Phonic Learning: a presentation for parents 17 th September 2015 Philippa Bromley
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 2 Learning to Read Learning to Read and write Using Letters and Sounds
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 3 Phonics Oxford dictionary ….. ‘A method of teaching people to read by correlating sounds with symbols’….. reading
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 4 Teach Reading and Writing in parallel.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 5 Initial sounds First step to reading and writing is being able to hear an initial sound in a word. Some children are able to do this before they start school, others take a little bit longer.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 6 Fast - Efficient - Effective In Reception a group of letters is introduced in one week. These are not learnt alphabetically but in a certain order. s, a, t, p Fast? Fast?
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 7 How many words can you make with these letters? s, a, t, p i, n
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 8 We teach the children the ‘pure’ sounds
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 9 Jolly phonics Each letter has a corresponding action and picture to go with it. This helps your child to remember the phonemes (sounds) better. It is multi-sensory.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 10 Synthetic Phonics After learning how to recognise and pronounce each of the phonemes, your child will learn to ‘sound out’ simple words and to blend the phonemes together to read these words.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 11 Synthetic Phonics At first we will concentrate on simple sound to letter correspondence. This is when a phoneme is represented by a single letter as in the word /c/ /a/ /t/.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 12 Synthetic Phonics Then we will concentrate on the more difficult codes such as one phoneme represented by 2 letters. sh ch qu ck ng
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 13 Synthetic Phonics When that is mastered, your child will learn the more advanced code. This is when a single phoneme can be represented by many letters. This continues throughout Year 1 and 2. Effective! Effective!
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 14 Here is an example. a - paper ay – play ey - hey a-e – spade eigh – eight ei – as in vein ai – as in plain
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 15 Writing As we teach each sound we also teach the letter formation. To help the children remember the formation, we teach a phrase.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 16 Handwriting html html html
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 17 Daily reading and writing sessions Daily reading and writing sessions. Small groups and in ability groups. Daily whole class writing sessions, using white boards and pens, straight after lunch. One day a week, guided reading… speaking and listening.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 18 How can you help? By pronouncing the phonemes in the correct way. Ask your child to use their phonic knowledge when spelling. Practise letter formation. A little each night is far better than one big chunk a week!
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 19 Early Learning Goal. Reading Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 20 Early Learning Goal. Writing Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
Deighton Gates Primary School – Phonics Presentation Philippa BromleySlide 21 Please always come in or ring us if you are worried about anything!