Ralph uses sign language to speak to his ______ mother. language relatives deaf celebrate
deaf - adjective - cannot hear anything or can hear very little
In Spain, the _____ used is Spanish. language relatives deaf celebrate
language - noun - words or movements that people use to communicate
Some people use _______ to speak with one another. language relatives signing celebrate
signing – noun – showing words and letters with your hands and fingers
I am studying the ________ of China and India. language cultures relatives celebrate
cultures – plural noun – the arts, beliefs, and customs that make up the ways people live
My aunts uncles and cousins are some of my _______. language relatives signing celebrate
relatives – plural noun - members of your family
Americans _____ the Fourth of July by marching in parades. language cultures signing celebrate
celebrate – verb - to show that something is important in a special way
A Susan Ging Lent Production