National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine CONCEPT and ROADMAP Modernization of the System of Professional Training of Public Servants Kyiv,
Freedom requires sophisticated organization A debate rages today in post-Soviet countries about a “historic choice” between freedom and order. Freedom is equated to chaos, so the tendency is to favor “order without freedom.” Ukraine also faces the risk of losing the political freedoms it won for itself, because those government institutions that are supposed to ensure that the new political objectives are being met remain unreformed. We are all witnesses to the fact that the gap between real political freedom and the absence of political order inevitably leads to chaos and corruption. 1
The best intentions of reform cannot be carried out when the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the environment of openness and fierce political competition are completely lacking. The 2 June 2006 Presidential Decree has challenged the National Academy to fill the gap in disseminating these unfamiliar democratic skills and knowledge. A democratic Ukraine through a democratized government 2
In accordance with the 2 June 2006 Presidential Decree № 474 the process of modernizing the system of professional development for civil servants began the process of reforming the country’s main educational facility in the system of professional development for civil servants, the National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President, has been launched 3
Steps taken during Stages 1 and 2 include: Stage 1 (2 June 2006 – 2 September 2006) An analysis of the current state policy regarding the professional development of civil servants and local self-governance officials A Public Council was established at NAPA Full-scale consultations were organized and carried out with all stakeholders A Roadmap to modernizing the system of professional development was drafted Strategic areas for carrying out of this modernization were defined Strategic working groups were set up for each of the areas A website was developed to allow all stakeholders to interact and to keep everyone informed of the progress of this reform Stage 2 (2 September 2006 – 2 January 2007) Analytical briefs were prepared on policy in each of the strategic areas, draft legislation was prepared, and reform plans drawn up Expert reviews and comments from leading specialists were elicited for each of the briefs International projects were prepared to carry out the new programs 4
STAGE 1: Memorandum to the President of Ukraine: Reform Priorities Presidential Decree Appointment Beginning of consultations Analysis Tasks for analysis Setting up a Public Council Opinion poll Identifying stakeholders Personnel Funding Content Laws Collecting data Developing database Internal External Report 1 st Draft of Memo Preparing reports for discussion Summer School/Workshop discussion Setting up strategic groups Submission of Memo to President nd Draft of Memo Preparing documents for discussion Coordination of proposals Reform priorities defined 5
During the first stage of reform, a Public Council was established. Its Secretariat took care of organizing wide public consultations on the issues of reform policy, such as a vision, problems, goals and solutions. The discussion of issues, goals and priorities in reforming the system for professional development of civil servants involved representatives of political parties, ministries, oblast state administrations, local governments, educational institutions, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Participants offered their suggestions, recommendations and advice concerning the implementation of a new, effective system of professional development for civil servants capable of working in a democratic environment and the introduction of a new quality of knowledge, know-how and skills into the civil service of Ukraine. 1,130 individuals and organizations took part in these consultations: 250 from NAPA and its Regional Institutes 880 from other stakeholders Public Consultations 6
Main imbalances in the basic ITC system at NAPA Lack of minimum basic information and communication technology (ITC) — even 66% of teaching staff lack computers at their desks while lecture halls, dormitories, workplaces for visitors, including VIPs, lack computers entirely; Existing computers are loaded with software systems that are against the recommendations of the European Commission (i. e. Microsoft programs); There are no basic ITC services, such as access for all the staff, information security systems, and so on; 7
Identify stakeholder experts for consultations 1 st draft of strategy, draft legislation, action plan Consultations Report on consultations Submit strategy / policy, draft decisions, action plan Prepare strategy/policy, draft decisions, plans for each group Strategy /policy Draft political decisions Schedule reform implementation Strategic groups according to reform priorities Discuss documents Coordinate proposal Discuss strategy / policy, draft decisions, action plan Edit documents STAGE 2: Drafting of strategy etc. Democratic institutional standards “Golden reserve” Regulatory and legal support Funding Regular professional upgrading MPA Implement reform Compulsory democratic minimum Training of new appointees Regular professional training Setting up modern infrastructure Developing courses in democratic government for higher education Expert and analytical support International integration Draft international projects to develop new programs 8
TodayThe Desirable Future How to organize the transition? A GAP between the needs of a new democratic social and political system and an obsolete government machine; NO democratic professional standards for civil servants; NO procedures of expert analytical support to the President of Ukraine; new appointees do not have any training AT ALL; ONLY 50% of civil servants receive at any retraining; Professional development is funded 100 TIMES LESS than in developed democracies; FUNDING SYSTEM make people either fools or criminals; UNDERDEVELOPED INFRASTRUCTURE at NAPA (one PC with internet/16 students; no phone or network). Ordinary citizens and politicians alike get a completely new quality of services from civil servants; civil servants get a completely new kind of learning experience that corresponds to the new political reality (multi-party government, political competition, free press); senior civil servants get special professional training; mandatory training of civil servants