Chapter Self Assessment Form (CSAF) Purpose Approved practices, Polices & Procedures for chapter evaluation Chapter Assessment & Chapter Recognition & Awards Dates and Deadlines for Review To provide members of the Fraternity with the most accurate and up to date information related to:
Why Sigma Serves Humanity Make a difference through Service Sustain our impact on the community by building on the tradition of service Recognize those making a difference by reporting and keeping record of our service and rewarding our good works
CSAF Training Objectives Understand Procedures for Chapter Self Assessment & Implementation Understand the Importance of the Program Implementation Assessment (PIA) submission Understand Operational Standards & Expectations Understand the Importance of meeting Dates and Deadlines
Classification of Chapters Level I (Large) Chapters with Active Membership with 40 or more members Level II (Medium) Chapters with Active Membership between 16 to 39 members Level III (Small) Chapter with Active Membership between 5 to 15 members
Chapter Ranking Categories Gold Status (741 – 915+ plus points) Silver Status (641 – 740) Bronze Status (541 – 640) Marginal Status (541 or less) – Chapter will be up for review until performance improves to the minimum bronze status by Area, State & Regional Directors
International Standards & Awards Committee Chairman appointed by the International President 2 Members from each Region Committee manages the Awards & Recognition Process and Reviews submitted CSAF & PIA results received from Regional Directors
Annual Chapter Report All Chapters are bound by the Constitution to submit a Chapter Report All Chapters are required to submit a Annual Chapter Report at the Regional or Leadership Conference
Annual Chapter Report The Chapter Report Confirms the Results and Reporting in Chapter Self Assessment Tool & PIA submission respectively when reviewed by Regional Director and International Standards & Awards Committee erating_Standards_-_Self_Assessement_Tool_-_Spring_2009.pdf
Program Implementation Assessment (PIA) Chapters are expected to report activities after each global & local program initiatives are completed Data & Statistics from the PIA are used to prepare the Fraternity’s Annual Accountability Report to its members & community
CSAF Used to summarize a chapter’s status (Locally, Regionally, & Nationally) for Review Regional Director & National Standards & Awards Committee Cumulate Data annually for review Award & Achievement Criteria Guide are on the National Website particularly the 10 Global Programs
CSAF Chapters could be fined and placed on probation by Regional Director & suspended until reviewed by Area, State & Regional Director.
CSAF Submission Dates & Deadlines All Chapters are required to submit the CSAF electronically each & every year in December (preferably by December 31) Reviewed by Regional Director and sent to Corporate HQ for the International Standards & Awards Committee Review by February 9, each year
Chapter Performance Awards Outstanding Regional Chapter (Small, Medium, & Large) Must meet All Deadlines (CSAF, PIA(s), Annual Chapter Report for Regional & Leadership Conferences Regional Director Recommendation A Degree of Participation in Sigma National Programs Alumni/Collegiate
Reporting the Chapter’s Work January 9 – Regional Directors approval & Chapter must complete & submit CSAF & PIA’s (Jan. 1- Dec. 31) February 9 – Submission of CSAF & PIAs via national website February 9 – Chapter must submit Chapter Report to Regional Director (January 1 – December 31) via mail CD (PDF format) & Hardcopy. Second CD copy mailed to Headquarters
Confirmation of Submissions A copy of all confirmations is needed upon submitting the CSAF (confirmation page printed or linked to ), PIA’s (confirmation page printed or linked to ), and Chapter Report Keep an extra copy of the CD & hard copy report for the chapter When the chapter report is mailed to Headquarters and Regional director, use delivery confirmation so you can review online when the package has been received
Southwestern Region Bigger & Better Business POA for Fall 2011
Purpose What is the purpose of BBB in general? Name two BBB programs What is the purpose of each program?
How the programs strengthen us Promoting entrepreneurship and minority owned businesses Increasing financial stability Increasing homeownership Providing networking opportunities Training members in business development
BBB transforms our communities Increasing awareness of African American entrepreneurs and minority owned business Preparing college graduates for careers in business Promoting entrepreneurship Promoting Financial Literacy Promoting financial wellness and good financial management
Project Seed The Sigma Economic Empowerment Development Project Two important topics of interest Homeownership Financial Management
Project S.E.E.D. Plan Step One –Identify a Company, Organization, or a Person with a Financial or Real Estate background to facilitate the program
Project S.E.E.D. Plan Step Two –Locate a place to hold the event –Some locations include Churches, Schools, Community Centers, or Libraries –Set a date and time for the event –This will allow you to put up flyers to promote the event which will allow you to reach out to more people
Project S.E.E.D Conclusion Make sure to do a report after the program Submit a PIA form to record the event Make sure to have a sign in sheet so that you may contact people for other programs in the future
Southwestern VITA Plan for Spring 2012 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Promoting tax understanding and awareness Preparing tax returns for free to low-to- moderate income people Encouraging personal asset building and self-sufficiency through tax incentives
Southwestern VITA Plan Missouri and Kansas –Kathyrn Lett-Deathe –Internal Revenue Service –5800 E Bannister Road –Hillcrest Bank Building –Kansas City MO –(816)
Southwestern VITA Plan Nebraska –Kathleen R Bushnell –Internal Revenue Service –300 E Eight Street –Austin TX –(512)
Southwestern VITA Plan Oklahoma and Arkansas –Karen L. Oneill –Internal Revenue Service –55 North Robinson –Oklahoma City OK –(405)
Southwestern VITA Plan Tennessee –Pamela L. Quayson –Internal Revenue Service –801 Broadway MDP 46 –Nashville TN –Voice (615) –Fax (615)
