S S Indiana Online Testing 2015 IREAD-3 Summer Training Webinar Training Sessions: Calls will be operator assisted. Submit questions through the chat window. Conference Call information – Provided in webinar confirmation .
Session Agenda Introductions and Welcome CTB & IDOE Contacts Support Resolution Approach Mobile Devices Roles and Responsibilities Before Testing Overview Contacts After Testing IREAD-3 Milestones Timeline Next Steps IREAD-3 Program Overview During Testing 2 Components Session Goals Technology Preparation for IREAD-3 Technology Preparation for IREAD-3 CTB Secure Testing App Minimum Requirements TAS Feature Review Navigati on Users and Hierarchy Tests Students
Introductions and Welcome Michele Walker, Director, Office of Student Assessment Sholonda Trice, Assistant Director Bridgett Abston, Assessment Program Manager Tiffany Opper, Assessment Specialist Indiana Department of Education Kristine Nickerson, Senior Program Manager Cece Robinson, Program Manager John Miller, Senior Implementation Manager Patricia Kinison, Indiana Customer Care Lead CTB/McGraw-Hill 3
Review key functionality of the Test Administration System (TAS) Review technology tasks for IREAD-3 Summer REVIEW Prepare CTCs to train School Test Coordinators and Test Examiners PREPARE Session Goals 4
5 Milestones Dates Test Administration System (TAS) AvailableMay 25 Training – Webinars Test Administration System Webinar Sessions ( hours) May :00 a.m. EDT June :00 a.m. EDT June :00 a.m. EDT Training – Q&A Sessions IREAD-3 Summer Online Q&A June :00 a.m. EDT June :00 a.m. EDT IREAD-3 Summer Online: IREAD-3 Summer Student Data Load: Practice and Operational Test Sessions Available: Practice Test Window: Operational Test Window: Paper/Pencil Test Window: Test Invalidation or Do Not Score complete by: May 22 May 26 May 28 - July 24 June 1 - July 24 June 8 - July 24 July 24 Milestones
Before Test Conduct final workstation check Work with CTC to develop a phone tree During Test Support schools during testing Report issues to CTB support, if applicable After Test Follow up with Corporation Test Coordinator regarding online testing experience Corporation – Technology Coordinator Role Corp Tech Coor Role 6
Before Test Attend CTB training Train STC Distribute Examiner’s Manuals Ensure IT staff completed site readiness tasks Manage student data Review/update test pre- assignments if applicable (CTC or STC) Schedule additional practice tests, if needed Print test tickets and provide to the school (CTC or STC) Review local assessment schedule (IDOE has sample testing schedules.) Develop a phone tree During Test Supervise tasks performed by STC Check status on testing completions After Test Review Do Not Score and Invalidations for students Ensure test tickets are securely destroyed Follow up with Corporation Technology Coordinator regarding online testing experience Corporation – Test Coordinator (CTC) Role Corp Test Coor Role Marking a student record as “Invalid” or “Do Not Score” must be completed by: IREAD-3 Summer: July 24 7
Before Test Review documents including examiner’s manuals, quick start guide, etc. Attend Corporation-directed training Confirm site readiness with local IT staff Manage student data/ accommodations Review/manage test pre- assignments Print and securely store test tickets (CTC may print) Design local assessment schedule Develop a phone tree During Test Supervise administration of online testing Check status on testing completions After Test If necessary, complete student test invalidations by date indicated below Return all test tickets to your CTC Marking a student record as “Invalid” or “Do Not Score” must be completed by: IREAD-3 Summer: July 24 School – Test Coordinator (STC) Role School Test Coor Role 8
Before Test Determine approved materials needed for each testing session that is “outside” of the online testing system (i.e., paper/pencil) Complete a thorough review of the Test Administration Manual (TAM); bookmark the start of each section Have a Timing Chart ready to record any timing irregularities Confirm and document online assessment dates, times, and locations During Test Direct students to the online log-in screen or open it on the desktop Distribute individual test tickets to students Provide the Test Access Code for the test (one session at a time) Read the test directions aloud from the IREAD-3 Summer TAM Walk around the classroom Verify all students have exited the test properly Assist students with issues during testing Record on Timing Chart any timing irregularities After Test After each test session, collect all test tickets and store in a secure location Return all test tickets to your STC Provide all test irregularity details to STC If necessary, complete student test invalidations by date indicated below School – Test Examiner Role Test Examiner Role Marking a student record as “Invalid” or “Do Not Score” must be completed by: IREAD-3 Summer: July 24 9
