WECC RC Data Exchanges July 7, 2008
WECC Staff Introductions Eric Whitley ewhitley@wecc.biz Greg Mapes gmapes@wecc.biz EMS Manager Engineering Summer Intern Brett Wangen bwangen@wecc.biz Sr. EMS Modeling Engineer Brian Shin bshin@wecc.biz EMS Modeling Engineer David Zinn dzinn@wecc.biz Vancouver Study Engineer Hongming Zhang hzhang@wecc.biz Loveland Sr. EMS Support Engineer Savuth Penn spenn@wecc.biz Zea Baca zbaca@wecc.biz Loveland Study Engineer Sean Erickson serickson@wecc.biz Kirk Stewart kstewart@wecc.biz Sr. EMS Support Engineer Aaron Inouye ainouye@wecc.biz IT Guy…
Real-Time Data Submission Real-time data will be submitted via ICCP. Currently ICCP links are up and exchanging real-time data with most of the BAs and a few TOPs. As WECC identifies missing or needed real-time data, we will make requests for that data. Currently ~62,000 real-time data points currently in WECC SCADA.
Non Real Time Data Submission Hourly Load Forecast Daily Peak Load Forecast Unit Commitment Scheduled Interchange Operating Reserves
How the data will be submitted Using the Electric Industry Data Exchange method (EIDE) WECC will make available a “putSchedule” EIDE method via an external facing web service. The “putSchedule” meets all the needs of schedule data submission to WECC.
Hourly Load Forecast Submission Submit a rolling 7 day forecast for your BA. When to send? Submit a forecast at least on a daily basis. You can submit as many changes during the day for forecast updates. How to send? Submit to WECC’s external facing Web Service that exposes the putSchedule method. Client certificates will be used for authentication over standard https. What to send? WECC needs an hourly load value for your BA. The values should always start on hour 00 of the current day of submission. There should be a total of 168 hours of submission (24 hours X 7 days). If you do not have hourly values stretching the entire 7 day period, please fill in the remainder of the hours with the last known day’s peak load value. All times are PST 24 hour clock.
Hourly Load Forecast Submission Example putSchedule Submission: <PutSchedule xmlns="http://www.wecc.biz/eide"> <MessageInfo> <SysGenID>2410854</SysGenID> <TimeStamp>2008-10-09 09:35:41</TimeStamp> <Sender>NERCBA</Sender> <Receiver>WECC</Receiver> <EntityCode>NERCBA</EntityCode> //Note the DataSet number 1 below indicates to WECC this is a LF submission <DataSet>1</DataSet> </MessageInfo> <Schedules> <Schedule> <ScheduleDescription> <StartTime>2008-10-09 00:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-16 00:00:00</EndTime> <AccountCode>NERCBA</AccountCode> </ScheduleDescription> <Quantities> <Quantity> <Value>800</Value> <StartTime>2008-10-09 00:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-09 01:00:00</EndTime> </Quantity> //You would add remaining Hours as Quantities (168 total 7days X 24 hours). </Quantities> </Schedule> </Schedules> </PutSchedule>
Peak Load Forecast Submission Submit a rolling 7 day Peak Forecast for your BA. When to send? Submit a forecast at least on a daily basis. You can submit as many changes during the day as needed. How to send? Submit to WECC’s external facing Web Service that exposes the putSchedule method. Client certificates will be used for authentication over standard https. What to send? WECC needs a daily peak load value for your BA. There should be a total of 7 values submitted. If you do not have peak values stretching the entire 7 day period, please fill in the remainder of the days with the last known day’s peak load value. All times are PST 24 hour clock.
Peak Load Forecast Submission Example putSchedule Submission: <PutSchedule xmlns="http://www.wecc.biz/eide"> <MessageInfo> <SysGenID>2410854</SysGenID> <TimeStamp>2008-10-09 09:35:41</TimeStamp> <Sender>NERCBA</Sender> <Receiver>WECC</Receiver> <EntityCode>NERCBA</EntityCode> //Note the DataSet number 2 below indicates to WECC this is a Peak LF submission <DataSet>2</DataSet> </MessageInfo> <Schedules> <Schedule> <ScheduleDescription> <StartTime>2008-10-09 00:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-16 00:00:00</EndTime> <AccountCode>NERCBA</AccountCode> </ScheduleDescription> <Quantities> <Quantity> <Value>800</Value> <StartTime>2008-10-09 16:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-09 17:00:00</EndTime> </Quantity> //You would add remaining days as Quantities for a total of 7. </Quantities> </Schedule> </Schedules> </PutSchedule>
Unit Commitment Submission Submit a rolling 3 day Unit Commitment. When to send? Submit a Unit Commitment at least on a daily basis. You can submit as many changes during the day for commitment changes. How to send? Submit to WECC’s external facing Web Service that exposes the putSchedule method. Client certificates will be used for authentication over standard https. What to send? WECC needs the Unit’s committed times, AGC status, committed MW’s, MW Max, and MW Min. The four values will always be submitted as a group, and you can submit as many entries as needed to show the changes in the Unit’s commitment during a day. All times are PST 24 hour clock.
