Slide: 1 10/ Demand-led VET system Danish presentation Exeter 2011 March 7-11 Slide: 2 10/ Population: Geographic region: Scandinavia Capital: Copenhagen Other major cities: Aarhus , Odense , Aalborg Form of state: Monarchy, Queen Margrethe II Government: Coalition of the Liberals and the Conservatives, headed by the Liberals, prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen Ethnic distribution: 90,9 % Danes. Immigrants and their descendants constitute about 9.1 per cent of the population Famous Danish brands: Lego (toys), Carlsberg (beer) Source: Denmark Slide: 3 10/ FA – the Danish Employers’ Association for the financial sector 214 members: banks and insurance companies employees in the financial sector FA secretariat: 25 employees Slide: 4 10/ My job – political consultant at FA Education and training policies Labour market policies Dialogue and cooperation with member companies, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, trade unions and other employers’ or branch organisations Slide: 5 10/ Source: Danish Ministry of Education, Slide: 6 10/ Initial vocational education and training (iVET) Dual training principle: school based training + in-company training Ensuring theoretical and practical skills Various duration 2-4 years, various profiles (e.g. building and construction, healthcare, finance) Slide: 7 10/ Trade committees Representatives of employees and employers Approval of companies Quality assurance Advice on content, structure, duration of the programmes Slide: 8 10/ Adult vocational education and training (cVET) Main target groups: unskilled and skilled workers Training meets the needs of specific sectors of the labour market Various programmes (3000), various duration (typically 1-5 days) Slide: 9 10/ Adult training committees: representatives of employers and employees One for every sector Develop and propose new programmes which the ministry of education approves Slide: 10 10/ Links Ministry of Education Ministry of Science Agency for international education About Denmark Employer’s Association for the financial sector