Test Coordinator / Technology Coordinator planning teamAccommodation-based student groupsOutside of system accommodationsLocal test schedule (transition time between tested classes)Timing the test (same as paper/pencil)Tracking testing irregularitiesTiming chart for logging time irregularities To better facilitate recording interruptions that may occur during the assessment, you may find the chart below helpful. General Test Preparation Tasks General Test Prep 10
Secure Testing App (STA) Lock down browser Secure Testing App (STA) Student data management Test assignments Testing status Test Administration System (TAS) Student Testing Software Installed on Workstations Administrative Tool Accessed via Internet IREAD-3 Online Program Overview 11
Blocking RulerEraserHighlighterMark for Later ReviewOption (Answer Choice) Eliminator IREAD-3 Online Secure Testing App (STA) Student Tools 12
IREAD-3 Online Test Administration System (TAS) Test Administration System (TAS) Focused on minimal clicks Consistent behavior and controls 13
Screen Reader Variable Color and Font Size Accommodations available for students with an IEP, Section 504 Plan, ILP include: IREAD-3 Online Accommodations Accommodations 14
IREAD-3 Summer On May 26: Create tests and assign students using barcode data Two IREAD-3 practice tests per student One IREAD-3 operational test per student CTB Before Testing Begins (Practice and/or Operational): Assign online testing accommodations to student profiles where required (font, screen reader) Move students to different classes if needed (reporting) Add any additional new students into TAS; assign new students to existing tests or create new tests Corps/Schools Test Creation 15
Tech Prep – All Elements Technology Preparation for Online testing Workstation Prep Install the Secure Testing App Workstation Installation Check Mobile Device App Setup Slide 16
Tech Prep – All Elements Technology Preparation for Online testing Workstation Prep Install the Secure Testing App Workstation Installation Check Mobile Device App Setup Slide 17
18 Workstation Prep – Minimum STA Requirements TypeOSHardwareScreen Size/Resolution Windows Windows 7 Windows 8, GHz Processor 1 GB RAM, 2 GB Recommended 1 GB Disk Space Available Screen – “10-inch class” Resolution x 768 MAC OS X Lion 10.7 (Intel) Mountain Lion 10.8 (Intel) Mavericks 10.9 (Intel) Yosemite 1.10 (Intel) 1.3 GHz Processor 1 GB RAM, 2 GB Recommended 1 GB Disk Space Available Screen – “10-inch class” Resolution x 768 LinuxUbuntu GHz Processor 2GB RAM, 4 GB Recommended 1 GB Disk Space Available Screen – “10-inch class” Resolution x 768 iOS iOS 7 iOS 8 iPad 2+ Screen – “10-inch class” *No iPad mini Guided access must be on / Assistive Touch must be off ChromebookChrome OS 36+ Screen – “10-inch class” Resolution x 768 Thin Client Configurations NComputing (Windows 7, Windows 8) (Same as Windows) Screen – “10-inch class” Resolution x 768
Workstation Prep – STA Installation The following conditions must be met on each workstation: The STA must be installed, and the STA executable must be runnable by the user account logged into the workstation during testing. The logged in user must have write access to the STA installation directory so that the STA Log File can be updated. Administration permissions may be required to install the STA software. This condition is locally driven. MP3 Player must be tested and working in order for students to receive Text-to-Speech accommodations.
Tech Prep – All Elements Technology Preparation for Online testing Workstation Prep Install the Secure Testing App Workstation Installation Check Mobile Device App Setup Slide 20
Installation for Windows, Mac, and Linux: Operating System PlatformLive Links WINDOWS 7, 8 and 8.1 See Installation Guide for Links MAC , 10.8, 10.9, and (Intel) LINUX Fedora 16+ and Ubuntu Access and Download the Installation file 2. Launch and Click Run 3. Follow Prompts Install the Secure Testing App (STA) Slide 21
Install the TDC – Standard 4 Elements Slide 22 Simplified Installation Process Step 1: Start Installation Step 2: Accept Terms and Click Next
Install the TDC – Standard 4 Elements Slide 23 Simplified Installation Process Step 3: Accept default path and click Next. Step 4: Click Install to begin Installation.
