Welcome to Thornford Church School!
Agenda ‘Your Child Starting in School’ and Communication Routines The Curriculum Learning Journeys Reading and Rewards Phonics Final Question and Answer Session (approx finish 6.45/7pm)
Starting School Fostering independence Dressing and undressing Coats – zips, shoes, laces/velcro Toileting Socialising Sharing Choosing games Putting things away/tidying up Turn taking
Routines Start of Day! Bring your child around the school to the Reception Play Area. Please encourage children NOT to play with equipment at the start of day. Equipment is often set up for the session activities. At 8.55 you will be greeted by the class teacher or classroom assistant. Your child will enter through the conservatory door and should hang up their coat etc on the hook with their name They should put their book bag in their named tray and their reading record book, reading book and phonics book in the appropriate box Then come and sit on the carpet ready to start the day at 9am and choose a book. Please leave your child as soon as they are settled and encouraged them to be as independent at putting their things away as they can, this will support and assist them with becoming more and more independent. End of Day! Collect your child from the playground – please come up to the adults who are outside. You and your child should always say ‘goodbye’ to the adult once they have been collected. NB Please ensure the gate is always shut/closed in a morning.
EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage. See Handout Based on seven areas of Learning Personal, Social and Emotional Communication Language Physical Development Literacy Maths Understanding of the World Expressive Arts
Learning Journeys A special book to the children Assessment Home link Sent home once a term for you to enjoy as a family and add anything you want,. If your child does something at home at anytime that you would like to add please let a member of staff know or pop it in their communication book and we can add it during our learning journey time with the children.
Phonics and Literacy Letters and Sounds and Jolly Phonics How we say the single letter sounds! Phase 1 of Letters and Sounds Sound discrimination Rhyming Sound Talk/Robot Talk – Segmenting and Blending Phase 2 Introduce Letters Blending and Segmenting Letter Formation – handwriting Phase 3-7 (In the Spring/Summer Term and continues into Year 1 and Year 2)
Phonics Books We have started sending phonics folders home with your children showing the sounds that we have been learning. You can use their sheets as you want, colouring, letter practise. Some children enjoy looking through magazines and catalogues for things starting with these sounds and sticking them in. They are not something that needs hours spending on. Its a folder they will be proud of and will always be able to go back to and review.
Numeracy Practical activities Games Role Play e.g. Shoe shops Looking for numbers in the environment Maths Challenges Your child will soon come home with a different maths challenge every week. These are very practical activities that the children can do in their every day home activities. Evidence may include a note from you, photos, written that we can add to their learning journeys. Numeracy Handout has lots of practical fun ideas!
Reading Sharing Stories Library books to share and enjoy. Retell the stories Scheme Books Storytelling Books/Picture books with no words. Ability to tell a story. Sound (Phonics) Books/First decodable books Reading Scheme
Things to look out for Harvest Festival 5 th October 9:30 Thornford Church. All welcome! Welcome Service for Reception at the Church 10 th October 2:45. All Welcome! Consultation Evening in October Written report in December Nativity! Ongoing discussion with you as and when needed, including communication through the reading records. Please regularly look at our website for information. Please let us know of any thing that is worrying you or your child straight away!
Any Questions?