Café Strategy We have been reviewing several strategies that we have learned such as identifying important parts of a book, where to begin reading and that letters and words go from left to right. Daily Five This week we continued building independence in our word work centers and we practiced building stamina for “Read to Self.” We learned how to sit in EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee)when reading with a friend (Reading to Someone). We practiced TTYP (turn to your partner---turn and talk about a given topic during a read aloud). Teacher Info: Phone #: Office #: Weekly Sight Words Instruction begins next week for the, to, and, a. I Can Reading: I can retell a story using pictures. I can tell the beginning, middle and end of a story. I can identify the important parts of a book (front cover, back cover, title, author, illustrator, title page). I know where to begin reading and that letters and words go from left to right. Writing: I can write letters in my name and the letters I have learned in Jolly Phonics. I can write/illustrate/tell a story using beginning, middle and end details. Math: I can “subitize” and use 1:1 correspondence (careful counting)! I can understand numbers and quantities. I can count forward from a given number (other than 1) in sequence. Important Info Please be sure to visit IXL for skill practice 3-4 times a week. Please be sure to sit with your child and practice reading the Jolly Phonics Sound book EVERY day, 3x a day! REMINDERS: Scholastic Book Order Forms went home this week. Orders are due in class or online by September 30. Picture Make Ups are October 2 nd. October Homework Packets will be coming home on Monday. We will begin sight word instruction on Monday. Please look for the “Rainbow Words” list! Kindergarten Connections Be sure to join me on the REMIND ap so you can get reminders for important things! Please contact me if you need me to send home a new direction sheet. We had a pep rally in the morning and high school football players, cheerleaders, and our Mascot visit us in the morning and afternoon to help us get in the school spirit for Lisle’s Homecoming! We got a special gift----t-shirts with our graduating year, 2027 on the back! The game is tomorrow! The Gingerbread Man has decided to do some world traveling! He left Lisle to head over to Oak Park! He sent us a post card! We are anxiously waiting to see where his travels will take him!. Books We Are Reading Look here for books we are reading in class so you can check out similar stories from the Lisle Library! Re- reading favorite books is a great way to have your child practice the skill of retelling. This week we read some great books: “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,” “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves,” ”The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and “My Friends.”.
Smiley Behavior Record Sheet This week, we began keeping track of what color we end up on at the end of each day. This is a new system I am trying out so that parents know how their child is doing. At the end of each day, we mark an X on the smiley using the color we have ended up on. It has been a bit more challenging to manage than I anticipated so I have decided to give it one more week to see if it will go any more smoothly. My hopes are that this system recognizes and encourages more positive choices. I will let you know whether or not we will continue to use the record sheet next week! Thanks for your patience and understanding!