INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, Oasis team INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Vasy team Feria–IRIT/LAAS, SVF team Toulouse GET - ENST Paris, LTCI team FIACRE Models and Tools for the Safety and Security Analysis of Distributed Components and their Composition Fiabilité des assemblages de composants répartis Action 1: Specification Formalisms and Common Intermediate Formats pNets: Parameterized Networks (Model and API) We have defined this model as a very expressive formalism, adding parameters to Arnold and Nivat’s Networks of labelled transition systems (Forte’2004). It is the central element of our method, providing a uniform semantical representation for specification, for model generation, and for analysis. Fiacre Language: “Format Intermédiaire pour les Architectures de Composants Répartis Embarqués” (ongoing work) Fiacre is an intermediate format for the verification of asynchronous embedded component system, developed jointly in the context of the FIACRE project, the Topcased project of the “Aerospace Valley” pôle de compétitivité ( and the OpenEmbeDD RNTL platform. It inherits of experience from the Cotre project and the NTIF intermediate format. It will be a target language for applications written in standard modelling languages (AADL, UML, etc.), and a common input format for the verification toolkits CADP and TINA. Specialized UML Diagrams (ongoing work): design of a dedicated extension of UML composite structures and state machines for distributed hierarchical components and their behaviour. This will be the “non-expert” entry point to the fiacre analysis platform. Dedicated Specification Patterns ( at beginning stage): based on the specification pattern language of M. Dwyers, we are defining a logical language close to the natural language, but endowed with a precise semantics, and offering constructs specific to distributed grid applications. Action 2: Semantics and Model Generation for Distributed Components. ► Applies to the distributed Fractal implementation based on the ProActive library BCLF User Access Internet Web Server BCLF behaviour BODY[IACCESS] where... process METHOD_GET[IACCESS](m:Get) : exit := IACCESS !getIP(m) !getURL(m); exit endproc process BODY[IACCESS]: noexit := choice IP:IP [] choice URL:URL [] ( IACCESS !C(get(IP,URL)) of IAccess; METHOD_GET[IACCESS](get(IP,URL)) )... >> BODY[IACCESS] endproc System interface IAccess { void login(IP ip, ID id); void logout(IP ip); HTML get(IP ip, URL url); } ADL – IDL – BDL : Architecture, Interface and Behaviour Description Languages BC ext ?bind(Itf) ?unbind(Itf) !bound(Itf) !unbound BC ext !started !stopped ?stop !started !login(ip,id) !logout(ip) !get_req(ip,url) tau ?get_resp(url2) User Body LF BC int Web Server BC ext BC ext BC ext Access Internet BC ext BC ext System Semantic Model: pNets - Parameterized hierarchical networks of labelled transition systems - Target of the model generation engine, and source of gateways to the various verification engine input languages. Impact: our Architecture and Behaviour description language has been accepted as the standard for the Grid Common Model of the CoreGRID NoE Model Generation ADL2N FC2Instantiate FC2Exp CAESAR pNets + Instantiation Nets Verification CADP Proofs & Diagnostics Properties Input ADL + Java Intf Primitive source code Primitive behaviour Source code analysis Sync Vector LTS Model Generation Tools - Structure extraction from the ADL - Generation of non-functional controllers : life- cycle, binding controller, attribute controller, content controller, request queues, future proxies - Predefined data types with finite abstraction - Selective visibility of messages and values Future Developments: - Generation of pNet models and code skeletons from UML diagrams - High level specification of reconfiguration operations OASIS Partners: Action 3: Verification Engines CADP toolbox More than 42 tools and 17 software components for the design and validation of distributed systems: simulation, distributed and sequential state graph generation, verification of temporal logic, bisimulations New tools Exp.Open 2.0 tool for computing networks of Automata Reductor 5.0 on-the-fly state graph reducer Tool enhancements Model checking of temporal logic extended with data Gateways between Tina and CADP New gateways Tina generates marking graphs in the BCG format of CADP Tina checks formulas on BCG graphs CADP translates networks of automata in the TPN Petri net format of Tina Ongoing: The Fiacre common intermediate language (see Action 1) Tina toolbox Tools for the edition and analysis of Petri nets and time Petri nets New tools SELT: State/Event LTL modelchecker Compiler from RT/LOTOS into Tina Petri nets Compiler from V-Cotre into Tina Petri nets Tool enhancements Verification of systems with data, time, and priorities