1 VBA Introduction
3 Getting To VBA
4 Excel VBA Windows Project ExplorerPropertiesCode workbook worksheet module(s)
5 Using Variables
6 Insert Module Module Code Procedure
7 Simple Procedure Sub UsingVariables() v_num = 34 v_str = "Hello" v_str = "Hello" v_dat = Date$ v_dat = Date$ v_num & " " & v_str & " " & v_dat End Sub Immediate Window debug.print
8 Simple Procedure option explicit Sub UsingVariables() Dim v_num As Single, v_str As String, v_dat As Date v_num = 34 v_num = 34 v_str = "Hello" v_str = "Hello" v_dat = Date$ v_dat = Date$ End Sub
9 Simple Calculation Procedure Sub Revenue Dim Units As Integer, Price As Single, Revenue as Single Units = 3 Price = 2.45 Revenue = Units * Price Debug.Print Revenue End Sub
10 Procedure With Parameters Sub Revenue(p_units as integer, p_price as single) Dim Revenue as Single Revenue = p_units * p_price Debug.Print Revenue End Sub
11 …. Calling A Procedure With Parameters Sub Revenue(p_units as integer, p_price as single) Dim Revenue as Single Revenue = p_units * p_price Debug.Print Revenue End Sub Sub Calculate_Revenue Dim Units As Integer, Price As Single Units = 3 Price = 2.45 Call Revenue(Units, Price) End Sub
12 …. Calling A Function With Parameters Function Revenue(p_units as integer, p_price as single) Revenue = p_units * p_price End Function Sub Calculate_Revenue Dim Units As Integer, Price As Single, Calc_Rev As Single Units = 3 Price = 2.45 Calc_Rev = Revenue (Units, Price) Debug.Print Calc_Rev End Sub
13 Using Your Function In The Spreadsheet 1.Developer Macros 2.Type into Macro Name box 3.Click Options button 4.Add description
14 More Variables Sub UsingVariants() Dim var1 As Variant var1 = 34 var1 = Date var1 = " Hello " var1 = Null var1 = Empty End Sub
15 Simple Array Variables Sub SimpleArray() Dim a() As Integer, b(3) As String a(0) = 2 ReDim a(2) a(0) = 4 b(0) = "Hello" ReDim Preserve a(5) a(4) = 6 b(3) = "Goodbye" Debug.Print a(0) * a(4) & b(0) & " and "; b(3) End Sub
16 Variant Array Sub VariantArray() Dim VA(4) VA(1) = 33 VA(2) = "A string" VA(3) = Date$ End Sub
17 Variant Array With Array Function Option Base 1 ________________________ Sub ArrayFunction() Dim VA as Variant VA = Array(tom,1,date$) End Sub
18 Watch The Variables LOCALS WINDOW - keep track of variable values in local procedure WATCH WINDOW - keep track of variable values in all procedures IMMEDIATE WINDOW - keep track of variable values with debug.print or ?