All electric roadster by Faraday Motor Works Galatea All electric roadster by Faraday Motor Works
Creation of Galatea Galatea was born out of an idea of creating an affordable all electric roadster completely out of off-the shelf parts to improve reliability and cut cost of ownership. To improve driver experience Galatea uses all electric propulsion together with aesthetic body of the historic XJ13 Jaguar.
Design of Galatea The body for the Galatea was selected to be a replica of the famous Jaguar XJ13 In 1967 XJ13 was Jaguar’s first V-12 platform and answer to the challenge to remain competitive in the LeMans racing circuit. Aesthetic appeal of XJ13 was so strong that Jaguar discontinued its production for fear that it will cannibalize sales of then successful model E-type Only one XJ13 was ever build. The famous Jaguar now resides at Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust Museum, attracting attention and visitors from all over the world.
XJ13 Reborn Although XJ13 is not available for private ownership, replica version of the body is now available in a kit form from a number of suppliers. Galatea combines the body of XJ13 with all electric propulsion system. All of the Galatea components and subassemblies are available in catalogs.
Construction of Galatea Unlike the original XJ13 that was build as a prototype to race once, the body of Galatea was redesigned using modern materials and manufacturing techniques for an extended use, safety and durability. Addition of an all electric propulsion drive further enhances performance and energy efficiency.
Comparsion between XJ13 and Galatea Jaguar XJ13: Top speed: 175 mph (at MIRA) Engine: Quad overhead cam 4.993L Jaguar V-12 – mid engine Max HP: 502 @ 7,600 RPM Max Torque: 386 lbs ft @ 6,300 RPM Galatea: Top speed: 150 mph Engine: 312V AC electric motor Max HP: 105 Max Torque: 325 lbs-ft @ 0 to 8000 rpm Unlike piston engines that have low torque at low rpm an electric motor maintains constant torque over a wide range of rpm
Electric Advantage Zero emission! Galatea produces no harmful emissions of any kind. Low cost of ownership. Electric cars need very little maintenance compared with gasoline counterparts. 2c /mile compared with 10 c/mi for typical gasoline engine. High efficiency: Electric car gets an equivalent of 230 mpg. Completely constructed from off-the shelf parts to cut cost and lead time Cost $60000 Lead time <3 weeks
Galatea When a creator falls in love with his work, it comes alive. Jean-Léon Gérôme