Through: Jolly phonics Photostory Easy-speak/voice recording ActivBoard or classroom computer NZC, pg 36 Using ICT to supplement traditional ways of teaching literacy and opening up new and different ways of learning. Engaging Young Learners
Introduction Most of us have only had an Activboard for this year Has been a challenge incorporating ICT and use of Activboard in daily classroom programme especially when our younger children cannot read or write independently A lot of the challenge has been the pressure to know how to use new technology effectively and quickly, while the children are waiting! We will now each share some of the activities we have learned and are using in our classrooms, not only using the Activeboard but also classroom computers
Jolly Phonics Interactive computer programme – takes students step by step through letters/sounds used most often in their reading and writing up to blends and more complex sounds eg, ou and er Excellent as most young students are strong visual learners A fun and effective way to teach letter names and sounds Teaches how these letter sounds are used to make words Helps students to take letter names and sounds to memory Students can recall the sounds when reading and writing Opportunities for students to learn correct letter formations
Photostory Download photo’s onto computer then using Photostory create a film strip/slide show Whole class write stories Group children to develop and plan their photo shoot to match story – oral language, participating and contributing Appoint director and photographer Take photos, write captions, create Photostory
Rose and Ginger
Photostory With Sound Much the same as Wilma Added music initially Include oral language – children add their own voice
Library Week
Voice links Adding voice to published stories I have used ActivBoard for children to write stories Great for sharing, sets standards Author records story – reading, oral language Class then analyses using yellow hat and I comment using blue hat Created flipchart to link to each child’s latest story for later sharing Easy speak can record actions as they are happening for photo story Kids read story and record – reading and oral language Could do this if kids publish story on PC also. Set up link page for them to view each others stories