1 TSS Report PCC Meeting Salt Lake City, UT October 26-27, 2006
2 Approval Item Generation Testing Implementation Plan
3 Status Reports MVWG WECC Dynamic Modeling Procedure Load Model Wind Generation Model Wind Generation Task Force Reactive Reserve Work Group Progress Reports Projects Progressing in Three-Phase Rating Process SRWG (David Franklin – Chair)
4 Generation Testing Implementation Plan Responding to a PCC assignment of TSS/MVWG, Generator Testing Task Force (GTTF) prepared a Generation Testing Implementation Plan (GTIP) GTIP includes: transition plan for the new Generation Testing Policy Clarification on the treatment of identical units within the same power plnt
5 Generation Testing Implementation Plan – Issue 1 Issue 1: Generator Owners who did not perform baseline testing in accordance with the original requirements are non-compliant with the Policy. Issue 1 Response/Implementation: Generator Owners that are non-compliant with the baseline test requirement (as defined in section B.1.2 of the Policy) shall provide to WECC staff, by December 31, 2006, a schedule to perform baseline testing and model validation. The Generator Owner should coordinate the schedule with the appropriate Transmission Planner (s). The Generator Owner will be considered non- compliant with the Policy until the baseline testing and model validation is completed.
6 Generation Testing Implementation Plan – Issue 2 Issue 2: A large number of Generator Owners, who complied with the original baseline test requirement, are required to perform model re-validation. Spread generator re-validation over a five-year period. Coordinate the re-validation efforts with the respective replacement programs, as well as maintenance cycles. WECC should have the authority to accept or reject the re-validation schedule proposed by the Generator Owners.
7 Generation Testing Implementation Plan – Issue 2 (continued) Issue 2 Response/Implementation : Generator Owners that have complied with the baseline test requirements (as defined in section B.1.2 of the Policy) shall provide to WECC staff, by December 31, 2006, a schedule to perform model re-validation (as defined in section B.1.3 of the Policy). The Generator Owner should coordinate the schedule with its the appropriate Transmission Planner(s). The Generator Owner will be considered compliant with the Policy as long as the initial model re-validation is completed within 5 years from December 31, or from when the baseline test and model validation was first completed; whichever comes first. Subsequent model re-validation should be done every 5 years.
8 Generation Testing Implementation Plan – Issue 3 Issue 3: Baseline testing and model validation of the sister units in the same Generating Facility. Issue 3 Response/Implementation: In case of multiple identical generating units at the same Generating Facility, baseline testing (as defined in section B.1.2 of the Policy) shall be performed on at least one of the representative units. Model data validation (as defined in section B.1.3 of the Policy) shall be performed for all generating units.
9 Generation Testing Implementation Plan – Issue 4 Issue 4: Wind Farm Model Validation Issue 4 Response/Implementation: The technical guidelines developed in conjunction with the Policy, as well as existing WECC generator testing guidelines, apply to conventional generating units. Similar guidelines will be developed to address model data and model validation requirements for wind power plants. Those guidelines will go through the WECC approval process.
10 Proposed Motion TSS Requests PCC Approval of the Generation Testing Implementation Plan
11 WECC Dynamic Modeling Procedure Purpose Establish procedure for development and maintenance of models, and for the submittal of data to WECC. Improve the quality of the WECC Master Dynamic Data File Assist WECC staff in managing submittals of models Clarify modeling procedure for WECC members Improve interaction with program developers Identify need for new models and improvement to existing models Identify and report compatibility and conversion issues
12 WECC Dynamic Modeling Procedure (continued) MVWG is the WECC group responsible for assuring the model database is kept up to date. Any models added to the WECC master dynamic model library require acceptance from MVWG. This Procedure will formalize the process for MVWG acceptance. The Dynamic Model library will be posted on WECC website.
13 Load Modeling Development Status WECC-CIEE/PIER MOU approved by BOD Air-conditioner testing and modeling Load composition analysis (component data base) Load monitoring (white paper) Load data uncertainty analysis Finalized specification for Composite Load Model Architecture and Prototype Load Model Data Tool under development Going Forward Implement composite load model in PSLF Version 1.0 (without single phase motor model) Solicit bids and contract for load model data tool Load model validation (some validation base cases created)
14 1.Basic Research 2.Load Model Prototype 3.Sensitivity Studies 4.Fill in Research Gaps 5.Composite Load Model Structure 6.Load Model Data Tool 7.Load Model Databases 8.Load Model Validation / Sensitivity Studies 9.Load Monitoring 10.System Performance Studies 11.Advanced - Load Composition Model Now FY07 Done FY08 Load Modeling Development
15 Wind Generator Model Development Status Nearing completion standard Type 3 model implementation in PSLF and PSSE Obtained additional $45K from WECC for implementation of three remaining models Collaboration with wide range of stakeholders continues Going Forward Continue development of Type 1, 2 and 4 standard models Prepare guide on steady-state modeling of wind power plants Independent of dynamic models Target date: December 2006 Draft Proposal to CIEE/PIER for follow-up work NREL leading effort; WGTF, WGMG will be technical advisors Scope of work includes near-term needs such as monitoring, dynamic model validation, wind power plant equivalencing, best practices for modeling wind power plants in WECC
Modeling Workshop Logistics November (Tue-Wed) 2006, Las Vegas, NV Coordinated with annual SRWG workshop per TSS request Major Topics NERC/WECC Modeling Standards Generator Testing and Model Validation Wind Modeling Load Modeling System Monitoring and Applications
17 Wind Generation Task Force Working with RS on development of a Voltage Ride- through Standard Cover low voltage and high voltage periods after clearing a system fault Going Forward Coordination with existing NERC/FERC/IEEE/IEC requirements FERC power factor range (+/- 0.95, only if TP can demonstrate the need through technical studies) may conflict with WECC MORC voltage control requirement Reactive and Voltage Control Reactive capability at low generation levels Dynamic performance for voltage control and or/reactive compensation Off-Nominal Frequency Verification of wind turbine frequency trip settings with the WECC Off-Nominal Frequency Standard.
18 Reactive Reserve Work Group Distributed a Survey Implementation of Planning Standards I.D: Voltage Support and Reactive Power Directed to use the Guide to WECC/NERC Planning Standards I.D: Voltage Support and Reactive Power to help you complete survey Completed survey due to WECC Staff by November 17, 2006.
19 Progress Reports Member Systems reporting significant facilities in the 2006 Annual Progress reports to WECC from which, as of October 13, 2006 no report has been received: None Member Systems reporting significant facilities in the WECC Transmission Database from which, as of October 13, 2006, no report has been received: None
20 Significant facilities reported in the WECC Transmission Database as of October 17, 2006, which were not included in Annual Progress Reports submitted:
21 Three Phase Rating Status – Phase 1 * Initiated Regional Planning Process. Has not yet requested a Project Review Group or submitted a Comprehensive Progress Report
22 Three Phase Rating Status – Phase 2
23 Three Phase Rating Status – Phase 3
24 Three Phase Rating Status – Expedited
25 SRWG Report – WECC Base Case Data Preparation Process David Franklin, SRWG Chair to present