after appointment; mandatory training of civil servants about changes to public policy and new legislation; ordinary citizens, politicians and civil servants clearly understand principles and instruments of democracy; the country gets a professional government school; all universities offer courses in democratic governance Strategy for Modernizing the System for Professional Development STAGE 1 (June-Sept 2006) Open consultations with public and stakeholders Defining reform priorities. Setting up working groups at the National Academy External Components: Implementing DEMOCRATIC STANDARDS for the daily professional activities of civil servants in decision-making and service delivery; Introducing mandatory courses in the basics of democratic governance in primary, secondary and post-secondary curricula. NAPA Components: New training cycles: TARGETED training of senior civil servants (12-18 months) Professional development for civil servants after appointment (2–3 weeks) Seminars for civil servants on changes in public policy and new legislation (2–3 days) Establishing a new program of Master of Public Administration (MPA) with democratic content. Research in applied problems of current importance for public administration and local governance. STAGE 2 (Oct-Dec 2006) Drafting necessary strategy, etc. Launching international projects to develop new programs. 9
New curriculum development STAGE 3: New Curriculum Development and Information Campaign New training cycles – 75% of spending. Old commitments On changes in public policy and new legislation, 2 – 3 days; After appointment, 2 – 3 weeks; Targeted training of senior civil servants, 1 – 1.5 years New MPA program – 10% of spending Applied research – 15% of spending. Conducting public information campaign Change management during the reform implementation Draft new rules for entry Finalizing new curriculum Adoption of new rules for entry Adoption of new curriculum Developing and adoption of new plan for selecting topic for research Announcement of new MPA program Establishing curriculum development workgroup Execution and accompanying decisions Preparation of necessary political and organizational decisions Organizational reform of NAPA and its Regional Institutes Establishment of International Steering Committee Development and adopting plan of the public campaign Workshop Discussing new professional upgrading program International projects for development of new programs Determining amount and ensuring execution For NAPA For Ukrainian education system Informing PSE institutions about the initiative Designate group of universities Establishing requirements for Ukrainian education system Determining procedure of involvement of researchers and experts Developing format and procedure of research organization Preparation of trainers Підготовка тренерів Work in line with NAPA curriculum Conference “Price of non-doing democratic governance education” Adoption of curriculum Completing admission of participants Accompanying execution Adoption of new regulations Beginning of research acc. to the new regulations Teaching Accompanying the process Introducing MPA program to universities Draft of professional upgrading program framework. Training of instructors Probation of instructors Preparation of instructors Developing training cycles Accompanying the reform Development of the universal reform plan Preparation and realization of public campaign Development of Communication Strategy Developing training cycles 10
Ensuring lifelong learning in democratic governance The main objectives in ensuring lifelong learning in democratic governance are: Introducing the teaching of basic democratic governance into the public school system; Demonopolization of the professional development of public administration specialists. 11
Teaching basic democratic governance in Ukraine’s education system Elementary and high school: Civic education Technical-vocational schools: Civic education University education: Democratic governance; Public policy; Policy analysis: Public administration 12
Demonopolizing education of public administration specialists Implementation of the professional development of public administration specialists to higher education institutions Developing the necessary standards for preparation of BA’s and MA’s in Public Administration Preparation of the necessary teaching materials and methods and training required teaching and research personnel 13
Preparing Public Administration specialists in the higher education system Establishing of a three-level system of education—bachelor, master and doctor—in accordance with the Bologna process. Designing a new curriculum for teaching in three areas: Democratic governance Regional development European cooperation 14
Developing a new MPA program New MPA program Change management during reform process Draft new rules for entry Approve draft of program Approve rules for entry Announce new MPA program Approve new program Enact and facilitate legislation Implementation Draft necessary legislation Organize events Workshop NAPA Ukraine’s educational system Inform PSE institutions about this initiative Designate group of universities Establish requirements of national public education system Joint work with NAPA Facilitate introduction of new MPA program in other universities Train research and teaching specialists Facilitation Teaching Develop plan of changes Complete admissions process National Academy of Public Administration, the Office of the President of Ukraine Set up working group to prepare methodic resources 15
Research and analytical activity at NAPA Now Total research projects produced by NAPA and affiliates: 53. Of that, 26 from Kyiv, 13 from Kharkiv, 6 each from Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa, and 2 from Lviv. NAPA includes the Institute of Issues of Public Administration and Local Government NAPA and its regional institutes handle 401 graduate students, including 193 full-time; 72 doctorate students and 338 post- graduate fellows in Public Administration following 4 specializations: Theory and History of Public Administration, Mechanisms of Public Administration, the Civil Service, and Local Governance. They also have 6 specialized academic committees for the supervision of dissertations in Public Administration at the doctoral and candidate level. Since post-graduate degrees became available at NAPA, a total of 45 Doctors and 236 Candidates in Public Administration have been granted. Future plans Democratic governance studies Current research into governance policy Analytical and research support for the activities of the President of Ukraine and higher government bodies Partnership with foreign universities and institutes Establishing a competitive national school of studies in democratic governance 16
