VA Pain Coach (VPC) Mobile Applications (Apps) Phase Two (MAP2) Sprint 1 Demo/Review Report April 22, 2015
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Summary of Completed User Stories and Acceptance Criteria JIRA IDUser StoryAcceptance Criteria VPC-114 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to create the single page application template so that the VPC application has a defined structure. Common framework to be created for application to run in.
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Work Completed During Sprint 1, Not Documented in JIRA JIRA User Stories moved to Sprint 2 by mistake: Please note that the following User Stories have been developed in their entirety and have been completed. The HP Team is in the process of updating remaining JIRA documentation. They were moved to Sprint 2 because of the unfamiliarity of the tool. The tool will not allow us to put them back, so therefore we will close these JIRA tasks in Sprint 2. JIRA IDUser StoryAcceptance Criteria VPC-115 As a VA Pain Coach Team I want to create the footer area of the single page application so that the VPC application displays general information about the application and the user. NFR elements for Footer (US VA, address, app version, last reviewed/updated) VPC-398 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to create the home/landing page for the VPC application so that the user has quick access to the major elements provided by the application. Provides quick link to 4 major areas of the application: Home, Assessments, Reporting & Resource Center VPC-116 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to create a help page so that the user is provided with help information relating to the application by the application. NFR elements for Help page (provide NFR#) VPC-117 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to create an about page so that the user is provided with about information relating to the application by the application. NFR elements for About page (provide NFR#) VPC-399 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to create a quick access navigation element in the banner of the VPC application so that the user has quick access to the major elements VPC provided by the application. (notional: hamburger menu) Provides quick link to major areas of application: Home, Assessments, Reporting & Resource Center
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Work Completed During Sprint 1, Not Documented in JIRA (cont.) JIRA User Stories moved to Sprint 2 by mistake: Please note that the following User Stories have been developed in their entirety and have been completed. The HP Team is in the process of updating remaining JIRA documentation. They were moved to Sprint 2 because of the unfamiliarity of the tool. The tool will not allow us to put them back, so therefore we will close these JIRA tasks in Sprint 2. JIRA IDUser StoryAcceptance Criteria VPC-93 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member, I want the navigation menu color buttons throughout the app to be the same, so that the user is presented with consistent application color branding Each navigation menu button has the same color as the application chiclet VPC-98 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member, I want the Goal Setting section removed from the app, so that a more effective progress tracking capability can be utilized in the app instead. Goal setting section is no longer available VPC-94 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member, I want a help menu within the app, so that I can quickly find answers to my questions. A help menu is available within the app VPC-747 As a VA Pain Coach Developer I want to create the project structure and shell along with build scripts for the VAMF Pain Diary Entry Service so that a web service project can be initiated to provide Pain Diary Entry information for the VA Pain Coach application. Common framework to be created for application to run in.
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Work Not Completed During Sprint 1 (cont.) JIRA User Stories returned to backlog: Received okay from Connie Murphy on 4/21. Requesting Business Owner approval during this presentation. JIRA IDUser StoryAcceptance Criteria VPC-118 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to integrate with the VAMF authorization mechanism for login so that the user can be authenticated prior to entering the application. If the user is not logged into the app. they will be directed to login. Once logged in the user will be able to verify their name within the app. VPC-120 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member I want to integrate with the VAMF authorization mechanism for logout so that the user can see they are logged out of the application. The user will be able to logout of the application. Once logged out they will be directed to the launch pad. VPC-119 As a Project Team, we must ensure that following 15 minutes of inactivity by the current user our application time-outs so that our application efficiently used the limited resources that maybe available to the user. 1. Referenced within the NFR. (EWNFR-694) 2. At minute 13 of the timeout countdown, a message is displayed. 3. Pressing the OK button on the timeout warning message resets the 15 minutes countdown. 4. Following 15 minutes of inactivity, the user is automatically logged out of the application. 5. When the user is automatically logged out, the user is not returned to the launch pad.
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Demonstration and Review Technical User Story Review
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Demonstration and Review - Technical The following slides will show a representable example of technical user stories carried out during this sprint and correspond to the following user stories: VPC-114 As a VA Pain Coach Team Member, I want to create the single page application template so that the VPC application has a defined structure. VPC-747 As a VA Pain Coach Developer I want to create the project structure and shell along with build scripts for the VAMF Pain Diary Entry Service so that a web service project can be initiated to provide Pain Diary Entry information for the VA Pain Coach application.
VA Pain Coach (VPC) Sprint 1: Demonstration and Review Technical – Source Code and JIRA Linkage
VA Pain Coach (VPC) Sprint 1: Demonstration and Review Technical – Fortify Scan Report
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Demonstration and Review Live Sprint Demonstration
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Tested Source Code Certification Certification that working and tested source code and documentation have been modified and/or uploaded to the MAE. The code is stored in stash project: –Code Repositories: Vapaincoach-web: Vapaincoach-resource:
Project Metrics Captured to Track, Manage, and Analyze Functionality Delivery and Schedule Sprint 1 - Burndown Chart Source: JIRA
Project Metrics Captured to Track, Manage, and Analyze Functionality Delivery and Schedule: Sprint 1 – Sprint Report Source: JIRA &sprint= &sprint=2026
Project Metrics Captured to Track, Manage, and Analyze Functionality Delivery and Schedule: Sprint 1 - Velocity Report Source: JIRA
Pain Coach: Sprint 1 Utilized Hours: Planned vs. Actual Labor CategoryPlanned hours for Sprint 1Actual hours for Sprint 1 Program Manager813.4 Project Manager40 QA Manager400 Architect Developer Expert Developer Expert Developer Expert Project Analyst Training Developer Technical Writer400 Test Manager013 Test Engineer, SR402 Test Planner Engr8083 Earned Value Management Expert4010 Technical Writer/Editor Senior011.5 Developer Release Manager Compliance Expert037.8 Application/Systems Analyst Senior014.4 Developer082 Functional Analyst Testing Technician
VA Pain Coach (VPC): Sprint 1 Issues and Proposed IMS Modifications for COR/VA PM Review Issue 1: Moved (3) User Stories to Backlog (VPC- 118,119,120) –DEV-INT does not have the Authorization Services deployed –Will be moved from the Backlog and into a Sprint once services are deployed Issue 2: Moved (9) User Stories to Sprint 2 by mistake (VPC- 93,94,98,115,116,117,398,399,747) –All development work is complete for all 9 User Stories –All 9 user stories have been tested –The only work remaining are documentation updates & JIRA entries –They were moved to Sprint 2 by mistake because of the unfamiliarity of the tool. The tool will not allow us to put them back, so therefore we will close these JIRA tasks in Sprint 2. Are additional sprints required: TBD, dependent on the deployment of required services Were there additional features needed/prioritized during sprint review? No. Were there any features suggested during sprint demonstration and review that were out of scope? No.