The ultimate's By Anthony
The being Captain America was trying to climb to the rocket then Captain America fell down in frozen river when it exploded.
Nick Fury and Bruce Banner Then Nick and Bruce have conversation about the Hulk and then Bruce don’t want to talk about it.
Giant man and wasp They invent something that make hank a giant and then walk to see Bruce Banner.
Nick fury and Iron man Then iron man and nick fury are talking about someone to bring the avenger, like bring the fantastic 4.
Then what happens next Then Pym want talk about hulk then Bruce still don’t want talk about it.
the giant man Dr. Bruce banner invent the giant and was success. Then Bruce called Nick fury.
Captain America in 20 th century All the soldier try to release the ice on Captain and take them to the lab. Then Hank test his body and Pym take the picture. And Captain America wake up and attack and jump to the window. Then Hank put his hand on him.
Thor In Norway Nick Fury founded Thor and he pour some rain. Then Bruce Banner walk away and then he called betty then he tell her about he need some cover.
Bruce banner out of control then Bruce was in albums when he wake he freak out and got crazy.
Avenger assemble The y get ready for fight the hulk and the giant fell down iron man got crash and captain America hit with everything that he got and Mrs. Pym was in the hulk ear and he fall down then captain America kick him on his boot Then Bruce Banner was trying to help them to fight as a team.
Giant man VS the wasp Earlier morning that day the ultimate's are in hospital to get fixed then Nick fury look at Bruce and check his body. In Triskelion Nick Fury called Pym to is she going to tony stark house. Then Hank and Janet place they have arguement moment and they have a fight, Pym turn to a wasp and was attack by ants.
Captain VS Giant In the bar captain America found him and they got in a fight captain America broke his body by some big pipes.
Captain America VS red skull They were in the past and captain look at red skull then he jump through the river and the train got crash.
The return of wasp The wasp was recovery by thoughts ants and she fly from the Germany. Then she called the solider and tell them is a trap the they allgot explodes. Then red skull catch her and put her in a jar.
The final battle Thor use his thunder and strike the on the German. then they fight hard and red skull fight the cap then hulk arrived to the battle then hulk killed red skulls grab a big and hit on the ground and that of end then. THE END
responded The reason like this book is because it got great adventure and it has great graphic novel. The avenger were the greatest hero of all because they can be better then everyone.