Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Governance, Organizational, Institutional and Policy Frameworks.


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Presentation transcript:

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Governance, Organizational, Institutional and Policy Frameworks for Disaster Risk Reduction:Some Agency Perspectives Inaugural Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management: Building Resilient Communities through Comprehensive Disaster Management, December 11-14, 2006, Hilton Hotel, Bridgetown, Barbados

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Corporate Policy CIDA doesn’t presently have an explicit corporate policy on disaster risk management At macro-policy level CIDA’s approach to mainstreaming DRM is driven both by its environmental policy as well as risk assessment and risk management system demands Using the Tear Funds rating scale CIDA is probably between Level 2 and Level 3 i.e. somewhere between being aware of needs and working on the development of solutions for internal mainstreaming

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Internally, corporate progress has been slow, and this may be a function of the level of internal dialogue and agreement that is required between branches across the Agency While disaster risk management is in our “policy speak”, there is room for more practical mainstreaming broadly within Agency.

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Corporate Review 2002 Recommended: - Development of a new corporate policy - Link DRM in all sustainable development policies & programming - Educate staff & CIDA partners - Participate in policy dialogues

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Further Recommendations Mainstream DRM in the multilateral institutional development program frameworks (IDPFS) Develop a partner risk profile for countries identified in the International Policy Statement (IPS) Process for mainstreaming DRM in the Country Development Program Frameworks (CDPF’s)

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Program & Project Levels At a program/project design and implementation levels, the situation is quite different, as particularly the Commonwealth Caribbean desk, in Americas branch has been actively involved in supporting interventions that build Regional capacities for disaster risk management as well as reducing disaster risk.

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Relationship of CIDA Programming to Current CDM CDM was used in part to inform the selection of programming areas CIDA DRM programming in the past 5 years have addressed several of the IR areas in the CDM

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international IR 1 – Stronger Regional and National Institutions promote CDM Post Ivan Strengthening of Regional Response Mechanism and Grenada NaDMA – CIDA Ivan Project (CDN$1.6M) Support for coordination of reconstruction – Agency for Reconstruction & Development – Grenada (CDN$4.8M) Current CDM review process IR 2 – Research, Education and Training Support CDM Adaptation to Caribbean Climate Change (ACCC) Project IR 3 – Regional Institutions/Donors incorporate CDM into their programs and promote CDM to national members Post Ivan Strengthening of Regional Response Mechanism and Grenada NaDMA – CIDA Ivan Project (CDN$1.6M) Relationship of CIDA Programming to Current CDM – some examples

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Relationship of CIDA Programming to Current CDM – some examples IR 4 – Preparedness, response and mitigation capacity enhanced Supply of communications equipment for Regional Security System/CDRU Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Program (CHAMP) IR 5 – Hazard information is incorporated into development planning and decision making Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Program (CHAMP)

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Questions/Observations How do we measure progress nationally to regionally in the achievement of the CDM IRs? Some program/project interventions address multiple CDM IR areas, how are the results ultimately collated? Who is responsible at various levels for measuring progress? Who are accountable and to whom? How do we know when we have achieved meaningful outcome level/threshold result change in the IR areas, nationally and regionally?

Canadian International Development Agency Agence canadienne de développement international Questions/Observations Without CDM how are scarce resources to be optimally programmed/guided to achieve meaningful regional change? How can the CDM be optimized to better track results and to facilitate strategic programming of limited resources to enable meaningful change? Do we have to change the way in which we as DRM stakeholders design projects to be more harmonized, coordinated and strategic?