Basics of Investing
2 Things To Do Before Investing Pay off credit card debt! Pay off credit card debt! No investment pays as much as credit card companies charge No investment pays as much as credit card companies charge Build an emergency fund Build an emergency fund Consider your goals Consider your goals Timeline Timeline How soon will you need the $? How soon will you need the $?
3 Consider your Goals Vehicle purchase/replacement Vehicle purchase/replacement Down payment on a home Down payment on a home Child’s education Child’s education To build wealth To build wealth For retirement For retirement What are your financial goals? What are your financial goals? How much $ will you need? How much $ will you need?
Determine your Risk Tolerance How much risk can you stand? How much risk can you stand? If you have trouble sleeping at night because you are worried about your investments then pick a more conservative mix If you have trouble sleeping at night because you are worried about your investments then pick a more conservative mix
5 Relationship Between Risk and Return RiskHighLow Expected Return High Low Cash Equivalents Bonds Int’l Bonds Real Estate Stocks Int’l Stocks
6 Before you Invest Is your budget balanced? Is your budget balanced? Do you save every month? Do you save every month? Do you pay credit cards in full every month? Do you pay credit cards in full every month? Do you carry adequate insurance to protect against major catastrophes? Do you carry adequate insurance to protect against major catastrophes?
Potential Risks Being too conservative (Savings accounts, CDs, etc.) Being too conservative (Savings accounts, CDs, etc.) Keeps principal safe but… Keeps principal safe but… Inflation reduces purchasing power Inflation reduces purchasing power Inflation averages about 3.1% Inflation averages about 3.1% Risk not reaching your goal(s) Risk not reaching your goal(s) 7
Risks Being too aggressive (too much in stocks) Being too aggressive (too much in stocks) Higher potential for growth but… Higher potential for growth but… More market volatility More market volatility No guarantee or insurance No guarantee or insurance Potential to lose some or all of the principal Potential to lose some or all of the principal 8
Managing Risks Consider your goal Consider your goal Emergency fund- be conservative Emergency fund- be conservative Retirement- be more aggressive Retirement- be more aggressive Match your goals with your risk tolerance Match your goals with your risk tolerance Can you handle the market volatility? Can you handle the market volatility?
Managing the risks continued Consider your time frame Consider your time frame Short Term – months to 3 years Short Term – months to 3 years Stick with safe savings options Stick with safe savings options Mid Term – 3 to 10 years Mid Term – 3 to 10 years Take some risk to grow your $ & beat inflation Take some risk to grow your $ & beat inflation Long Term – 10 or more years Long Term – 10 or more years Take more risk to grow your $ & beat inflation Take more risk to grow your $ & beat inflation
Saving Terminology Cash Equivalents Cash Equivalents Usually low risk Usually low risk Savings, CDs, cash on hand Savings, CDs, cash on hand Also called liquid assets Also called liquid assets Use for short term goals or if you have you have low risk tolerance Use for short term goals or if you have you have low risk tolerance
13 Investing Terminology Stock – ownership in a company Stock – ownership in a company Bond – loan money to issuer Bond – loan money to issuer Mutual fund – A diversified portfolio of stocks and/or bonds Mutual fund – A diversified portfolio of stocks and/or bonds Opposite of putting all your eggs in one basket Opposite of putting all your eggs in one basket
Retirement Funds 401(k) retirement plan offered by employer $ grows tax deferred Some employers will match (~3%) Need to invest > just the match IRA: individual retirement account Invest on your own $ grows tax deferred
Retirement Funds Roth IRA Roth IRA Pay taxes now Pay taxes now No taxes when you withdraw = no taxes on the growth! No taxes when you withdraw = no taxes on the growth! Traditional IRA Traditional IRA Upfront tax deduction Upfront tax deduction Pay taxes at withdrawal Pay taxes at withdrawal
Retirement Funds Retirement accounts are NOT an investment Retirement accounts are NOT an investment How the government treats that money for tax purposes How the government treats that money for tax purposes Where you put that money is up to you Where you put that money is up to you 17
IRA Criteria Must have an earned income Must have an earned income If married, non-earning spouse can use a spousal IRA If married, non-earning spouse can use a spousal IRA $5,500 annual limit $5,500 annual limit You can contribute less You can contribute less Age 50+: $6,500 Age 50+: $6,500
401(k), Roth, or traditional IRA? Invest in 401(k) up to full match Instant 100% rate of return!! Possible downsides employer picks the funds May charge heavy fees If no employer match, consider an IRA
401(k), Roth, or traditional IRA? Use a traditional IRA if Use a traditional IRA if Your employer doesn’t match or you’ve already invested up to the match Your employer doesn’t match or you’ve already invested up to the match You expect to be in a lower tax bracket at retirement You expect to be in a lower tax bracket at retirement Take the tax break now Take the tax break now
401k, Roth, or traditional IRA? Use a Roth IRA if Use a Roth IRA if You expect taxes to rise You expect taxes to rise You expect to be in a higher tax bracket at retirement You expect to be in a higher tax bracket at retirement Offers tax diversification Offers tax diversification If most of your retirement income will be taxable… invest in a Roth If most of your retirement income will be taxable… invest in a Roth
Establish Your Long-Term Investment Strategy Strategy 1: Buy and hold anticipates long-term economic growth. Strategy 1: Buy and hold anticipates long-term economic growth. Stock market has offered a positive return over every 15 year period Stock market has offered a positive return over every 15 year period Past returns no guarantee, but long-term buying and holding is a great strategy Past returns no guarantee, but long-term buying and holding is a great strategy
Long-Term Investment Strategy 2 Dollar-cost averaging buys at “below-average” costs – –Invest same amount every month – –Avoid following the crowd – –Jumping in when the market is high – –Pulling out when it drops – –Set up automatic deposit
Long-Term Investment Strategy 3 & 4 Portfolio diversification reduces volatilityPortfolio diversification reduces volatility Money is like manure. Left in a pile, it stinks. If you spread it around, it'll grow some stuff. – Dave Ramsey Asset allocation keeps you in the right investment categories at the right timeAsset allocation keeps you in the right investment categories at the right time
Investing Made Easy Set up Automatic Investing Payroll deduction or Automatic transfer from checking to: Individual Retirement Account Mutual fund Other investment
Mutual Funds Advantages Advantages Professional management Professional management Reduce risk through diversification Reduce risk through diversification Own small part of lots of different investments Own small part of lots of different investments Monitoring investments is easy Monitoring investments is easy Disadvantages Disadvantages Funds charge fees Funds charge fees Be aware Be aware follow market performance (down & up) follow market performance (down & up) No guaranteed rate of return No guaranteed rate of return
Successful Investing Educate yourself Determine your risk tolerance Decide on asset allocation Stick to your plan Monitor investment performance If you need help, consult a professional advisor (N.B. most are salespeople) Avoid fraud!
Remember Never invest in something you don’t understand 28