Day of admission (Oct. 21, 2010) Patient was placed on NPO; vital signs were monitored q1h (including pupillary light reflex) and fluid input and output Patient was given IVF D5/MB 500mL to run at mL/hr CBC with platelet revealed anemia with Hgb 106 g/L and Hct 0.32 Blood chemistry showed low creatinine 0.22 mg/dL and Na of 136 mEq/L; K and total Ca were normal
Day of admission (Oct. 21, 2010) Blood CS was negative for growth CSF analysis showed no growth on culture and sensitivity; Gram stain was negative for growth; high CHON and normal sugar levels The following drugs were given: Phenobarbital 85 mg/SIVP over 30 mins (loading dose) was given then 12mg/SIVP over q12h, 12hrs after the loading dose Meropenem 120 mg/IV infusion over 30mins q8h (40 mg/kg/dose) Gentamycin 12 mg/SIVP OD (4mg/kg/day) Dexamethasone 0.6 mg/SIVP q6h for 2 days only Diazepam 1.2 mg/SIVP for seizure >5 mins
Day of admission (Oct. 21, 2010) Referral to Pediatric Neurology (Diagnosis: Seizure disorder, etiology to be determined) MRI with contrast showed normal findings
1 st HD (Oct. 22, 2010) Patient had seizures for which phenytoin 65 mg/IV infusion for 30 mins (15.3 mg/kg/dose) was given as loading dose then 11 mg/IV infusion for 30 mins q12h after
2 nd - 4 th HD (Oct , 2010) No episodes of seizure
5 th HD (Oct. 26, 2010) Recurrence of seizure with upward rolling of eyes and stiffening of extremities for which the ff drugs were given: IV phenytoin was shifted to oral 125 mg/5mL, 0.5 mL q12h Phenobarbital grain ½ 30 mg/tab ½ tab ODHS MRI showed normal findings
5 th HD (Oct. 26, 2010) d/c meropenem and gentamycin after consumption of open stocks Recurrence of seizures almost every hour (1-3 mins/episode) O2 per face mask at 51ppm was given Phenobarbital 12 mg/SIVP after 12 hrs and phenytoin 11 mg/SIVP q12hrs were given
6 th HD (Oct. 27, 2010) Still with seizure episodes Phenobarbital load of 46 mg/SIVP was given and was maintained at 12 mg/SIVP after 12 hrs Serum phenobarbital and phenytoin revealed elevated phenobarbital of and low phenytoin of 1.20; high-sensitive CRP was normal
8 th HD (Oct. 29, 2010) Phenytoin was given at 8mg/SIVP per infusion and phenobarbital dose was maintained Topiramate 25 mg/tab divided into 10 pptabs was given OD Pyridoxine 50 mg/tab was also started EEG was deferred
11 th HD (Nov. 1, 2010) Still with seizure episodes The ff. medications were given: Pyridoxine 50 mg/tab BID Topiramate 25 mg/tab divided to 5 pptabs, 1 pptab BID Phenytoin 10 mg/SIVP Phenobarbital 12 mg/SIVP Diazepam 1.2 mg/SIVP for active seizures Ketoconazole shampoo 3x/week
13 th HD (Nov. 3, 2010) The ff. drugs were given: Phenytoin 125 mg/5 mL 0.4 mL q4h Phenobarbital 30 mg/tab divided into 10 pptabs to be given 4 pptabs q12h on oral form
14 th HD (Nov. 4, 2010) 21 channel EEG was done The rest of the hospital stay was unremarkable.
Date of discharge (Nov. 6, 2010) Take home medications: Topiramate 25 mg/tab 1 tab divided into 5 pptabs then give 1 pptab BID Phenytoin 125 mg/5 mL, 0.4 mL TID Phenobarbital grain 1 (60 mg/tab) 1 tab divided into 6 pptabs, 1 pptab q12h Pyridoxine 50 mg/tab 1 tab AM, 2 tabs PM (total dose 150 mg)
Date of discharge (Nov. 6, 2010) Special instructions: To have standby O2 tank at home Seizure precautions at all times Follow-up or Transfer Instructions: Follow-up at Pedia SBC on Nov. 13, 2010, 8AM Follow-up after 2 wks at Pedia-Neuro OPD on Nov. 23, 2010 at 2PM (to bring results of EEG)