HINDUISM FOUNDER No one founder; many sects No one founder; many sects Worshippers on Ganges River in India DATE Began BC Began BCLOCATION Somewhere in India Somewhere in India
KEY WRITINGS Many writings, including… Many writings, including… The Vedas (the oldest dating from about 1000 BC ) The Vedas (the oldest dating from about 1000 BC ) the Upanishads the Upanishads The Bhagavad-Gita The Bhagavad-Gita HINDUISM
According to Hinduism, God is “The Absolute,” a universal spirit. According to Hinduism, God is “The Absolute,” a universal spirit. Everyone is part of God (“Brahman”), like drops in the sea, but most people are not aware of it. Everyone is part of God (“Brahman”), like drops in the sea, but most people are not aware of it. People worship manifestations of Brahman (gods and goddesses). People worship manifestations of Brahman (gods and goddesses). WHO IS GOD? Bible HINDUISM
According to Hinduism, Jesus is a teacher, a guru, or an “avatar” (to some, an incarnation of the god Vishnu). According to Hinduism, Jesus is a teacher, a guru, or an “avatar” (to some, an incarnation of the god Vishnu). He is a son of God, as are others. He is a son of God, as are others. His death does not atone for sins. His death does not atone for sins. He did not rise from the dead. He did not rise from the dead. Bible WHO IS JESUS? HINDUISM
The Holy Spirit is not part of this belief. The Holy Spirit is not part of this belief. Bible WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? HINDUISM
Hindus generally regard salvation as release from the cycles of reincarnation. Hindus generally regard salvation as release from the cycles of reincarnation. Salvation may be attained through yoga and meditation. Salvation may be attained through yoga and meditation. Salvation can take many lifetimes to achieve. Salvation can take many lifetimes to achieve. Final salvation is absorption or union with Brahman. Final salvation is absorption or union with Brahman. HOW TO BE SAVED Bible HINDUISM
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH Bible If one has been bad, one can be reborn and pay for past sins (bad karma) by suffering. If one has been bad, one can be reborn and pay for past sins (bad karma) by suffering. Reincarnation into a better status (good karma) if person has behaved well. Reincarnation into a better status (good karma) if person has behaved well. HINDUISM
Some disciples wear orange robes and have shaved heads. Some disciples wear orange robes and have shaved heads. Many Hindus worship stone and wooden idols in temples. Many Hindus worship stone and wooden idols in temples. OTHER BELIEFS AND PRACTICES HINDUISM Some gurus demand complete obedience. Some gurus demand complete obedience.
Disciples meditate on a word, phrase, or picture. Disciples meditate on a word, phrase, or picture. OTHER BELIEFS AND PRACTICES The Sanskrit word “Om” is a sound used in meditation Yoga involves meditation, chanting, postures, breathing exercises. Yoga involves meditation, chanting, postures, breathing exercises. Foundation of New Age and Transcendental Meditation. Foundation of New Age and Transcendental Meditation. HINDUISM