Developing a new system for designating suitable subjects for research and dissertation work Establishing a procedure for engaging researchers and experts Developing a format and procedures for organizing research studies Approv ing the new rules Beginning research according to new rules Roadmap to reforming research activities 17
Shortage of professionals 25% (based on 5-year qualification upgrades and 20% staff turnover) Upgraded qualifications 15% Did not upgrade qualifications 5% Newly appointed 20% Professionally qualified civil servants and local officials 60% Individuals needing to upgrade qualifications annually 144,269 Individuals completing upgrade 52,572 Shortage of professionals in government offices and local governance bodies 91,697 Art. 29 of the Law “On the Civil Service” requires civil servants to continually upgrade their qualifications, including through courses at appropriate educational institutions, as a rule, at least once in five years. and Art. 8 of the Law “On the Civil Service in Local Governments” requires local officials to continually improve the organization of their work and to improve their professional qualifications. 18
Approved Expenses Master’s program 64% Post-graduate studies 11% Applied projects 8% Fundamental research 6% Professional upgrading 6% Doctorate 5% Total of 30% for research and training research staff Activity 2006 UAH ’ UAH ’000 Fundamental research2, ,181.0 Applied projects3,307.1 Post-graduate studies4,530.0 Doctoral studies1,929.0 Masters of Public Administration25,793.9 Upgrading qualifications2,
Legislation in upgrading qualifications Current state Today, Ukraine’s system of professional development for civil servants is governed by: 4 Laws, 11 Presidential Decrees and Instructions, 46 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolutions and Instructions, 4 Decrees and over 30 recommendations by the Main Administration of the Civil Service of Ukraine. Problems These pieces of legislation and regulation are inconsistent as to the organization and execution of all levels of professional development for civil servants and local officials. There is no consolidated national standards for this kind of professional development. 20
Institutions providing upgrading qualifications Current state The Institute for Upgrading Qualification and the regional Institutes of NAPA, 24 Training Centers for civil servants, local officials and managers of state enterprises, agencies and organizations, 76 sector-based educational facilities for the professional development of managerial staff in various branches of the civil service, The Institute for the Professional Development of Banking Professionals, — plus an extensive network of NGO training, including: 5 regional centers run by the US-Ukraine Foundation, Training programs under other NGOs who work with local governance officials. Problems Lack of accessible common information base Lack of coordination Outdated teaching methods and materials No system for training and testing instructors A curriculum whose contents do not reflect contemporary issues and needs 21
The level of funding in Ukraine for professional development is 100 TIMES LESS than in developed democracies where it is a mandatory item in the State Budget and is equivalent to 5% - 10% of the payroll fund of civil servants. (in Ukraine: about 0.1%) Funding 22
Educational cycle New training cycles Targeted training of senior civil servants (12-18 months) PD for civil servanst after appointment (2-3 weeks) Seminars on changes in public policy (2–3 days) Training for Deputies Preparation of new program Study programs for trainers Negotiations with Bavarian School of Government 23
The NAPA Budget Breakdown currentfuture Training for professional work in senior positions in the civil service and local government 25% Research and expert analytic work 15% Short-term professional seminars on changes in public policy and new legislation 25% Training after appointment 25% 24
Chart on attracting international technical assistance for modernizing the professional development system 25 Training of parliamentarians curriculum development training trainers study process organization
Post-graduate studies 11% Applied projects 8% Fundamental research 6% Doctorate 5% Master’s program 64% Current The National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine In-service training 6% University education 94% 26
Future The National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine In-service Training Centers for university professors Regional centers of in-service training for public servants In-service Training Center for organizers of in-service training institutions In-service training University education Targeted training for senior executives (1-1.5 years) Training on changes in legislative and public policy (2-3 days) Training of parliamentarians Training after appointment (2-3 weeks) MPA Research in relevant problems of democratic governance Universities and other higher education institutions in Ukraine Post-graduate studies Doctorate 27
Priorities of modernization of the public service professional training system Reforming the system of financing: its scope and methods Reforming the legal provision Implementation of the new democratic standards of decision preparation and service provision at the workplace of PS External priorities Development of new training cycles: “Targeted training for senior executives” 1.5 years “Training on changes in legislative and public policy” 2 days “Training after appointment” 2 weeks “Training for newly-elected deputies of all levels” 2 weeks In-service training Components of the National Academy Development of new master’s programs in democratic governance Establishment of the Research Institute of relevant problems of democratic governance Establishment of the In- service Training Center for organizers of in-service training institutions of all types and levels in NAPA Establishment of the In-service Training Centre for university professors in NAPA Implementation of normative courses in Introduction to Public Administration to primary, secondary and higher education institutions University Education Correction of the list of themes of post-graduate and doctorate papers in accordance to the needs of democratic governance 28