Install the TDC – Standard 4 Elements Slide 24 Simplified Installation Process Step 5: Click Finish to complete Installation.
Configure - Proxy Properties (if applicable at site) Install the CTB Secure Testing App (STA) Slide 25 Navigate to App.Properties file location. Open file, add entries and save
Tech Prep – All Elements Technology Preparation for Online testing Workstation Prep Install the Secure Testing App Workstation Installation Check Mobile Device App Setup Slide 26
System Check - Launch STA and Login Verify setup on a few workstations. Launch the Secure Testing App software. Login using Test for Username, Password, and Indiana for the Test Access Code. Two questions are available to the Test user account for verifying installation. If the application launches and you are able to login as Test and view two questions, then the installation has been verified. Slide 27
Tech Prep – All Elements Technology Preparation for Online testing Workstation Prep Install the Secure Testing App Workstation Installation Check Mobile Device App Setup Slide 28
Hardware iPad2 or newer; No iPad mini Chromebook Monitor/ Speakers Minimum screen size – 10” Class (No iPad mini) Resolution x 768 Sound On and Headset for “Text To Speech” Accommodated Students Operating System iPad – iOS7 or newer Chrome OS 36+ Additional Requirements iPad – Guided Access Mode turned on Mobile Device Setup - Requirements Slide 29
Mobile Device Setup – Installation Launch App Store for Apple Locating STA Search in Education apps Name – CTB Secure Testing App Download (free) Step 1 - Download CTB Secure Testing App (STA) from Apple Store for iPad Launch the CTB Secure Testing App. iPad: Launch Guided Access and enter the Passcode. Verify the Installation: Login using Test for the Username, Password, and Indiana for the Test Access Code. Two test questions will be available to verify installation. Step 3 – Launch STA and Verify the Installation Install Chrome STA using directions from the Installation Guide available on the portal: App Access Code An access code is required the first time you launch the STA on a mobile device. You only need to enter the access code one time. Directions for entering the Access Code are included in the Installation Guide. Step 2 - Install STA App
iPad Setup - Guided Access Use Guided Access: (per Apple) Guided Access limits iPad [use] to a single app, and lets you control which app features are available. Disable the iPad hardware buttons. Guided Access Information (from Apple iPad ® user guide) Slide 31
For a Positive Testing Experience For a Positive Testing Experience… Anti-virus software full scans and updates scheduled after testing hours Screen savers/power management set to a longer timeout Restrict intensive bandwidth use during testing (VoIP, Payroll, Drop box) Laptop protocol – Use AC power, wired access, wireless check Allow *.CTB Verify few workstations prior to testing Restore software (Deep Freeze, etc.) configured to retain test data after reboot Text To Speech –Volume on and MP3 files allowed. All other applications closed on testing machines during the test
Test Administration System (TAS) Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate “Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review 33
TAS Feature Review – General Navigation Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) General Nav Features 34
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – General Navigation General Nav D1 35
1. Click the CTB Online Applications Single Sign-On button found on to open the SSO login page Click the CTB Online Applications Single Sign-On button found on to open the SSO login page Enter your SSO credentials and click Login to open My Programs - Overview. 3. Click on the ISTEP+ Online link to open the Test Administration System. Demo 1: Access TAS General Nav D1 36
ISTEP+ Online Test Administration System (TAS) website – The administrative tool for managing online testing. Demo 1: Access TAS 37
Access FAQ Tips – No SSO Account or Missing Link ** FAQ Tip Q: I do not have a Single Sign-On SSO account. What should I do? (or) I do not see a link to the ISTEP+ Online Testing Application on the My Programs-Overview page. What should I do? A: What role do you have at the corporation? Corp. Test Coordinator – Contact the CTB/Indiana Help Desk for assistance. Corporation Technology, School Test or Technology Coordinator – Contact the CTC for approval. CTC to contact the CTB Indiana Help Desk to request an account or link to be added. ** FAQ Tip Q: I do not have a Single Sign-On SSO account. What should I do? (or) I do not see a link to the ISTEP+ Online Testing Application on the My Programs-Overview page. What should I do? A: What role do you have at the corporation? Corp. Test Coordinator – Contact the CTB/Indiana Help Desk for assistance. Corporation Technology, School Test or Technology Coordinator – Contact the CTC for approval. CTC to contact the CTB Indiana Help Desk to request an account or link to be added. 38
ISTEP+ Online Test Administration System This is the landing page after login. ISTEP+ Online Test Administration System This is the landing page after login. ISTEP+ Online Test Administration System Home Page 39
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – General Navigation General Nav D2 40
Demo 2: Navigation and Tools General Nav D2 41
Demo 2: Navigation and Tools General Nav D2 42
