D ESCRIPTION What is art? Well, there are many different point of views to discuss the real meaning of art. For example, some say is other way to express feelings, you may have a different opinion but all points agree on one factor, art has to be man made.
D ESCRIPTION What are some characteristics of arts? Some arts attempt to copy reality. For example, portraits of humans, landscape drawings, etc. Art also serves as communication. The artists transmit a message through their art work to the spectator. Arts teaches about cultures and traditions. It has a psychological factor (diversity in perspectives). It has a cultural factor, some things are considered ethical and other unethical.
D ESCRIPTION There are numerous types of art, these include: music paintings literature dancing drama And the list goes on…
D ESCRIPTION How do we know what is art and what is not? There is a basic criteria to determine what constitutes an artwork and what does not. 1. The intentions of the artists (who, what, and why). 2. The quality of the work. 3. The response of the viewers.
D ESCRIPTION The intentions of the artist: Art work are created normally to produce a feeling or to please the viewers. Quality of the work: Art works should produce an emotion. Response of the viewer: Most art works expect a positive response from the viewers although sometimes works of art are misunderstood, biased, and expert’s critics are not always positive.
H ISTORY The arts began a long time ago since the prehistoric era where the cavemen drew stick figures on the caves, from there on art has been evolving and being represented in many different styles and ideas. Great civilizations throughout history have helped the evolution of art and have had used art as an important part in their growth. From there on art has played a fundamental role in the development and daily life of our society.
H ISTORY : I MPORTANT A RT PERIODS THROUGHOUT H ISTORY Egyptian Art BC: worshiped gods and pharaohs, created the pyramids. Greek Art BC: a veneration of the human body, its form, muscles, proportions, etc. Byzantine and Gothic art: focused on biblical aspects and did not used realism. Art in China for example the in Tang dynasty and the Ming dynasty: focused on calligraphy, architecture, and landscapes. As you can see art has been evolving throughout history. Now everything is considered a piece of art.
I MPORTANCE IN E DUCATION Art plays a fundamental role in education. Arts is considered as a easy and fun way of learning. Most if not all teachers use art as a technique for their class. Art is also a way of expressing feelings that may be hard to show in other ways, this allows the student to show his ideas in other ways. Students throughout the world are challenged by their teachers to be creative, art teaches them new forms of creativity. Art teaches the student to have a different perception and to be more tolerant towards others ideas. Art teaches about other cultures and traditions.
I MPORTANCE IN E DUCATION T HE N ATIONAL A RTS E DUCATION F ACTS Improve kids' overall academic performance. Show that kids actively engaged in arts education are likely to have higher test scores than those with little to no involvement. Develop skills needed by the 21st century workforce: critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication, teamwork and more. Teach kids to be more tolerant and open. Allow kids to express themselves creatively and bolster their self-confidence. Keep students engaged in school and less likely to drop out.
P ROBLEMS WITH THE A RTS Although the arts seem to be only positive and helpful for our society it has its problems. Some pieces of art can be considered offensive to some cultures. There is not one single piece of art throughout the world that pleases everyone. Causing many harsh critics. Art was subject of discrimination even to the artists. Some types of arts are hard to understand. Some art works are considered useless. Bias opinions.
A RT A RTICLE P aul Gaugin at one time said, "Painting is the most beautiful of all arts. In it, all sensations are condensed; contemplating it, everyone can create a story at the will of his imagination and.. with a single glance...have his soul invaded by the most profound recollections; no effort of memory, everything is summed up in one instant. A complete art which sums up all the others and completes them." Gaugin was as eloquent with speech as he was with a paint brush and painter's hat.
B IBLIOGRAPHY Orellana, Miguel. "Tok Bible". Wikispaces.com; Copyright 2009 Tangient LLC.. August 17, Casco, Silvia. "Tok Bible". Wikispaces.com; Copyright 2009 Tangient LLC.. August 17, bible.wikispaces.com/History+of+The+Arts Many, authors. "National Arts Education". ™ & © Baby Einstein. EINSTEIN™ HUJ. August 17, Art article: Gaugin, Paul. "art articles". ©2003 Art Articles All Rights Reserved.. August 19, Dickson, Lauren. “THE ARTS.ppt”. August 19,