10th Meeting of the Regional Interagency Working Group on Information and Communications Technologies (IWG) 1 December, UNCC Meeting Room E, Bangkok
The Future is in the Young People of today To encourage young professional’s interest and skill in the field of ICT and to utilize their huge untapped potential the APT established the APT Young Professionals and Students (APTYPS) Forum
OBJECTIVES OF APTYPS To disseminate knowledge about developments in the ICT sector and to encourage young professionals and students to actively participate in promoting the application of ICT. To draw upon the enthusiasm and skill of young professionals and students for various activities concerning the development of ICT. To provide a platform to discuss special issues of interest to the young professionals and students.
OBJECTIVES OF APTYPS To raise awareness among the professionals and students from the Asia Pacific region about APT activities. To encourage them to make voluntary contributions to the APT activities To build up a future resource base for the benefit of APT members.
The APT launched 11 APTYPS Programs First APTYPS Forum in Male, Maldives on 3 June 2003First APTYPS Forum in Male, Maldives on 3 June 2003 Second APTYPS Forum in Bangalore, India on 20 June 2003Second APTYPS Forum in Bangalore, India on 20 June 2003 Third APTYPS Forum in Bangkok, Thailand on 1 July 2003Third APTYPS Forum in Bangkok, Thailand on 1 July 2003 Fourth APTYPS Forum in Thimpu, Bhutan in November 2004Fourth APTYPS Forum in Thimpu, Bhutan in November 2004 Fifth APTYPS Forum n Hyderabad, India 1 August 2004Fifth APTYPS Forum n Hyderabad, India 1 August 2004 Sixth APTYPS in Chiang Mai, Thailand August 2004Sixth APTYPS in Chiang Mai, Thailand August 2004 Seventh APTYPS in Islamabad, Pakistan September 2004Seventh APTYPS in Islamabad, Pakistan September 2004 Eighth APTYPS in Chaing Rai, Thailand 4 July 2005Eighth APTYPS in Chaing Rai, Thailand 4 July 2005 Ninth APTYPS in Chennai, India 9 July 2006Ninth APTYPS in Chennai, India 9 July 2006 Tenth APTYPS in Nakornpathom, Thailand 1 September 2006Tenth APTYPS in Nakornpathom, Thailand 1 September 2006 Eleventh APTYPS in Thimphu, Bhutan 13 September 2006Eleventh APTYPS in Thimphu, Bhutan 13 September 2006
The First APTYPS Forum in Maldives The President of Republic of Maldives launched the first “APTYPS Forum” at Male, Republic of Maldives on June 3, 2003.The President of Republic of Maldives launched the first “APTYPS Forum” at Male, Republic of Maldives on June 3, A round table discussion on “Promoting ICT Applications for raising the quality of life for the people in Maldives”.A round table discussion on “Promoting ICT Applications for raising the quality of life for the people in Maldives”. The youth demonstrated an excellent ability to adapt the ICT for various uses and suggested some very interesting and innovative applications.The youth demonstrated an excellent ability to adapt the ICT for various uses and suggested some very interesting and innovative applications.
The Second APTYPS Forum in Thailand The second “ APTYPS Forum ” was held at APT Headquarters in Bangkok, on 1 July 2003 to commemorate the 24th Anniversary of the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT). The Forum was presided by the Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology, ThailandThe second “ APTYPS Forum ” was held at APT Headquarters in Bangkok, on 1 July 2003 to commemorate the 24th Anniversary of the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT). The Forum was presided by the Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand An essay competition on “How Communication will be in the Year 2010?”. Was conducted.An essay competition on “How Communication will be in the Year 2010?”. Was conducted. Demonstration of best innovation promoting ICT applications for alleviating rural poverty.Demonstration of best innovation promoting ICT applications for alleviating rural poverty. The youth have shown their interest in voluntary work of the APT. The young professionals and students will be encouraged to contribute to the work of APT through electronic means in their individual capacity.The youth have shown their interest in voluntary work of the APT. The young professionals and students will be encouraged to contribute to the work of APT through electronic means in their individual capacity.
