Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 Bob Harshbarger ESWG Chair
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE Participation in the Electronic Scheduling Collaborative (ESC) to develop recommendations to the FERC on standardized business practices. Broadly disseminate ESC issues as they develop. Work to develop common western positions and develop alternative proposals where appropriate. Coordinate work with representatives of marketing and operating interests through both the OC and WMIC. Coordinate with appropriate RTO and NERC work groups. Be involved/track the NAESB process
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE Participation in the Electronic Scheduling Collaborative (ESC) to develop recommendations to the FERC on standardized business practices. Broadly disseminate ESC issues as they develop. Work to develop common western positions and develop alternative proposals where appropriate. Coordinate work with representatives of marketing and operating interests through both the OC and WMIC. Coordinate with appropriate RTO and NERC work groups. Be involved/track the NAESB process
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 WECCs Participation WECC members continue to be the largest representation at meetings John Canavan elected Chair, ESC Several positions on the standing ESC committees Western Interconnection presentation at April meeting SSG-WIs CSIC work presented at June meeting
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 ESCs Work Scope Based on FERCs SMD and NERC Functional Model, develop conceptual OASIS Phase 2 including electronic scheduling Identify where standards are needed and the issues- not necessarily prescribe the standards Work product will be two documents titled: –Comprehensive Functional Model –Business Practices and Standards Catalog Coordinate with OASIS Standards Collaborative (OSC). Use ESC process
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE Participation in the Electronic Scheduling Collaborative (ESC) to develop recommendations to the FERC on standardized business practices. Broadly disseminate ESC issues as they develop. Work to develop common western positions and develop alternative proposals where appropriate. Coordinate work with representatives of marketing and operating interests through both the OC and WMIC. Coordinate with appropriate RTO and NERC work groups. Be involved/track the NAESB process
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE Participation in the Electronic Scheduling Collaborative (ESC) to develop recommendations to the FERC on standardized business practices. Broadly disseminate ESC issues as they develop. Work to develop common western positions and develop alternative proposals where appropriate. Coordinate work with representatives of marketing and operating interests through both the OC and WMIC. Coordinate with appropriate RTO and NERC work groups. Be involved/track the NAESB process
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 CISO SMD RTO West Connect
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 From FERCs Big Ticket List (6/28/2002): STANDARD MARKET DESIGN FOR ELEC WHOLESALE MKTS (RM01- 12) Comments Due on SMD Options Paper Informal Communications/Outreach on SMD Tariff Conference on SMD Data and Software Needs Issue NOPR on Proposed SMD Tariff Comments Due on SMD Tariff NOPR (75 days after issuance) Issue Final Rule on SMD Tariff May 2002 May & June 2002 July 18, 2002 Summer 2002 Fall 2002
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 From Northwest Power Works: Our goal is to stop federally-initiated changes to the Northwest power system that would result in increased costs and risks.
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 Alder Mutual Light Company Atlas, Chehalis Plant-Quali-Cost Benton City Economic Development Committee Cathlamet Kiwanis City of Cheney Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments Town of Eatonville Echo Bay Minerals City of Ellensburg Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Company Emerald People's Utility District Ferry County Chamber of Commerce Ferry County Commission Ferry County Fair Association City of Forest Grove Grayland Cranberry Association Grays Harbor Economic Development Council Grays River Grange Harney Electric Cooperative IBEW Local 483 Lakeview Light & Power Mason County Commission City of McCleary Mid State Cooperative Nespelem Valley Electric Company North Mason Chamber of Commerce Ohop Grange Ohop Mutual Light Company Pacific Council of Governments Pacific County Economic Development Council Parkland Light and Water Company Pasco Chamber of Commerce Peninsula Light Company Pierce County Cooperative Power Association Prosser Economic Development Association South Bend Kiwanis South Pierce County Fire & Rescue, PCFD #15 Raymond Chamber of Commerce Raymond Kiwanis City of Republic Republic Business & Professional Women Republic Area Chamber of Commerce Republic Kiwanis City of Richland Salem Electric Seattle City Light City of Shelton Springfield Utility Board Tabafor Mill, Inc. Tacoma Power Tri-City Chamber of Commerce Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce Wahkiakum County Board of Commissioners Washington State Grange Westside Waterworks Washington Public Utility Districts Association: Asotin County PUD Benton County PUD Clallam County PUD Clark Public Utilities Cowlitz County PUD Douglas County PUD Ferry County PUD Franklin County PUD Grant County PUD Grays Harbor County PUD Jefferson County PUD Kitsap County PUD Kittitas County PUD Klickitat County PUD Lewis County PUD Mason County PUD No. 1 Mason County PUD No. 3 Okanogan County PUD Pacific County PUD Pend Oreille County PUD Skagit County Public Utility District Skamania County PUD Snohomish County PUD Stevens County PUD Thurston County PUD Wahkiakum County PUD Whatcom County PUD Energy Northwest Oregon Municipal Electric Utilities (OMEU): City of Ashland City of Bandon City of Canby City of Cascade Locks City of Drain City of Forest Grove City of Hermiston City of McMinnville City of Milton-Freewater City of Monmouth NorthWest Power Works Members
Electronic Scheduling Work Group Joint Guidance Committee Meeting July 23, 2002 RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE Participation in the Electronic Scheduling Collaborative (ESC) to develop recommendations to the FERC on standardized business practices. Broadly disseminate ESC issues as they develop. Work to develop common western positions and develop alternative proposals where appropriate. Coordinate work with representatives of marketing and operating interests through both the OC and WMIC. Coordinate with appropriate RTO and NERC work groups. Be involved/track the NAESB process