The Steamboat
Fast-reading Read the passage quickly and number the events in the order they happen. a. Huck sees three men in a cabin. b. Huck and Jim climb onto the steamboat. c. The short man suggests leaving the man in the floor. d. Huck and Jim see the steamboat. e. Huck and Jim take away the men/s boat. f. The tall man is pointing a gun at the man on the floor. g. Jim runs back to the raft. h. Huck has a plan. The correct order is: 1d 2b 3g 4.a 5f 6c 7b 8e
Intensive Reading Para 1 QUESTIONS: 1) What was the weather like that night? 2)What did they see as they were sailing down the river? 3)What did they see as they were sailing down the river? There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down. They saw something in the middle of the river. It looked like a house at first, but then they realized it was a steamboat. They were sailing down towards it.
Para 2-5 1) What did Huck want to do? 2) What did they hear after they got on the steamboat? Huck wanted to board the sinking ship. They heard someone shout each other.
Para ) What did the men on the steamboat do with another man? 2) How did they decide to kill him? The man on the steamboat tied up another man. And they threatened the man on the floor. They wanted to kill him by his going down with the steamboat.
Para 9—11 1) What did Huck decided to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat to die? 2) What was the idea Huck told to Jim? 3) Why did Huck feel bad about what he had done? He decided to find a way to save him. He told Jim that they had to find their boat and take away, then they would have to stay here. Because what he had done might cause the three men to die.
Find words in the passage which mean: rain heavily 2. something which protects you from bad weather. 3. a sort of flat boat usually made from tree trunks. 4. to lose control because you are frightened 5. the feeling of being interested in something and wanting to know more 6. to tell someone you are going to cause them harm pour down a shelter a raft panic curious threaten
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. climb crawl fly jump paddle run sail walk 1. The stream is only two meters wide. I can __________ across it. 2. You’re out of breath. Why have you been_________? 3. I’ve never __________ in my life. I’m afraid of aeroplanes. 4. You’ve got plenty of time to get to the lesson. You can ___________. 5. I __________ onto the rock so that I could see better. 6.The two boys __________ slowly upstream in their canoe. 7. It took Columbus two months to _________ across the Atlantic in Jimmy’s 10 months old. He can’t walk yet, but he can __________. jump running flown walk climbed paddled sail crawl
1. How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat? (a ) They swam (b) They jumped (c) They paddled 2. How did they get on it? (a ) They jumped (b) They climbed ( c) They crawled 3. What did Jim do when he was frightened? (a ) He ran ( b) He swam ( c) He jumped 4. How did Huck get back to the raft? ( a ) He crawled ( b) He walked ( c ) He ran √ √ √ √
Discussion Say what you think happens next?