The Socialisation of Marketing & Business Sean Singleton
Intro Facts Case Studies Trends What’s next Summary / Tips
Award Winning Agency
The Carlsberg Euro 2012 Challenge
Digital Evangelists
Sit on IAB UK Social Media Council & Future Trends Council
Regular guest on football podcasts
Personal Blog
Social Networks are the Most Popular Activity Online
1 in 5 online minutes spent on SN, Up from 6% in 2007 Source: comScore Media Matrix, Worldwide, March 2007 – October 2011, “It’s a Social World,” Dec It’s a Social World Social Networks are the Most Popular Activity Online EC
The Social Media Universe is expanding
The Social Media Universe is Expanding 15MM+ users 135MM+ users 51MM+ users 15MM+ users 62MM+ users 232MM+ monthly active users 115MM+ subscribers 20MM+ blogs 6MM+ users 800 MM+ monthly active users 230MM+ users 2MM+ users 500K+ users 800MM+ monthly users visit site More people on more social networks than ever before Source: Official and Estimated statistics. Facebook, YouTube, Zynga, Twitter, LinkedIn, Groupon, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Foursquare, Pinterest, scvngr, Path, Google+ SlashGear, TechCrunch / Comscore, FastCompany, Oink: TechCrunch, GetGlue, Foodspotting: Soraya Darabi’s LinkedInFlickrSlashGearTechCrunch / ComscoreFastCompanyTechCrunchGetGlue: Soraya Darabi’s LinkedIn 100K+ users 2MM+ users 1.5MM+ users EC
Social Networks Now Reach 82% of the World’s Internet Population
That’s 1.2 billion people Social Networks Now Reach 82% of the World’s Internet Population Source: comScore Media Matrix, Worldwide, March 2007 – October 2011, “It’s a Social World,” Dec It’s a Social World EC
Social Networking is growing in every single country
Total time spent on all regions grew by 35%+ in 2011 Social Networking is Growing in Every Single Country Source: comScore Media Matrix, Worldwide, March 2007 – October 2011, “It’s a Social World,” Dec It’s a Social World EC
Google + is growing fastest than other social network
Google+ is Growing Faster Than Other Social Networks 67 million people have visited Google+ Source: Comscore Source: Leon Haland, Google+ calculations by Paul Allen, comScore, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Time to reach 50 million users (estimate) EC
1. Everything, Everywhere
Now people want everything, everywhere.
2. 2. Meaningful relationships
3. Social Commerce
4. Gamification
5. NFC
As an official sponsor of the Olympics Visa is aiming to make the 2012 games a contactless experience Visa are partnering with Samsung to bring a new phone to market with NFC capabilities in time for the games, taking advantage of the 70,000 shops, bars and restaurants that are NFC enabled.
6. Caring Companies
Orange Rockcorps asks people to volunteer four hours of their time on projects in exchange for tickets to exclusive gigs, providing unique experiences to customers whilst giving back to their communities.
7. Gesture & Go
Top Tips
Focus on objectives not channels
Be human
Embrace all feedback
EdgeRank Tips
Key Trends 1. Everything, Everywhere 2. Meaningful Connections 3. Social Commerce 4. Gamification 5. NFC 6. Caring Companies 7. Gesture & Go
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