Visits take place in family’s home, at their convenience. (to the greatest extent possible). Allows for opportunity to see the family interact in their natural environment. Reaches families who may otherwise not he able to participate in the program or specific parts of services. – Grandma may drop off/pick up child from school everyday—you can actually visit with Mom and Dad. Offers a prime opportunity to connect families with resources in the community and for staff member to see some of those resources. Fosters a positive, one-to-one relationship between the family and the home visitor. Visiting in the home of families is one of the most effective ways of ensuring that we are providing true family support and completing Family Partnership Agreements along with Family Goals.
Is a vital part of comprehensive services.--- we serve the whole family. Offers the benefit of being flexible. Often aids in the comfort level of families participating in the program. Provides the opportunity for staff member to have a more balances, overall picture of the family and how they function. Allows family participation without asking them to bear additional burdens such as transportation, childcare and families schedule.
Check out area- cruise through area before visit. –Drive around the block—look for dogs police cars—anything not right? If area seems really unsafe – reschedule visit at another location Make sure someone knows where you are going and what time to expect you back. Carry a cellular phone- even if not activated it will call 911. Dress to protect yourself Avoid excessive jewelry Dress in non-restrictive clothing Wear official identification in plain view Don’t carry a purse Carry minimal or no cash
Carry a whistle or noise-making device Park in the direction you want to leave Park in the street rather than the driveway Make sure and have gas in your car. Go to the bathroom—at your center- Lock your car
Don’t leave valuable items in view- lock valuable/packages in truck. Sit in a hard backed chair if possible or sit with your strong leg back and your other leg forward, so you can get up quickly Keep your shoes on.
Use common sense– if the family is fighting, using drugs or under the influence of drugs- LEAVE If too many people are in the house—they keep saying they need to leave or have another appointment—reschedule your visit. Maintain confidence in your demeanor. Walk briskly and with purpose If you encounter hostility in any manner, don’t show fear- leave and reschedule the visit.
Do some research. During monthly brown folder checks- make a list of items to review at home visits and at monthly contact with each parent. Note when last physical and dental was completed- noted issues on dental- physical.
Does child have hct/hgb, lead test done? Does the medical emergency consent show any health problems. Dental and Medical Follow-ups -Does the family child has cavities. Read contact notes from last year– learn about the family and what is needed. Make a list for each child before home visit.
1) Initial and/or 1 st home visit Become acquainted with family Begin building a positive relationship Convey and review the purpose of our program and note parent involvement opportunities—like parent meetings, policy counsel, volunteering in classroom Complete Family Partnership Agreement- with goals. Make a plan- to follow up. Have calendar and set a date and time to follow up on goal progress the next month.
Explain when you will do another home visit. (February) Determine families strengths and needs- complete referrals as needed for items like clothing, rent assistance, medical insurance, ect. Link families to community resources- colleges, support groups, neighborhood house, churches-- as needed or wanted.
2.) Ongoing visits– (at families home, by phone or in the office). Before visit--Review your last list of items- go over it see what has been completed and what has not. Do you need to add something to your list? Make a revised list and know what you need. Continue relationship building. Focus on family strengths. Provide assistance and support. Encourage families to make their own decisions, but provide help as needed. Review FPA- check on and review progress towards family goal.
2.) Ongoing visits– (at families home, by phone or in the office). CONTINUED Encourage participation in the program through volunteering- as parents to come volunteer in the classroom, to help file or answer phones at the office. Provide information on community resources and available services in the community- teach them to help themselves. Acknowledge successes. Follow up on Medical and Dental statuses– make sure follow-ups are being completed and make sure family has health insurance. Work with families to make all appointment before school is out. Call dentist and work on making sure all follow- up is done before summer.
End of the Year or Final Visit Review and explain issues related to transitions- which kindergarten will child attend, what will child do over summer break. Link families to community resources to do over the summer and to assist family as need. Review the year’s accomplishments- (Child and family) Review and document progress on goals – on FPA- (Take FPA to visit and file back as soon as visit is completed)
Ask for feedback from the family. Ask how the program has met their needs and expectations and how we could make it better. Check on any outstanding medical issues- if family has medical appointments like dental visits or medical follow ups scheduled over the summer- offer transportation to appointment- work with Patty and Matilda- Team Leaders to make sure they are aware of any appointments scheduled in the summer. Thank the family for letting us be apart of their lives Say– “Good-bye”.