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – General Navigation General Nav D3 43
Group Selector feature: The “Group Selector” feature is present on most TAS pages. Clicking the Gray Arrow (left of name) to turn and point at the heading name collapses/hides the options under that heading. Clicking the Gray Arrow (left of name) to the down position expands options under that heading. Highlighting a name will filter and display data about that entity level – corporation, school or class/teacher. Group Selector feature: The “Group Selector” feature is present on most TAS pages. Clicking the Gray Arrow (left of name) to turn and point at the heading name collapses/hides the options under that heading. Clicking the Gray Arrow (left of name) to the down position expands options under that heading. Highlighting a name will filter and display data about that entity level – corporation, school or class/teacher. Demo 3: Group Selector and Filters 44
How can a user quickly determine the Active Tab? The Active Tab will display in blue with bolded text. Note the Assessments tab to the left. Note the Groups and Services tabs are grayed out. How can a user quickly determine the Active Tab? The Active Tab will display in blue with bolded text. Note the Assessments tab to the left. Note the Groups and Services tabs are grayed out. Demo 3: Group Selector and Filters 45
How can a user quickly determine which Filter is active? Note the gray arrow and blue banner highlight around the name (corporation, school, or class). The example indicates that the school filter has been activated. How can a user quickly determine which Filter is active? Note the gray arrow and blue banner highlight around the name (corporation, school, or class). The example indicates that the school filter has been activated. Demo 3: Group Selector and Filters 46
How can a user quickly determine the Selected Tab section? See the Page Header. The current options selected from the tab will always be present as the page header, along with a description of which actions can be completed from that page. How can a user quickly determine the Selected Tab section? See the Page Header. The current options selected from the tab will always be present as the page header, along with a description of which actions can be completed from that page. Demo 3: Group Selector and Filters 47
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessments Features 48
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessment Add D1 49
a.Click on the “Assessments” tab b.Then, click on “Manage Sessions” a.Click on the “Assessments” tab b.Then, click on “Manage Sessions” e. Double click on the existing test to open c. Click on the gray arrow to expand school selection d. Click on the school name to highlight and select that school c. Click on the gray arrow to expand school selection d. Click on the school name to highlight and select that school Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Assessment Add D1 50
Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test f. Editing an existing test will always open to the Test Details panel g. Click on Add Student panel to open the student panel h. Click on the Add Student button to add a student Assessment Add D1 51
Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test i. Navigate to the Class in the Group Selector panel j. Click the check box next to the student name Assessment Add D1 52
Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test k. Click OK Assessment Add D1 53
Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test l. Click Save Assessment Add D1 54
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessment New D2 55
a.Click on the “Assessments” tab b.Then, click on “Manage Sessions” a.Click on the “Assessments” tab b.Then, click on “Manage Sessions” c. Click on the gray arrow to expand school selection d. Click on the school name to highlight and select that school c. Click on the gray arrow to expand school selection d. Click on the school name to highlight and select that school Demo 2: Create a New Test e. Click on Schedule Session button Assessment New D2 56
f. Select test from the Test Group drop down g. Click on the Test Name in the list to choose/highlight f. Select test from the Test Group drop down g. Click on the Test Name in the list to choose/highlight h. Click on the Test Details panel tab Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 57
i. Add Test Details – Enter a Test Name, Start and End Date (must be in test window), Time and other details j. Click the Add Student panel tab Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 58
k. Click on the Add Student button Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 59
l. Navigate to the Class in the Group Selector panel m. Click the check box next to the student name n. Click OK o. Click the Add Proctor panel tab Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 60
p. Add a proctor to the Test by clicking the Add Proctor button FAQ: Q: Why should I add a Test Proctor to the Test? A: The “Test Proctor” in this case is any other person at the corporation or school who would need quick access to the test. If the test has been created by the CTC, adding the STC as a proctor will allow that user to easily locate the test using the My Sessions button, and then print test tickets. FAQ: Q: Why should I add a Test Proctor to the Test? A: The “Test Proctor” in this case is any other person at the corporation or school who would need quick access to the test. If the test has been created by the CTC, adding the STC as a proctor will allow that user to easily locate the test using the My Sessions button, and then print test tickets. Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 61
