Outdoor Spaces Equal Healthy Places Planning for Virginia’s Outdoors
Today’s Topics Discuss linkages between health and outdoor activity Report statistics from the Virginia Outdoors Plan and Survey Discuss how state, regional and local partnerships are formed to promote physical activity and recreation outdoors Outline DCR outdoor recreation planning resources (website overview).
2013 Virginia Outdoors Plan Virginia’s 10th Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) Recognized as one of top 3 SCORPs in country.
Outdoor Recreation Objective Provide guidance to all levels of government and the private sector in meeting the state’s conservation, outdoor recreation and open space needs. Produced in accordance with § of the Code of Virginia.
Land Conservation Objective Provide guidance for land protection through actions of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation (VLCF). Identify potential conservation lands in each planning district (region). Produced in accordance with § of the Virginia Code.
Land & Water Conservation Fund Requirement of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) program. Provides guidance for grant fund allocation to state and local projects.
Steps in Planning Process - Statewide Identify Virginia trends in outdoor recreation Correlate trends with inventory of outdoor recreation facilities Identify outdoor recreation needs based on 2011 Virginia Outdoors Survey
Steps in Planning Process - Regional Evaluate regional trends and outdoor recreation focus Identify outdoor recreation needs Identify projects of significance within each PDC
Results from the 2011 Virginia Outdoor Survey Center for Survey Research, University of Virginia Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation 12CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey
Survey Methods 13,880 randomly selected addresses 3,150 usable responses (22.7%) Weighted data (adjusted for disproportionate sampling by planning district and for demographic representativeness – age, gender, race) Overall margin of error approx. 2.4% UVA Center for Survey Research
Most popular activities 14CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey Activity % of households Walking for pleasure7282 Visiting historic areas5664 Visiting parks (local, state, natl.)--51 Driving for pleasure55-- Visiting natural areas, preserves, refuges4450 Swimming/pool44 (all)43 Sunbathing/relaxing on a beach3641 Swimming/beach44 (all)38 Jogging/running2434 Using a playground2530 Picnicking away from home2628
Most popular activities 15 CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey Activity % of households Visiting gardens/arboretums2226 Hiking/backpacking Fresh water fishing Golf Canoeing/kayaking/rowing 9 16 Salt water fishing Off-road/multi-use bicycling 5 14 Fitness Trail (not jogging) Basketball 13 Hunting 8 13
Public Perception of What Outdoor Recreation Facilities are Most Needed 16 CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey Activity % of households Hiking and walking trails4968 State waters: fishing, swimming, beach5060 Natural areas4255 Bicycling trails4054 Historic areas3351 Canoeing, kayaking--46 Wildlife watching and nature study--45 Playing fields for outdoor sports3640 Public pools--38 Tennis and basketball courts2532
Opinions about recreation How important is it to have access to outdoor recreation opportunities? 17CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey Rating % of households Very important5056 Important4236 Not important88
When you participate Mostly on weekends 55% About equally 37% Mostly during the week 8% When do you most often participate in outdoor activities? 18CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey
Information Word of mouth72% Internet59% Magazine and newspaper articles46% Travel guides, pamphlets, brochures 33% Advertisements33% Other 8% How do you usually find out about outdoor information and activities? 19CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey
Internet 67% Smart phone27% Social media26% GPS25% Digital mapping23% Remote cameras 9% Other 6% Which technologies do you use in connection with outdoor recreation? 20CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey Technology
Importance of protecting resources Very important66% Important28% Not important 1% Don’t know 5% How important do you feel it is to protect Virginia’s natural and open space resources? 21CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey
Spending to preserve natural areas Yes73% No 9% Don’t know 18% Should the state spend public funds to acquire land to prevent the loss of natural areas and open spaces? 22CSR-UVA and Virginia DCR: The 2011 Virginia Outdoor Demand Survey
We need help with… Community Design Research/Fact sheets (making the case) Information on where to exercise (maps) Education Motivation (Doctor’s orders!) Design and construction
This multi-use trail that includes playgrounds, sprayground, picnic areas, sculptures and a 1300 foot 3- dimensional mural wall with a “message of health and fitness”
Active Chatham’s Physical Activity Resource Guide
Live Healthy Lynchburg Activate Martinsville
Trails for Youth
A Strategic Planning Process to Develop a Health and Outdoor Recreation Blueprint Healthy Appalachia Institute
A-Achieve, Healthy Portsmouth B-Big Cities, VA Beach Health District C-Choice Neighborhoods, Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority F-Faith-based Advocacy, Hampton Roads Ed. Telecommunication Assoc., Inc. L-Let’s Move Cities, Towns, & Counties, Hampton P-Place-based Initiatives, Activate our Town
Website Overview (Image Coming)
Hikingupward.com Mapmyride.com Mapmyhike.com Mapmyrun.com Everytrail.com Alltrails.com livestrong.com Fitday.com Sparkpeople.com Loseit.com Nutrimirror.com
Contact Information Jennifer Wampler