N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN1 Straw Material and development.
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN2 Latest news on Material. Pressure tests. Straws for assembly.
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN3 Coated Material at CERN spool referencelength in metresLocationDate A1-1320CERN A1-2320CERN A1-3320CERN A1-4320CERN A1-5320CERN A1-6320CERN A1-7210Maud A1-8320CERN A1-9320JINR A CERN A JINR A CERN A Sefar A Sefar A Sefar A Sefar A JINR A CERN Coating of remaining PET material to be planned for 2011
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN4 Quality Control Permeation: (Effect of the weld; ongoing, 2 measurements remain: Latest material coated by Fraunhofer, and permeation through weld.) Creep test. (Compare RNK 2600 to GN 4600) ongoing Ultrasonic welds. RNK 2600 straws produced by both JINR and Sefar are giving good results. (See Maud’s presentation)
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN5 Current news Straw ultrasonic welding. Sefar supplied straws (DEC 2010) that have been tested at CERN. (Pressure tests) A contract is in place with Sefar for 250 tubes to be delivered 25 February 2011 (start of week 9) JINR have produced “130 +” straw tubes.
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN6 Storage valves. Valves for storage have been tested and approved. Gluing method and straw pressurisation validated Pieces have been ordered (100 to be supplied to JINR this week) Provision for 7000 more valves in place
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN7 Pressure measurements. Using the mechanical device developed. It is possible to accurately measure changes in pressure over long periods. A calibration curve is required, for specific range measurements Straws with an unknown “start” pressure can be measured. (input valves are precise to +/- 100 mbar.)
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN8 Pressure measurements. Measure straw deformation with 2 calibrated loads. Measuring device Straw test The measurement of a single straw is simple and fast. The results precise.
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN9 Straw long term pressure test Leak Rate Specification (7.67 mbar/day )
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN10 Straw long term pressure test Leak Rate of a tested batch (22 days displayed)
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN11 JINR straws We urgently need straw tubes to test the mechanical and permeation properties of: 1) Standard tubes from RNK ) Valves installed and pressurised in JINR. 3) Boxes to ship to CERN.
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN12 Conclusions: 12 Straws expected from JINR and Sefar in February 2011 to be installed in module ZERO. to be installed in module ZERO.
N. Dixon PH / DT Vladimir Elsha JINR Straw working group meeting Monday 6th february 2011 CERN13 Straw long term pressure test Leak Rate of a tested batch (43 days displayed)