Upper classman -Wealthy, well dressed, big houses, lawyers Peasants -workers, poor, medium dressed, farmers
Ecotians believe in a large extended families. It is quite common to find grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins are able to stay in the same household. Ecotians also have Monogamy, which is marriage of one man to one women, not multiple partners. Egalitarian is very common in Ecotian Village, due to equalization among the spouses in each home.
We have a choice between, charter school, public, private, or a religious school. We do NOT believe in homeschooling, they must go to a school. We believe in zero tolerance, and sanctions. They will be punished for not going to school. They MUST attend a school. We have a bilingual education, to help the students who are not seeking English taught education, so they will be taught in their native languages until they’re prepared to attend classes that are taught in the English language.
Ecotians religion is Christianity. They believe that everyone is equally created! And they believe in one God. The most honored and respected two holidays that the Ecotians do, is Christmas Dec. 25 th, representing the birth of Jesus and Easter March 31 st, the day that Jesus rose from the grave. Every Ecotians are to come together on those days and have a service showing reverence. The most sacred thing that every Ecotian has, is the bible. They are to own at least one in each home.
Folkways: Our traditions 1.White to weddings (traditions to our weddings) 2.Dark Wine at dinner 3.Community Dinner daily (must attend) Mores: Serious offenses 1.Respect others 2.We will not steal 3.We do not murder
Do not kill Do not steal Do not commit adultery Do not kidnap No guns without a license to own one! Only one marriage, NO divorce
Ecotians barter, as well as produce manufactured goods. Ships will meet on each side of the island from Antarctica, Australia, Africa, and Asia trading goods, such as: medical supplies and food. Ecotians trade for there well known Golden corn, as well as there around the world loved grape wine.
Native language is English with a Spanish accent. Sign language is the second language Ecotians are required to learn. Spanish or French are the third languages Ecotians have a choice between learning for their 3 rd major language. They must be fluent in 3 languages.
Ecotians communicate by mail, because there are no computers nor phones. They walk to school because there are no buses. People may get from one place to another on a horse, but they mostly walk due to the amount the horse costs. They get most of their medical equipment, food supplies, etc. from shipping from the United States.
Horseback riding is the main sport that all kids ages 5-18 are required to participate in. Cricket is required to the older generations, Steeple chase is another option the people are allowed to do, but is not required. Canoeing is available to all families on the weekends.
Picasso and Michelangelo - Picasso and Michelangelo’s inspired paintings and murals can be found in every home. Shakespeare -Well rounded knowledge of that time period, and draws the Ecotians in as well as the tourists as the students put on plays for the people around them. Christian and Country - Gives a positive feeling to the people of Ecotians and the people who are showing up at the Island.