t. Click Save q. Navigate to the School in the Group Selector panel r. Click the check box next to the User Account s. Click OK Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 62
u. The new Test has been successfully created. Demo 2: Create a New Test Assessment New D2 63
** FAQ Q: Why is the test “Untimed”? I thought all operational ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 tests were timed. A: The tests are timed tests with time limits. TAS offers an option to manage the time limits via the computer – which would automatically end the student testing session if time runs out. The tests are timed in the classroom by the test examiner instead of by the application. ** FAQ Q: Why is the test “Untimed”? I thought all operational ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 tests were timed. A: The tests are timed tests with time limits. TAS offers an option to manage the time limits via the computer – which would automatically end the student testing session if time runs out. The tests are timed in the classroom by the test examiner instead of by the application. ** FAQ Q: The Allow Test Breaks checkbox has been checked. I cannot uncheck the box. Why? A: Test breaks between sessions adds to the security of the test. This feature cannot be turned off. Q: What is a “Test Access Code” and why is it important? Can I change the Code? A: Access codes are the “keys” to access the assessment. The TAS will create default Test Access Codes. These can be changed anytime prior to the first student logging into the test. ** FAQ Q: The Allow Test Breaks checkbox has been checked. I cannot uncheck the box. Why? A: Test breaks between sessions adds to the security of the test. This feature cannot be turned off. Q: What is a “Test Access Code” and why is it important? Can I change the Code? A: Access codes are the “keys” to access the assessment. The TAS will create default Test Access Codes. These can be changed anytime prior to the first student logging into the test. FAQs - Untimed Test and Allow Test Breaks FAQs D2 Assessment 64
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessment D3 65
a.Click on “Assessments” tab b.Click on “Manage Sessions” a.Click on “Assessments” tab b.Click on “Manage Sessions” c. Click one time on the test session to highlight d. Click “Print Test Tickets” button Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Assessment Print D3 66
e. Choose a test ticket level option (by corp, school or class) Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Assessment Print D3 67
** FAQ Q: The Student and/or Summary Test Tickets have been lost. What should I do? A: If the test has not yet started (no students have logged in), find and delete the test. Create a new test, assign students and print new test tickets. The Access Codes will be different in the new session. If the test has already started, access the test, open the Add Student panel, click the Add Student button and remove all students who have not yet tested. Create a new test and assign those students. Print test tickets for the new test. ** FAQ Q: The Student and/or Summary Test Tickets have been lost. What should I do? A: If the test has not yet started (no students have logged in), find and delete the test. Create a new test, assign students and print new test tickets. The Access Codes will be different in the new session. If the test has already started, access the test, open the Add Student panel, click the Add Student button and remove all students who have not yet tested. Create a new test and assign those students. Print test tickets for the new test. FAQs – Lost Test Tickets FAQ Lost Tickets 68
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessment D4 69
a. Click “Assessments” tab b. Click “Manage Sessions” c. Click on the test one time to highlight and select the test d. Click “View Status” button Demo 4: View Test Status; Mark Do Not Score Assessment D4 70
e. Click one time on a student record to highlight that record f. Click the Toggle DNS (Do Not Score) button, which is activated after highlighting the student record Demo 4: View Test Status; Mark Do Not Score Assessment D4 71
h. Note the DNS Status now displays a Y, which indicates that the record will not be scored g. Confirm the Do Not Score selection by clicking OK Demo 4: View Test Status; Mark Do Not Score Assessment D4 72
i. To revert a student record back to Score from Do Not Score, highlight the record again and click the Toggle DNS (Do Not Score) button and confirm the selection. Note that the DNS status is now N, which indicates that the record will be scored. Demo 4: View Test Status; Mark Do Not Score Assessment D4 73
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessment D5 74
a.Click on “Assessments” tab b.Click on “Manage Sessions” a.Click on “Assessments” tab b.Click on “Manage Sessions” c. Click test one time to highlight and select the test d. Click “View Status” button Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Assessment Invalid D5 75
