India Himalaya Mountain Range Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal Rivers: Indus, Ganges
Early cities in the river valleys (Indus and Ganges) Floods are unpredictable and can be dangerous
This is to show the locations of the four early civilization centers
Harappan Civilization (2500-1500 BC) Indus River Valley
Mohenjodaro: Harappan city
Mohenjodaro What can you say about the city by looking at this plan?
Challenges to our understanding! We have seen development of elites, social differentiation in Egypt and Mesopotamia Hierarchy is shown in architecture: Temples, Tombs, Palaces None here!
Harappan Writing 450 Symbols Inscriptions usually 5 symbols long
Harappan Seals Sacred cow in India today
What happened to this early Indus Civilization. Economic collapse What happened to this early Indus Civilization? Economic collapse? Environment? Invasion? Aryans establish new cities along the Ganges river
Caste System Priests (Brahmins) Warriors (Kshatriyas) Traders, merchants, artisans, free farmers (Vaisya) Slaves, servants (Sudra) Untouchables
Caste-based discrimination is now illegal in India but people still often marry within their caste Brahmin Wedding
Hinduism mixture of Aryan and earlier Indian gods and practices no single founder or doctrine—long process of development (1500 BC – 500 BC) Third largest world religion after Christianity and Islam
Teachings of Hinduism Traditionally Hindus must abide by caste laws (dharma) by accumulating good deeds (karma) so that when one is reborn / reincarnated (samsara) you find yourself in a better position in the caste system. Eventually – with enough Karma you may experience moksha - a release of cycle of rebirth and reincarnation
Ahimsa - non-violence Important for good karma Principle used by Ghandi in peacefully resisting the British rule of India
Hindu Gods major gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
Hindu Devotional Practices acquiring religious learning ( guru) asceticism meditation yoga
Bhagavad Gita - world’s longest epic story
Diwali (= festival commemorating the return of Rama and Sita after defeating the demon king Ravana, from Ramayana)
There are two major types of Hindu temples The Northern Style looks like a mountain
The Southern Indian temple looks like a multi-level pyramid
Where is this temple? Northern or Southern India ?
North or South ?
Mauryan Dynasty (321-185 B.C.) first dynasty to rule all of India Ashoka (= first Buddhist emperor)
Buddhism Siddharta Gautama (563-483 BCE) = Buddha lived in great luxury and isolation; however, one day he encountered a sick person, an old person, and a dying person, and he started to think about human misery and how to escape this misery.
Buddhism Spent years wandering, fasting, meditating Siddharta became Buddha - “the enlightened one” preached for rest of life, founded Buddhist order of monks
Teachings of Buddhism cause of all human suffering is desire for worldly things worldly things are illusory ultimate spiritual reality of things = nirvana possible to reach nirvana -by turning away from evil -by denying the human body -by deep meditation
Buddhist Shrines
Spread of Buddhism India: attractive to low castes spread by monks and pilgrims
Buddhism in Different Parts of the World