Unit Commitment Submission Example putSchedule Submission: <PutSchedule xmlns="http://www.wecc.biz/eide"> <MessageInfo> <SysGenID>2410854</SysGenID> <TimeStamp>2008-10-09 09:35:41</TimeStamp> <Sender>NERCBA</Sender> <Receiver>WECC</Receiver> <EntityCode>NERCBA</EntityCode> //Note the DataSet number 3 below indicates to WECC this is a UC submission <DataSet>3</DataSet> </MessageInfo>
Unit Commitment Submission Example putSchedule Submission Continued: <Schedules> <Schedule> //Note you should submit a schedule for each Unit that is committed for each day. <ScheduleDescription> <StartTime>2008-10-09T00:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-12T00:00:00</EndTime> <AccountCode>SUBSTATIONNAME.UNITNAME</AccountCode> </ScheduleDescription> <Quantities> //Note this is the first set of data. Should always be 4 quantities for the same time period. <Quantity> //Note the Price number of 1 indicates to WECC this is a Base MW value <Price>1</Price> <Value>200</Value> <StartTime>2008-10-09 07:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-09 13:00:00</EndTime> </Quantity> //Note the Price number of 2 indicates to WECC this is an AGC value <Price>2</Price> <Value>1</Value> //1 is On AGC and 2 is Off AGC <EndTime>2008-10-09 13:00:000</EndTime> / /Note the Price number of 3 indicates to WECC this is a WMAX value <Price>3</Price> <Value>250</Value> //Note the Price number of 4 indicates to WECC this is a WMIN value <Price>4</Price> <Value>50</Value> //Note this ends the first configuration data for the day. You can insert as many configuration changes that occur during the day. </Quantities> </Schedule> </Schedules>
Scheduled Interchange Submission Submit a rolling 3 day Scheduled Interchange. When to send? Submit at least on a daily basis. You can submit as many changes during the day for schedule changes. How to send? Submit to WECC’s external facing Web Service that exposes the putSchedule method. Client certificates will be used for authentication over standard https. What to send? WECC needs the hourly Scheduled Interchange. The values should always start on hour 00 of the current day of submission. There should be a total of 72 hours of submission (24 hours X 3 days) for current day and next two days. All times are PST 24 hour clock.
Scheduled Interchange Submission Example putSchedule Submission: <PutSchedule xmlns="http://www.wecc.biz/eide"> <MessageInfo> <SysGenID>2410854</SysGenID> <TimeStamp>2008-10-09 09:35:41</TimeStamp> <Sender>NERCBA</Sender> <Receiver>WECC</Receiver> <EntityCode>NERCBA</EntityCode> //Note the DataSet number 4 below indicates to WECC this is a Scheduled Interchange submission <DataSet>4</DataSet> </MessageInfo> <Schedules> <Schedule> <ScheduleDescription> <StartTime>2008-10-09 00:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-12 00:00:00</EndTime> <AccountCode>NERCBA</AccountCode> </ScheduleDescription> <Quantities> <Quantity> <Value>800</Value> <StartTime>2008-10-09 00:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>2008-10-09 01:00:00</EndTime> </Quantity> //You would add remaining Hours as Quantities (72 total 3days X 24 hours). </Quantities> </Schedule> </Schedules> </PutSchedule>
Operating Reserves Required Reserve data for submission is still being defined by RC’s. Updates will be sent shortly.
Timeline for Data Submission The WECC Web Service will be made available starting July 28th for testing purposes. The Web Service will go into a production state the week of October 1st 2008. Please have all testing completed and a production feed in place at that time.
Equipment Outage Schedules WECC will be using the COS (Coordinated Outage Scheduler) from Equinox. Outages can be submitted in two ways: Manually - Web interface with login for each outage submitting BA will be provided. WECC is in the process of populating COS with equipment information from each BA. Automated – Work with Equinox to tie your outage scheduling software to the COS. Equinox has already interfaced many common outage scheduling tools.
ICCP Node Additions Currently WECC has a single node for the Vancouver and Loveland sites. We will be adding 2 additional nodes to become backups for the single nodes at each site. The Vancouver node is 42.190. We will be adding 42.191 The Loveland node is 43.90. We will be adding 43.91 Please have your ICCP staff add these additional nodes into your system.
ICCP Data Additions If you have not already done so please make available: Instantaneous Load Actual Interchange Instantaneous ACE Frequency at one location MW Reserve available in 10 minutes WECC will be placing their Time Error Correction points online when our time systems are configured in preparation for taking over the timekeeping role (end of year).
WECC Next Steps Validating ICCP measurements and model WECC staff will be contacting WECC BAs and TOPs to coordinate a checkout of the new west-wide system model. We will be validating measurement availability, model accuracy, and SE solution results. Ratings Implementation Many of the WSM equipment do not appear to have correct ratings. WECC also does not have seasonal ratings. WECC will work with the BAs and TOPs to correct these issues.
Questions / Comments? Kirk Stewart kstewart@wecc.biz 360-773-5083 Brett Wangen bwangen@wecc.biz 317-519-1006
Questions / Comments? Kirk Stewart kstewart@wecc.biz 360-773-5083 Brett Wangen bwangen@wecc.biz 317-519-1006 2222 22