e. This screen displays the test status for each student. Click on a column to sort the results based on that column. f. Click one time on a student record to highlight and select g. Click on the Subtest Details panel to open f. Click one time on a student record to highlight and select g. Click on the Subtest Details panel to open Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Assessment Invalid D5 76
h. This panel displays test details at the student subtest level. Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Assessment Invalid D5 77
i.To invalidate a subtest, i.Click the box next to the subtest session ii.Click on the Toggle Validation button - note the Validation Status change to Invalid iii.To revert to valid, select and click the Toggle Validation button again. Note the status change to Valid after clicking the Toggle Validation button again. i.To invalidate a subtest, i.Click the box next to the subtest session ii.Click on the Toggle Validation button - note the Validation Status change to Invalid iii.To revert to valid, select and click the Toggle Validation button again. Note the status change to Valid after clicking the Toggle Validation button again. Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Assessment Invalid D5 78
Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) TAS Feature Review – Tests Assessment D6 79
c. Choose to view results at the corporation or school level by clicking an option a.Click on the “Assessments” tab b.Click on “Program Status” a.Click on the “Assessments” tab b.Click on “Program Status” d. Select test from dropdown list Demo 6: View Program Status Assessment Program D6 80
e. Click on an underlined number (blue hyperlink) to view status details Demo 6: View Program Status Assessment Program D6 81
f. Details are displayed in the box that appears below Demo 6: View Program Status Assessment Program D6 82
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Students Demos 83
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Student Accom D1 84
d. Use the Group Selector feature to navigate to the desired level to filter and view student records (by corp, school, class) a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Students” c.Choose “Student List” a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Students” c.Choose “Student List” Demo 1: Find/Edit Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Student Accom D1 85
e. Use the Search Feature to limit the students displayed f. Enter the first few letters of the student’s first or last name and click Search. Demo 1: Find/Edit Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Student Accom D1 86
g. Double click on the student record to open the profile Demo 1: Find/Edit Student Record – Add Accommodations h. To move a student from one class to another, expand the group selector to see classes. Uncheck the existing class and check the box next to the new class. Student Accom D1 87
j. Make necessary edits to the student record. For example: Assign the Screen Reader accommodation. k. Click Save Demo 1: Find/Edit Student Record – Add Accommodations i. Click on Specific Accommodations to open that panel Student Accom D1 88
** FAQ Q: I need to move a student from one school to another school in my corporation. Is that okay? A: While it is possible within TAS to move a student from one school to another school, please do not move students between schools. If a student moves from one school to another school within or outside of the corporation: 1) Flag the student record at the original school as “Will Not/Did Not Test”. 2) Create a new student record at the new school. 3) The new student record should be assigned to test sessions at the new school. 4) Consult with the IDOE if you are not sure if the student should test at the new school. ** FAQ Q: I need to move a student from one school to another school in my corporation. Is that okay? A: While it is possible within TAS to move a student from one school to another school, please do not move students between schools. If a student moves from one school to another school within or outside of the corporation: 1) Flag the student record at the original school as “Will Not/Did Not Test”. 2) Create a new student record at the new school. 3) The new student record should be assigned to test sessions at the new school. 4) Consult with the IDOE if you are not sure if the student should test at the new school. FAQs – Student Moved Between Schools in Corporation FAQ Move Student 89
** FAQ Q: All of the grade 3 students in my corporation will test at one location. Can I create one large test session and add all students? A: Yes, as long as the user who creates the sessions has access to the schools or corporation level. Delete the CTB created sessions. Create a single session and add students. Do not “move” students to the testing school. Test tickets will need to be printed by the user that has access to all of the students. ** FAQ Q: All of the grade 3 students in my corporation will test at one location. Can I create one large test session and add all students? A: Yes, as long as the user who creates the sessions has access to the schools or corporation level. Delete the CTB created sessions. Create a single session and add students. Do not “move” students to the testing school. Test tickets will need to be printed by the user that has access to all of the students. FAQs – Students Testing at a School Other Than Enrolled FAQ Move Student Slide 90
** FAQ Q: How can I determine if a student has been assigned the Screen Reader (text to speech) accommodation setting before