Southwestern VITA Plan for Spring 2012 Step One –Contact your state representative to determine in what capacity your chapter can assist with the program –Advise your representative of the capacity level in which you can assist
Southwestern VITA Plan for Spring 2012 Step One Cont. –There are several different ways to assist –If the chapter has enough people and time they can set up a site of their own –If you are short on people and time you can partner with an existing site to provide assistance
Southwestern VITA Plan for Spring 2012 Step Two –Prepare to take training and be certified between October and December –Your state rep will give you the training dates –You may be able to take the training online as well
Southwestern VITA Conclusion Make sure to do a chapter report on the event Make sure the chapter submit a PIA form If the site allows, get information to invite the people to other programs that the chapter will be hosting
Education Southwestern Region will endeavor to raise public awareness of the extraordinary value of the written word and of the necessity to promote a literate society
Education Read to 1000 citizens by the end of 2011 Each state with the exception of Kansas and Nebraska will strive to reach 200 Kansas and Nebraska will be responsible for reaching 100 respectively Chapters can target adults or you can target children Fall Programmatic Focus
International Literacy Day Sept. 8th While every State Meeting will not have been conducted before this date, we will endeavor to promote this initiative before the end of the year. There are 3 ways you can do this: Participate in community story time events at your local libraries Mentor younger students in reading Give the gift of books Fall Programmatic Focus
Register and educate citizens to participate in the democratic process. Kick off voter registration drives during the months of February and March. This is similar to the Sigma-Zeta Project Vote initiative back in This can be done in a non-partisan manner. Education Spring 2012 Programmatic Focus
Level I Chapters – Register 50 people Level II Chapters – Register 35 people Level III Chapters – Register 20 people
Acountability Mechanism in Place Submit a PIA form for the event, and once it is sent back to you forward a copy to Regional Director of Education Supporting these global programs ensure that your chapter will receive credit on the CSAF.
Southwestern Region Social Action POA for Fall 2010 Bro. Brandon Pollard Regional Director of Social Action
What is Service?
Social Action What are We doing? What can We do? What will We do?
Goals and Deadlines for the Region We need every Chapter to make contact with their local branch of MOD –September 19 th We need every chapter registered on MOD web for fundraising with $100 raised –October 15th We need every chapter to host or participate in one forum/event for Prematurity Awareness Month in conjunction with MOD –November 1 st thru 30 th
How can we meet these goals? Online Fundraising Participation in Local Events Dedicate One day during Sigma Week to MOD Collaboration with other chapters, Zetas/NPHC/IFC/Pan-Hell Greeks Use resources wisely Reporting (PIA, CSAF, Media, etc.)
Resources March of Dimes- AR (501) TN (615) OK (405) NE (402) MO/KS (816)
Reporting We need EVERY Chapter to report ALL events on PIA By December 31 st !!!
Social Action Spring 2012 For additional Fundraising and activities chapters should: –Dedicate a day during Sigma Week to MOD and ACS –Set up a Fundraising account with ACS –Host Project Vote with Zeta Phi Beta –Hold a forum on one of the Brother to Brother modules.
Social Action Spring 2012 Resources Center for Disease Control and Prevention – National website: Local Health Units Website: s/localPublicHealthOffices/Pages/default.aspx ACS- MO, KS, OK, NE, (512) (select option 3) AR, TN (205) (select option 3)
BREAK OUT We need 12 volunteers –3 Planners –3 Presenters –3 Reporters –3 Critics
Objective Choose 1 Social Action Event –3 Planners will Plan the event –3 presenters will execute the event –3 Reporters will report the event –3 Critics will provide Feedback(+, -, =) “Have fun but above all else get Understanding” – G.O.M.A.B.
Fraternity Branding Websites –Fraternity websites include, but are not limited to, officer-, regional-, state-, and/or chapter-sponsored websites that are created for the purpose of communicating, promoting and/or advancing the ideals, activities, programs and/or growth of the Fraternity
Fraternity Branding Websites –Each Fraternity website must adhere to the brand identity standards set forth in this policy and the Fraternity Internet Policy. –Each chapter hosting a Fraternity website must register said website with the Corporate Headquarters. Failure to register a Fraternity website will jeopardize the active status of the hosting chapter.
Fraternity Branding Websites –Each Fraternity website must conform to Fraternity brand identity standards in organizational references. No Fraternity website may utilize descriptive references (such as ‘death chapter’ and similar types of references) other than the official chapter name.
Fraternity Branding Websites –Each Fraternity website must be registered with the Fraternity Corporate Headquarters and must complete brand identity transitioning to be in compliance with brand identity standards and the Fraternity Internet Policy no later than March 1, 2012.
Fraternity Branding Websites –Ultimately, all Fraternity-hosted URLs and\or new Fraternity websites will become the property of and owned by the Fraternity.
Fraternity Branding Sigma Brand Visibility Overview –The main visual components of the Fraternity’s Brand Identity include the Fraternity Logo, Crest, Seal and program and initiatives co-branding elements. When used effectively, these elements unite to visually provide the look that shares the spirit of the Fraternity.
Fraternity Branding
Membership Intake If you were not Certified for Intake this Year you cannot participate in any membership intake activities. Members certified in 2010 MUST be certified again for All fall membership intake activities MUST be completed by November 13
Membership Fees 2011 Application$ HQ Building Assessment$ *Membership Dues$300.00$ Certificate$10.00 Publication$10.00 Constitution$15.00 *Regional Dues$40.00$20.00 Fraternity Pin$ Total$830.00$ *Two years of dues Alumni Collegiate
See you in St. Louis, MO April 19-22, 2012