Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Bruns
Professional Experience 24 Years of Teaching Taught Grades K-5 Meramec Literacy Facilitator District Literacy Committee Lab Classroom Teacher Life-long Learner
Miss Nicole Merritt Truman Intern Working on my Master’s of Arts in Education at Truman State University Full year position Assisting with classroom activities
Communication * Voic Meramec Current Fourth Grade News Friday Folders Weekly Reflections Family Letters
Friday Folders Graded papers & Important notes Sign inside paper and write comments Return on Monday
Character Development Meramec Five Essential Fifty Five Class Meetings
Meramec Activities Children Rise & Shine Character Council Scouts Computer Club Parents PTO Parent-Principal Dialogue Community Book Study
Mathematics Provides access to SRB as well as games
Reading Independent Reading Guided Reading Groups/Strategy Groups Library Reading Awards-Missouri Circle Nightly Reading- 15 Minutes
Writing Writer’s Workshop Writing Process Lucy Calkins Units of Study Six Traits of Writing –Ideas –Organization –Word Choice –Sentence Fluency –Voice –Conventions
Social Studies Missouri –Geography –History –Government –Economics Jefferson City Field Trip April/May St. Charles Field trip November
Science- FOSS Matter & Energy Structures of Life Magnetism & Electricity Earth Materials Explore on
Spelling Weekly Spelling Tests Create individual list on Monday Spelling Definitions Spelling Sentences/Spiral Journal Test on Friday
Fourth Grade Projects Map in a Month Famous Missourian Wax Museum Jefferson City Technology Project Reading Circle Award
Cursive/Keyboarding Cursive is optional in fourth grade. Keyboarding Goal - 15 words per minute. New online program Type to Learn 4
Tests/Quizzes 2-5 Days notice Study Guide/Spiral Notebook
Homework Read 15 minutes nightly. Given Monday- Thursday Unfinished work from the day goes home Weekend Workout- Optional
Grading Exceeds Expectations Expected Developing Tests, quizzes, and some class work with be graded by percentages. Some class work is graded with plus, check, or minus to correspond with report card.
4-C’s Website
Out of School Activities I’d love to come, just get me a schedule!
Reminders! Sign up for Fall Conferences in the library Specialists are in the library Respond to your child’s letter… Class Donations/Pick up an apple
Thank you for coming! I promise you everyday your child will learn something. Some days they will bring it home in their hands, Some days they will bring it home in their heads, And some days they will bring it home in their hearts. Valerie Welk I promise you everyday your child will learn something. Some days they will bring it home in their hands, Some days they will bring it home in their heads, And some days they will bring it home in their hearts. Valerie Welk T = Together E = Everyone A = Achieves M = More