the student logs into take the test? ** FAQ Q: How can I determine if a student has been assigned the Screen Reader (text to speech) accommodation setting before the student logs into take the test? ** FAQ Tip A: Option 1 Review the Student Record, Specific Accommodations. Has Allow Screen Reader been selected? ** FAQ Tip A: Option 1 Review the Student Record, Specific Accommodations. Has Allow Screen Reader been selected? ** FAQ A: Option 2 Review the Summary Test Ticket – Are any students indicated for the Screen Reader Accommodation? If yes, review the student listed as testing in the session. Do you see Screen Reader listed under Accommodation? ** FAQ A: Option 2 Review the Summary Test Ticket – Are any students indicated for the Screen Reader Accommodation? If yes, review the student listed as testing in the session. Do you see Screen Reader listed under Accommodation? FAQs – Was a Student Speech Reader Accommodation Added? FAQ Accommodations 91
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Student D2 Add 92
d. Review existing student list to confirm that the student is not already present in the Test Administration System a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Students” c.Choose “Student List” a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Students” c.Choose “Student List” Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Student D2 Add 93
f. Enter student record data i. Click Save g. Use the Group Selector panel to locate the teacher assignment. Click the box to the left of the teacher name to assign the student record to a class/teacher. h. Enter additional student record data and assign accommodations, if needed e. Click the + symbol to open the Add Student panel Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Student D2 Add 94
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Student D3 Will Not 95
d. Use the Group Selector feature to filter and student records display a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Students” c.Choose “Will Not/Did Not Test” a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Students” c.Choose “Will Not/Did Not Test” Demo 3: Will Not/Did Not Test Feature Student D3 Will Not 96
f. Change the designation by first clicking the box next to the student record e. Note current designation: “No” indicates the student is an active student at the current school and will test. “Yes” indicates that the student has moved or will not test. g. Click on the Toggle Moved Out of School button. Each click changes the designation between Yes/No. h. Note the confirmation and new designation following the selection Demo 3: Will Not/Did Not Test Feature Student D3 Will Not 97
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Groups Demos 98
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Groups Class D1 99
a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Hierarchy” a.Click on the Groups tab b.Click on “Manage Hierarchy” c. Use the Group Selector feature to filter and view existing records Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Groups Class D1 100
e. Edit details such as changing the class name f. Click Save d. Double-click the record to open and edit Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Groups Class D1 101
TAS Feature Review Demo 1: Access TAS Demo 2: Navigation Tabs and Tools Demo 3: Group Selector and Data Display Filters General Navigation Demo 1: Add a Student to an Existing Test Demo 2: Create a New Test Demo 3: Print Test Tickets Demo 4: View Test Status – Indicate "Do Not Score” Demo 5: Invalidate a Student Subtest Demo 6: View Program Status Assessments (Tests) Demo 1: Find /Edit an Existing Student Record (TTS, Class) Demo 2: Add a New Student Record Demo 3: “Will Not/Did Not Test” Feature Groups (Student Management) Demo 1: Find/Edit an Existing Class Record Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups (Manage Users and Classes Hierarchy) Groups User D2 102
a.Click the Groups tab b.Choose “Manage Users” a.Click the Groups tab b.Choose “Manage Users” c. Use the Group Selector feature to navigate to the desired level to filter and view records (corp, school) Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups User D2 103
h. Click Save d. To change a user’s password, click on the user record one time to highlight and then click the Change Password button. This opens the Change Password panel. e. Enter the new password, confirm and click Save f. To edit user account details, double- click the user record, or click one time and click the Edit tool. This opens the Edit User panel. g. Enter edits to the user profile Demo 2: Find/Edit an Existing User Account Groups User D2 104
Need Help? Support Options and Resources Support 105
IDOE Case-by-Case Decision Acts of Nature CTB Customer Support General TAS and STA functionality questions and support needs Test Administration Local Site Troubleshooting LAN / WAN / ISP Bandwidth intensive applications Technological Resolution Approach Support – Resolution Approach Resolution Approach 106
Administration Policies and Procedures Assistance (IDOE) Indiana Department of Education Phone: Toll Free: Fax: CTB Indiana Support Team (CTB) CTB/Indiana Help Desk Phone: Option 2 Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST Support and Resources 107
Complete Feedback Form Train School Test Coordinator and school staff Verify final workstation readiness Next Steps - Takeaways 108
Questions? Wrap-Up 109