Chemistry Teacher: Mr. David English 1
Mr. David English Graduated from East Carolina University 1986: Bachelor of Science 2
Mr. David English Graduated from East Carolina University 1992: Master of Arts in Science Education 3
Mr. David English 26 years experience teaching chemistry in North Carolina, USA 4
Where am I? 5
Chemistry What is Chemistry? The study of matter What is matter? Matter: anything that takes up space and has mass 9
Chemistry Chemistry also studies changes in matter 10
Chemistry Energy is always involved in changes 11
Chemistry Many of the energy changes are of practical importance 12
Why take Chemistry? Chemistry is considered the “Central Science” 13
To Be Successful in Chemistry Don’t miss class. If you do, make up the missed material as promptly as possible. 19
To Be Successful in Chemistry Do the required homework before the next class Reading Problems Practicing chemistry will improve your skills 20
To Be Successful in Chemistry Help one another. 21
Chemistry Required materials Paper Pencils/pens Calculator Online text available at k/ k/