestock watering Further development of groundwater is likely to directly impact on the availability of surface water
WMA 5: Inkomati Water quality In the natural state quality of surface water is of a high standard Bacterial pollution occurs from localised areas with insufficient sanitation facilities Increased salinity results from irrigation return flows Quality of groundwater is naturally of a high standard Management of water quality in Sabie River and Crocodile River of particular importance with respect to ecosystems in the Kruger National Park
WMA 5: Inkomati Key issues International nature of Inkomati River Basin and sharing of water resources with Swaziland and Mozambique - pronounced impact on water management in the WMA Important that international obligations be met at all times, and that all three co-basin countries subscribe to common standards with respect to environmental requirements for water Water requirements already exceed availability of water in several parts of the WMA - particularly serious in Crocodile sub-area (strongest potential for economic growth in the WMA exists, and which will exacerbate the existing shortages)
WMA 5: Inkomati Key issues (2) Management of Sabie River and Crocodile River with respect to quantity, quality and temporal flow distribution of particular importance with respect to ecosystems in the Kruger National Park Of national importance that transfer of high quality water from Komati sub-area west of Swaziland to the Eskom power stations in Olifants WMA be maintained Implementation of the Reserve will increase existing deficits in Crocodile sub-area and Komati sub-area west of Swaziland Deficits in Sabie sub-area to be off-set by Inyaka Dam
WMA 5: Inkomati Water resources under control of the Minister Transfer of water from Nooitgedacht and Vygeboom Dams to Olifants WMA for power generation Water supplied to South African land area by the Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA) - includes releases for environmental purposes Water to be released to Mozambique to honour international commitments All water resource developments which may impact on neighbouring countries, will be subject to national authorisation