ENGLAND By Hannah Merritt 3MO
WHAT IS ENGLISH WEATHER? HOW DOES WHERE ENGLAND IS LOCATED INFLUENCE THE WEATHER THEY HAVE THERE? English weather is usually nice, Because of warm waters and winds flowing across the Atlantic from the Caribbean Sea, England has an awesomely mild climate. England's weather is known for its changeability. Regardless of season, a typical week will see clouds, rain, and sunshine chase each other across the sky. So while more than half the days of the year are overcast in England, some days enjoy periods of sunshine, And be sure to bring an umbrella!
WHAT DO ENGLISH PEOPLE EAT? English people eat lots of different foods, Lots of English foods have very strange names like toad in a hole, blood soup and bubble and squeak. Some have normal names like fish and chips, I don’t know why English people do that!! Yorkshire puddings are a famous food from England. Yorkshire pudding is not usually eaten as a dessert like other puddings but instead as part of the main course or as a starter. Yorkshire pudding, made from flour, eggs and milk, is a sort of batter baked in the oven and usually moistened with gravy. Another food from England is bubble and squeak. The dish is usually made from cold vegetables that have been left over from a previous meal, often the Sunday roast. I like English food!
What are a lot of the cultures in England? What is traditional clothing in England? Who first discovered England? How many countries did England conquer? How does England celebrate its special occasions? Why does England not have a written constitution? Is England’s population going up or down, why? Why was England chosen for the 2012 Olympics? Why does England still have a queen? When was Big Ben made? Why is England so rainy? How does England’s location influence how it’s people live? MY QUESTIONS
THICK QUESTIONS Why was England chosen for the 2012 Olympics? Why does England still have a queen? How does England’s location influence how it’s people live? Why is England so rainy?
ANSWERS A: Big Ben was finished on April 10, 1858, and is still working right now!! Q: who discovered England? A: England was never really discovered. Like most of Europe, It seems to be just there. The Romans invaded England around 43AD. England had been invaded other times as well, Like in 1066 (By William the Conquer) Q: When was Big Ben made? Q:Why was London chosen for the 2012 Olympics? A:Cities have to ask to host the Olympic Games. At the deadline for asks to host the 2012 games, 9 cities had submitted their asks. These were: Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris and Rio. It then goes to a second round, to narrow the cities. The people in charge reduced the cities to: London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, and Paris. The next step is for the people in charge is to send inspectors to the candidate cities. After the inspections comes the evaluation of the reports, and then a vote. At the voting sessions, Moscow, New York and Madrid were ruled out, and it came down to a vote between London and Paris. London won by 54 votes to 50.
WHY WAS ENGLAND CHOSEN FOR THE 2012 OLYMPICS? When I first started researching, I did not know that Cities have to ask to host the Olympic Games. At the deadline for asks to host the 2012 games, 9 cities had submitted their asks. These were: Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris and Rio. It then goes to a second round, to narrow the cities. The people in charge reduced the cities to: London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, and Paris. The next step is for the people in charge is to send inspectors to the candidate cities. After the inspections comes the evaluation of the reports, and then a vote. At the voting sessions, Moscow, New York and Madrid were ruled out, and it came down to a vote between London and Paris. London won by 54 votes to 50. It was very close, and I think Paris would be a good city too.
BUILDINGS IN ENGLAND Buckingham Palace House of Parliament London Eye London Bridge
LOCATION England is a very interesting country. It has many old castles. It is located in the North West hemispheres. It is quite cool and has lots of rain. It had a population of 15,000,000.1 in I really think you should go there!! These are some old English people
FOODS Lots of English foods have very strange names like toad in a hole, blood soup and bubble and squeak. Some have normal names like fish and chips though. I don’t know why the English do that!! On Thursday we have a dishvirsty celebration, I am bringing in scones, they are sweet!! The picture on the left is fish and chips, loads of people love fish and chips in the UK, the picture on the right are scones!! I love them!!
SPORTS In England soccer is very popular, but there they call it football!! Another popular sport in England is cricket. They have been playing it for a long time!! Football is the game on the right and cricket is the game on the left.
England is here, my mum is from England. England is in the United Kingdom, which is in Europe. Beijing is over here. I was born in Seattle, which is over here.
MAP OF ENGLAND London is the capital of England
CLOTHES IN ENGLAND Guards in England wear uniforms like this. Did you know that some guards are called Beefeaters?
ENGLAND’S FLAG The British flagThe English flag England has a flag other than the British flag
CITATIONS 2 Horrible Histories by Terry Deary Books: