L. Pontecorvo MDT Status: Installation and Commissioning 5 Missing 9 stations
2 OutlineOutline Installation and infrastructure status Commissioning Status Sector Commissioning strategy Integration with other ATLAS sub-detectors Results from Toroid run in November
3 Installation and services
4 Installation and Positioning 673/682 installed: missing 6 sideA + 3 side C After installation on the rails must be positioned specs:~2mm; 2mrad Main limitations: Interference with other sub- systems services and access Very tricky: BIR/BIM in sectors 11 and 15 and BMS all sectors and BOL/BOS external chambers It goes very fast once we have access + OK from TC 575/682~84% of the barrel is positioned 673/682 installed: missing 6 sideA + 3 side C After installation on the rails must be positioned specs:~2mm; 2mrad Main limitations: Interference with other sub- systems services and access Very tricky: BIR/BIM in sectors 11 and 15 and BMS all sectors and BOL/BOS external chambers It goes very fast once we have access + OK from TC 575/682~84% of the barrel is positioned Gray: not installed Light green: installed Dark green: installed AND positioned Gray: not installed Light green: installed Dark green: installed AND positioned Feet region
5 Cables and Gas All MDT optical and control cables (~200) from USA15 to barrel PP installed in All patch panels installed - All Alignment, - All CANBUS DCS cables - All MDT RO and TTC fibers All LV and HV cables installed All DCS daisy chain installed on positioned sectors > 70 % of Optical patch cords installed Rack dressing for upper sectors well under way
6 Gas system status All manifolds and valves installed 15 UX racks operational All (~300) pneumatic valves ok; All barrel racks equipped with zeolite filters Connection of chambers to manifold following chamber positioning Systematic leak tests of combined system using PVSS control: Leaks found in: BIS S2: two chambers BIS S8: one chamber Repaired BIS S10: five chambers BOL S1: not identified yet BOLS15 Repaired
7 Power supply: LV/HV In 2007 CAEN will deliver: 80% of RPC and barrel LVL1 PS (HV/LV) 80% of TGC 40% of the LV for MDT 25% of the HV for MDT-CSC MDT Commissioning issues: HV/LV boards for sectors 5 & 6 Available Need more boards for the commissioning of other sectors Followed by A. Lanza
8 Commissioning
9 USA15 - DCS and Alignment TTC Crates ready both for Barrel and End-Cap (E. Pasqualucci) All ROD-ROB fibers routed (Italian Techs) CANbus PS and DCS PCs for all Barrel Full Barrel alignment system HV-LV DCS-PCs for Barrel (also for RPCs) (P. Valente, G. Aielli) Sectors 5, 6, 3A & 4A RODS are available and cabled
10 Commissioning Strategy All stations arrived at ATLAS after cosmic ray certification and retested at SX1 (now dismissed) Due to late availability of services level-by-level strategy adopted in the pit Level I: Level I: fast test of station integrity: gas tightness, broken wires Level II: Level II: check basic functionalities with provisional services: DCS, FE elx. behavior, in some cases also noise runs Level III: final services available MDT+RPC/LVL1 Level III: check full functionality and sign-off of complete sectors – done only when final services available MDT+RPC/LVL1: Full test up to cosmic ray run First determination of optimal working point Dead channels maps, … After Level III Full SECTORS ready to be integrated in ATLAS: commissioning Phase II
11 MDT test up to Level II MDT: 216/630 tested Mainly Inner chamber difficult to access later (BIL and BIS) Up to now test done using provisional services Since January moved to final services sector 5 and 6 DONE with FINAL services Many problems found and fixed: mainly damaged components: ELMB, CSM, cables, fibers,…
12 LVL III -Full Sectors commissioning schedule Constraints Possibility/Access to position stations Availability of services + CAEN Power supplies Strategy: start from top sectors Schedule Sector 5 and 6: April/May (Under way) Sectors: 3– Month: June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov. PS schedule: October ‘07 ~80% of RPC/LVL1 and only 40% of MDT LV expected: After sector 5/6 move around “Jolly” set of CAEN boards to commission all other sectors (depending on delivery from CAEN) Only part of the barrel integrated in ATLAS by fall 2007
13 Phase II commissioning: Integration in ATLAS Integration of sector 13 in March combined ATLAS run: MDT: ROD-ROS readout – HV/LV DCS integrated RPC/LVL1: VME readout – muon trigger via MUTCPI-CTP Starting from June integrate sector 5A & 6A (after we have commissioned it): Use these sectors as benchmark for phase II to include all final features needed in ATLAS: DCS, DSS, chamber initialization, configuration DB, high level muon trigger, Data analisys 1 FULL CAEN PS set left on this sector Other sectors can be added later once are signed off depending on PS availability
