1 Developments in ITE Sheila King Secondary PGCE Course Director: partnerships
2 1. Move to M level credits 90 transferable M level credits (see leaflet) (180 credits= a full Masters qualification) 30 credits -Subject Studies 30 credits -Subjects in a wider context 30 credits -3rd module which is chosen from a wide range of options (see next slide) + 30 credits (non transferable) at H level Professional Practice with recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status
3 30 credits gained from the 3rd module which is chosen from a wide range of options: Professional Development Portfolio – number of tasks relating to practical teaching and whole school issues Subject extensions e.g. fieldwork in geography One module from existing Institute MAs e.g. special educational needs
4 A PGCE with M level credits 3 progression routes Route 1 A generic, professional master’s course with mixed mode and face to face learning e.g. Master of Teaching. Route 2 Subject specific master’s e.g. MA Art & Design in Education - extra module plus dissertation based on art education Route 3 Specialist master’s course e.g. MA Educational Foundations, Media Education, Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages.
5 2. ITE requirements and influences from TDA Primary (inc KS2/3) to have science GCSE or equivalence tests. New Standards in place in September 2007 TTRB Link advisors Greater subject involvement(?)
6 3. Following the schools’ agenda 1.Personalised learning and Learning to Learn 2.Assessment for Learning 3.Every Child Matters and AOT 4.Building in non-subject - literacy and numeracy, ICT, citizenship (enterprise and work related learning) – short and fat not long and thin 5.Creativity and creative leadership especially in middle management (NCSL links) 6. Local collaboration ( e.g. school phobia, learning outside schools)
7 4. Ofsted – move to self evaluation New framework since working weeks Focus is M&QA SED is lynchpin and then evidence required for all headings in the SED Likely areas for focus : benchmarking, partnership, evaluations, peer review Subject not necessarily seen – Appendix 3 plus handout of documentation we have requested.
8 5. Greater international links Beginning Teacher placements in Europe Pilot 06-7 Objectives: Develop a new experience for the Beginning Teachers and add greatly to their training and “what it means to be a teacher” Develop a European dimension to the Professional Studies element of the course Provide an opportunity for differentiation Innovative for the IOE- marketing and recruitment, part of the International Strategy Establish links with European teacher training institutions and schools for tutor professional development and….see next slide!
9 Contribute towards the Bologna Declaration In particular: –“Student mobility and free movement shall be promoted” –“The European dimension shall be promoted in HE through curricula, inter-institutional co-operation and mobility schemes for both students and teachers/researchers”
10 Timescale : 1 week in school/ training institution/both Period: January 2007 Supervision: 3 IOE tutors to visit the BTs during the week- Staff development funded Number of Participants: 10 BTs would be selected from different subject areas and be prepared and de-briefed at the IOE. Host institutions will also be involved in this process. Requirements: Completion of a reflective log based on the DfES Standards to be included in the PDP. Tutors will feedback to colleagues. Costs: Travel, accommodation, insurance and subsistence for BTs and tutors will be covered. 600 Euros per BT and Tutor Funding: European Development have already offered a contribution
11 International links beyond EU 5 BTs 10 weeks in Mexico, Norway, Russia, Canada. Organised by outside group Return to first placement for 3 weeks end of course assessment.
12 6. ICT – where next? Very few beginners Communication by electronic means? Some exceptionally able BTs – how to spread their expertise Huge variety of kit and access still in schools – expect nothing and everything! GIS Virtual lessons, e-assignments and e- marking
13 7. Coaching – the buzz word ITE or ITE Mentors or coaches
14 What other changes do you see as important?