The Third APTYPS in India The third “APTYPS Forum” was organized on 20th July 2003 in Bangalore, India. The Forum conducted an essay competition on “How Communications will be in the year 2010?”.The third “APTYPS Forum” was organized on 20th July 2003 in Bangalore, India. The Forum conducted an essay competition on “How Communications will be in the year 2010?”. The young students who attended the Forum had shown their interest in ICT development for alleviating rural poverty.The young students who attended the Forum had shown their interest in ICT development for alleviating rural poverty. The Forum was a great success.The Forum was a great success.
The Fourth APTYPS in Bhutan The fourth “ APTYPS Forum ” was held at Thimpu, Bhutan in December The essay competition on ICT for all Middle and Higher Secondary Schools was conducted by Bhutan Communications Authority (BCA) and Department of Information Technology (DIT). It was also to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of APT.The fourth “ APTYPS Forum ” was held at Thimpu, Bhutan in December The essay competition on ICT for all Middle and Higher Secondary Schools was conducted by Bhutan Communications Authority (BCA) and Department of Information Technology (DIT). It was also to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of APT. The essay competition was conducted in view of the existence of “digital divide” within the country between the capital and the peripheral districts.The essay competition was conducted in view of the existence of “digital divide” within the country between the capital and the peripheral districts. The United Nations Volunteer (UNV) Programme and Department of Information Technology supported the prizes.The United Nations Volunteer (UNV) Programme and Department of Information Technology supported the prizes.
The Fifth APTYPS Forum 1 August 2004, Hyderabad, India - A Speech Competition - Quiz program - Over 100 youth - Sponsored by the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers and BSNL Telecommunications Engineers and BSNL The Sixth APTYPS Forum 11 August 2004, Chiang Mai - Quiz program - Sponsored by TOT Thailand
The Seventh APTYPS Forum 20 September 2004, Islamabad, Pakistan - Speech Competition- Speech Competition - Over 100 youth- Over 100 youth - Sponsored by the Pakistan Telecommunications- Sponsored by the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) Authority (PTA) The Eighth APTYPS Forum 4 July 2005, Chiang Rai Thailand - Quiz program- Quiz program - 40 Students from 5 High Schools- 40 Students from 5 High Schools - Sponsored by TOT, Thailand- Sponsored by TOT, Thailand
The Ninth APTYPS Forum 9 July 2005, Chennai, India Elocution Competition of Engineering StudentsElocution Competition of Engineering Students Sponsored by BSNL (Chennai Telecom) IndiaSponsored by BSNL (Chennai Telecom) India The Tenth APTYPS Forum 1 September 2006, Nakornpathom, Thailand ICT Awareness Program and ExhibitionsICT Awareness Program and Exhibitions Sponsored by TOT IT School and TOT PCL.Sponsored by TOT IT School and TOT PCL.
The Eleven APTYPS Forum 13 September, Thimphu Bhutan Speech ContestSpeech Contest Theme: Youth ’ s view on how ICT can shape Bhutan Theme: Youth ’ s view on how ICT can shape Bhutan Sponsored by Ministry of Information and Communications, RGBSponsored by Ministry of Information and Communications, RGB The Twelve APTYPS Forum 5 February 2007, Chiangmai, Thailand Thematic Forum and Essay Writing ContestThematic Forum and Essay Writing Contest Theme: The Youth’s Role in Telemedicine Applications Theme: The Youth’s Role in Telemedicine Applications Co-organized by APT and TOT in coordination with Chiangmai Univ.-CAMTCo-organized by APT and TOT in coordination with Chiangmai Univ.-CAMT
The APTYPS aims at encouraging the participation of young professionals and students in the field of Information and Communication Technology.The APTYPS aims at encouraging the participation of young professionals and students in the field of Information and Communication Technology. DebateDebate QuizQuiz WebsiteWebsite InnovationInnovation Project in rural areasProject in rural areas IT SchoolIT School APT ActivitiesAPT Activities FUTURE PROGRAMS
APT ACTIVITIES APGAPG ASTAPASTAP Study GroupStudy Group HRDHRD ADFADF AWFAWF PRFPRF AOFAOF The APTYPS are encouraged to participate in APT activities such as:The APTYPS are encouraged to participate in APT activities such as:
ICT Institutes & APTICT Institutes & APT Educational InstitutesEducational Institutes Universities & APTUniversities & APT Government enterprisesGovernment enterprises Telecom and ICT industryTelecom and ICT industry COOPERATION
Snapshots of APTYPS
APT Young Professional and Students Thank you for your attention! Contact us at