Harmony Life Hospice Every Moment of Every Life Matters Powerpoint by The Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Schmitt, Volunteer Coordinator & Chaplain Harmony Life Hospice 2529 East 70 th Street, Suite 306 Shreveport LA
What is Hospice? Hospice is specialized medical care for people who have a prognosis of six months or less to live if the terminal condition runs its course. It is not a place, but rather a concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatment. Every Moment of Every Life Matters
What is Hospice? Hospice services include providing related medications, medical supplies and equipment to manage patients’ symptoms and promote comfort. With our outpatient hospice services we come to you, whether it is at your home or a nursing facility. We address all symptoms of a disease, with a special emphasis on controlling a patient’s pain and discomfort. Every Moment of Every Life Matters
What is Hospice? We also deal with the emotional, social and spiritual impact of the disease. We offer a variety of counseling and bereavement services to families before and after a patient’s death. Although many hospice patients are cancer patients, hospices accept anyone regardless of age or type of illness who has been diagnosed as terminal. Every Moment of Every Life Matters
Harmony Life: Our Mission Every Moment of Every Life Matters To provide the highest level of care possible to our patients. – with commitment, vision, and leadership by dedicated community volunteers and compassionate professionals. We are committed to treating each patient as a unique individual with his or her own special needs.
Harmony Life: We Believe Every Moment of Every Life Matters Choosing hospice care is not about giving up Hospice is about giving care when its needed the most. Hospice empowers patients and their families to live each moment to the fullest. We are dedicated to the celebration of life in the presence of a life limiting illness. Choosing hospice affirms the value of life.
Harmony Life: Our Focus Every Moment of Every Life Matters Celebrating the life of every patient Helping each one live the rest of their lives with Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Harmony.
Harmony Life: Physical Every Moment of Every Life Matters Dying is a part of life – As natural as being born Dying is a natural process – Our medical team will help you understand Comfort (Palliative) Care eases the process – Hospice is not about dying faster – Hospice care is about helping your body let go when it is ready
Harmony Life: Emotional Every Moment of Every Life Matters Dying is an emotional process with common emotional experiences – Denial : shock and isolation – Anger even rage “Why me?” – Bargaining “If I do this or that can I live.” – Acceptance and peace “It’s Okay to die.” – Detachment – letting go of things and people
Harmony Life: Spiritual Every Moment of Every Life Matters Harmony Life Hospice does not promote any one religion or spirituality. We care for each patient and respect their individual beliefs. However, for us Spiritual Harmony means: We are not physical beings with spiritual lives. We are spiritual beings with physical lives. Dying is not the end of life. Dying is a transition to a new life. Our goal is to help patients and their families live in spiritual harmony as they experience the end of life.
Harmony Life: Bereavement Every Moment of Every Life Matters Caring for those who care Helping family and friends grieve We are available to help with Anticipatory Grief At the time of death As needed for a year following
What is Grief? The normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. The conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior. The feeling of reaching out for someone who has always been there, only to find they are no longer there. Every Moment of Every Life Matters
Harmony Life: Volunteer! Direct Patient/Caregiver Assistance Office and Support Services Assistance Every Moment of Every Life Matters
Harmony Life: Volunteer! Direct Patient/Caregiver Assistance Home visit Bereavement visit Phone Contact IDT Meeting Activities might include Running errands Providing Respite Companionship Light housework Every Moment of Every Life Matters
Harmony Life: Volunteer! Office and Support Services Filing Mailing Transporting documents Delivering supplies Arts and crafts Public relations Activities related to your skills and licensures Every Moment of Every Life Matters
Harmony Life: Why Volunteer? Every Moment of Every Life Matters There is a need. “Most people live lives of quiet desperation” Henry David Thoreau
Harmony Life: Why Volunteer? Every Moment of Every Life Matters Volunteers are the heart of Hospice “90% of life is showing up!” Woody Allen The Staff is paid to be good. Patients know you care because you show up for free!.
Harmony Life: Why Volunteer? Every Moment of Every Life Matters “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Jesus
Harmony Life: Volunteer When and How ? Volunteer Coordinator Geoffrey Schmitt Every Moment of Every Life Matters Call me and make an appointment: