Before we can ever hope to be an effective Christian in the Lord's church we must understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

Before we can ever hope to be an effective Christian in the Lord's church we must understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. Matthew 16: 24

Unfortunately Unfortunately, Luke Warm Christians create their own version of discipleship and want to serve the Lord within their comfort zone.

Luke Warm Characteristics heard the word and Gave their hearts to Jesus, yet….. Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Do not read the bible regularly and miss connecting with the Father. Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Without the word, there is little transformation and remain split between the world and the church. Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics When the Lord allows test and trial in their lives, they stumble and distance themselves from the church. Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Attend Sunday service only when is convenient or they have needs! Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Would rather spend 10 to 20 hours a week watching TV Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Instead of giving 1 hour or 2 a week to study the bible in a group setting…. as well as daily reading. Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Without knowing the will of God and their ministry, some jump blindly into doing “works” Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21 Luke Warm Christians

Luke Warm Characteristics Luke Warm Christians If they are not serving God’s will… Who’s will are they serving?

While other churches have been called to feed and cloth the poor. Our church has been called to feed the spirit of the non-believer and Luke warm Christians among other ministries…..

As this congregation continues to grow in the Spirit and its members continue to be obedient to the Lord and seek his kingdom, The Lord continues to bless us with challenges that shape our spirit and miracles which are the evidence of his love….

In the last couple years, we have witness many miracles in our church……

Had been cured from deadly illnesses Some of our members

Homes have been saved from foreclosure

Found favor with jobs on this tuff economy

Building this church was a great miracle

Yet the Greatest Miracle is when….. WWe become disciples of Christ TThe fruits of the spirit are evident in our lives PPeople can see Christ in us

A disciple is defined as "A pupil or follower of Jesus." A Christian learns that he or she must forsake everything and every person and put Christ FIRST in their life.

Disciples of Christ in our Church Are serious about the commandments and the great commission

Are witnessing in their Jobs Disciples of Christ in our Church

Are witnessing to their friends and families

Are witnessing in Prison Ministry

Every time that any of our disciples witnesses to anyone………. They quietly enter a fishing bobber on the foyer’s glass base as evidence of our works

If you want to become a true Disciple of Christ

Be faithful to Sunday Services

Come to bible study every Wednesday

Read the bible and pray earnestly every day

Support the church financially and activities

Fellowship to build a stronger Christian community

Fellowship enables your families to share the same values

Fellowship enables your children to learn about the right activities

Fellowship allows us to grow together in Christ…..

Pray that we all become good and faithful servants, true disciples and..

Put a smile in our savior