14 MDT HV-LV DCS integration MDT HV-LV DCS succesfully integrated in Central DCS. 1 PC, 1 branch controller, 6 boards in 4 crates in UX15 1 PC, 1 branch controller, 6 boards in 4 crates in UX15 Controlled from ATLAS Global Control Station Controlled from ATLAS Global Control Station Project almost completed still to be finalized: Archiving Archiving Configuration database Configuration database Condition database Condition database INFN- University of Athens joint project
Results from Sector 13 cosmic ray test with Magnetic Field
16 Full weekend of data taking with 13 feet chambers during the Barrel Toroid test in November 13 Muon stations read-out LVL1 muon Trigger provided by 3 BML RPC/LVL1 and distributed via MUCTPI + CTP to muon system Sector 13 run: set up BIL BML BOL BOF BIL 1 BIL 3BIL 2 BOF1 BOF3 BML 3 BOL 3 Side A
17 Sector 13 data Sector 13 cosmic data used as benchmark to test commissioning procedures for sector sign-off MDT: Noise Dead channels Drift behavior Preliminary alignment RPC/LVL1: Noise Efficiency Working point optimization LVL1 timing Automatic tools to perform stations sign-off under preparation
18 MDT Inefficient tubes from chamber profile Silvia Franchino (INFN Pavia) dead tubes
19 MDT Noise rates Silvia Franchino (INFN Pavia) 15 / 12 / 2006 t< t 0 per ogni tubo: GNAM result Online monitoring Typical physical background in barrel ~10kHz 1.4% occupancy Offline analysis
20 Impact of magnetic field on MDT drift B field expected to change drift-to-radius relationship by Lorentz angle
21 Installation and Commissioning Coordination Overall coordination: F. Cerutti (INFN) & L. Pontecorvo (INFN) Run coordination: S. Vlachos (CERN) & D. Boscherini (INFN) MDT DCS: P.Valente (INFN) S. Zimmermann (Friburg) Gas MDT: T. Meyer (CERN) RPC DCS : G. Aielli (INFN) Gas RPC: R. De Asmundis (INFN) DAQ: E. Pasqualucci (INFN) Trigger: S. Veneziano (INFN) Service Installation: A. Lanza (INFN)
22 ConclusionsConclusions Installation almost completed left over only due to interference with other detectors or unavailability of BOG chambers Services Installation: Cabling almost finished moving to rack dressing DCS, Alignment and DAQ systems well under way. Level III Sector commissioning starting now Very tight schedule and shortage of final power supply. Sectors will be available for integration in ATLAS Toroid test with cosmic rays showed good results
23 Richieste finanziarie Nuovo finanziamento per contratti con CAEN (Lettera Referee di A. Lanza): 55 KEuro per contratto per manutenzione software e aggiornamento firmaware 12.5 KEuro per Filtri sul sistema di potenza Costruzioni apparati : Pavia
24 Back Up-Slides
25 Alignment Commissioning Systematic check of the 5817 optical lines has started: Difficulties: mainly conflicts with gas-pipes, cable trays, support structure,… Main emphasis now on the 117 projective lines (backbone of the Barrel alignment) ~only 20 lines are working today… Clashes with struts found in 28 cases
26 Cabling II Inner Layer Cabling of inner layer is mostly done 244 LV, 488 HV cables, 244 alignment, 448 pairs of optical patch cords in total All HV, LV alignment cables installed DCS daisy chain installed on positioned sectors Almost all of RO&TTC patch cords installed. Midlle Layer 178 LV, 356 HV, 178 alignment cables, 356 pairs of optical patch cords All LV and HV cables installed DCS Daisy chain installed on positioned sectors ~75% of RO&TTC patch cords installed, installation is ongoing
27 Cabling III Outer Layer Cabling of MDT outer layer is mostly done 202 LV, 404 HV cables, 202 alignment, 404 pairs of optical patch cords in total All HV, LV and alignment cables installed, few HV cables still to be re-arranged DCS Daisy chain installed on positioned sectors ~75% of RO&TTC patch cords installed, installation is ongoing
28 Leak Test Systematic leak tests of combined system using PVSS control: Tested until now: (red = test currently underway) (315 in total) BIS: S2, S4, S6, S8, S10, S16 BMS:S2, S4, S6, S8, S10, S16 BML:S3, S5, S7, S13 BOL:S1, S3, S5, S7, S9, S11, S15 BOF/BOG:S14 Work still to start on : BIL, BIR, BIM, BOS, EIL4 Leaks found in: BIS S2: two chambers BIS S8: one chamber Repaired BIS S10: five chambers BOL S1: not identified yet BOLS15 Repaired All other leaks (mostly in plumbing) identified and corrected. Ongoing work: Connect remaining chambers (~33%) to valves (ongoing - 3 months). Finish leak tests (synchronous with chamber connection) Repair work according to damage found.
29 Muon DAQ Integration Sector 13A + 2 chambers of sector 5 2 crates, 3 MROD 11 MDT chamber 2 ROS, 3 s-link RPC SL board, 1 crate ROD emulator used TTC signals sent through ROD prototype Connected to ROS via Ethernet Muons + Calorimeters +CTP+MUCTPI partition built MDT online histogram viewed by OHP Connection to Data Quality desk