Reproduction Bingo
Amniotic SacFetus EmbryoZygote After BirthLabor DeliveryYolk Sac Umbilical CordPlacenta PenisVagina UterusCervix TestosteroneEstrogen ScrotumMenstrual Cycle MenstruationOvulation ConceptionEgg SpermTestes OvariesFertilization Fallopian TubesSemen
Provides nourishment to the developing embryo before the placenta forms (this feeds the baby)
Membrane that serves as the Connection between the baby and the mother; embryo’s blood is located next to the mother’s blood vessels; the embryo receives nutrients & oxygen and gives off CO 2 & other wastes
Rope like structure between the fetus and the placenta; contains blood vessels from mother and baby
A fluid filled sac that cushions and protects the developing baby
Occurs the moment a sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell, forming a zygote
Male sex cell
Female sex cell
Egg and sperm joining together
Produce sperm in the male reproductive system
Hormone in males
A pouch of skin where the testes are located
A mixture of sperm & nutrients
Semen leaves the body through the _______
Produce egg cells
Female hormone
Sperm and egg join in the __________
Another term for birth canal
A zygote attaches to the wall of this female organ
The cycle of changes in which the egg develops and the uterus prepares for the arrival of a fertilized egg
The process in which an egg is released from the ovary
The process in which the thickened lining of the uterus breaks down, and blood and tissue then pass out of the female body
Forms when the egg and sperm join. We call this new cell with 46 chromosomes this first.
Forms when the zygote attaches to the uterine wall and divides, the name changes from a zygote to a __________.
Forms when the embryo enters the 9 th week, the name changes to the _______.
First stage of birth, when strong muscular contractions of the uterus occur
Second stage of birth, when the baby is pushed completely out of the mother’s body
Third stage of birth, contractions push the placenta out of the mother’s body
The bottom of the uterus that opens to the vagina