Scottish Household Survey Nic Krzyzanowski SHS Project Manager Communities Analytical Services
Outline Overview Methodology Topics Dissemination Management Future Developments
Overview Sample of general population in private residences in Scotland –Composition, characteristics and behaviour of Scottish households –2 part interview: “Household” / “Adult” Meeting needs of Government and Parliament –e.g. tracking five National Indicators (public services, smoking, neighbourhood, journeys to work, and traffic congestion) But what about: –Further analysis –How evidence relates to local policy
Overview: Aims Provide household and individual information to support transport, local government and communities policy areas Permit disaggregation of information both geographically and in terms of population sub- groups Allow the relationships between social variables within households to be examind Allow early detection of national trends Allow detailed follow-up surveys of sub- samples
Methodology Continuous survey approx 13,500 households No geographical exclusions, and designed to be –Nationally representative every quarter –Representative for larger LA’s every year –All LA’s (regardless of size) over a two-year period Using face-to-face CAPI Interviews approximately 45 minutes long Overall response rate for 2007 was 66% –Orkney (80%) down to Glasgow (55%)
Methodology: Sampling Disproportionate sampling of LA’s –Sample drawn for two year sweep Multi-stage stratified design –Small user file of the Postcode Address File –1 st stage disproportionate stratification by LA –2 nd stage stratification by Urban/Rural within LA –Unclustered sampling in “Urban” stratum, by SIMD –Clustered sampling in “Rural” stratum, by datazones
Methodology: Weighting We’re only a survey –Estimates relating to the achieved sample –What about estimates for the wider population? Post-survey weighting –Disproportionate sampling between LAs –Differential response rates –Differential probabilities of selection within households
Methodology: Improvements Revised sampling strategy for 2007 –Designed to increase efficiency of survey –Same degree of precision from reduced sample size Revised streaming to ask certain questions of sub-samples Survey extended to include a boost module for Culture and Sport (approx 3,500 interviews) –Other boosts? Topical? Geographical?
Topics Two part interview –Highest Income Householder –Randomly Selected Adult
Topics: “Household” -Number of people in household -Highest Income Householder -Name -Gender -Age -Economic activity -Relationship to HIH -Property type -Lowest level of floor -Tenure -Shares rooms with other households -Kitchen / Bathroom / WC / Other -Number of bedrooms -Access to /internet from home -Access to broadband -How much household recycled in the past month -Glass bottles and jars / Plastic bottles / Metal cans / Newspaper etc -Badge holders -Thistle/taxi card holders -Availability of cars -Availability of bicycles -Access to public transport -Number HIH responsible for -Childcare -Type / Cost / Thoughts -Schooling -School / Name and location / Distance from home / Satisfaction / Mode of transport / Public transport -Long-standing illness, health problem or disability -Condition / Length of time -Require regular help or care -Provider / Hours needed / Length of time -Paid work -Now / Last 5 years -Number of current jobs -Main job -Type / Size -Complex!!! -HIH / Spouse or Partner / Random Adult -Income from paid employment / self-employment -Benefit income -Other regular income -Bank / building society account -Other saving or investments -Total value -Use of credit -Borrowing -Mortgage/Loan on property -Endowment/Repayment mortgage -Repayments -Amount outstanding -Rent costs -Home contents insurance Household Composition Accommodation Sharing Accommodation Internet Access Recycling Driving and Transport Young People in the Household Health and Disability Employment of Highest Income Householder Household Income Financial Services, Savings and Housing Costs Mortgage and Rent Household Finances
Individual Accommodation Neighbourhoods and Community Safety Education and Training Travel and Transport Travel Diary More Travel! Convenience of Local Services Culture and Sport Volunteering Health and Disability Random Adult Employment Random Adult Income -Marital status -Cultural / Ethnic background -Religion -Current address -Time there / Change in tenure -Previous home -Tenure / Postcode -Homelessness -Experience -Opinions of neighbourhood -Satisfaction / Green / Crime -Anti-social behaviour -Experience / Reported -Harassment -Experience / Reason -Social networks -Family / Neighbourhood -Qualifications -Held / Currently -Internet use -Access / Uses / Use of Local Council or Government websites -Barriers to use / Likelihood and aspirations for use -Driving license -Car use -Problems for drivers -Park and ride -Traffic Scotland -Very complex!! -Travel patterns of the Scottish population -Travel on previous day -Journey purpose -Means of transport used -Journey Distance -Duration -Times of day -Traffic growth -Traffic congestion -Work related travel -Travel to work -Motorcyle / Moped / Scooter -Cycling and walking -Local public transport -Use / Attitude / Crime and safety -Young Scot National Entitlement card -Journey planning -Sources / Transport Direct / Traveline Scotland -Traffic calming -Road Safety -Quality -Usage -Satisfaction -Participation -Attendance -Sports -Type -Frequency -Amount -Reasons for stopping -Rating of health (last 12 months) -Long-standing illness, health problem or disability -Type / Limitations / Home adaptations -Help and Care -Smoking behaviour -As for Household section -Income from paid employment / self-employment -Benefit income -Other regular income Topics: “Adult”
Dissemination Dissemination strategy –Increase identity, awareness and use of the SHS –Production of reports –Access to data –Website review
Dissemination: Publications Annual Report Headline Report Quarterly Release Topic Reports Methodological Reports
Dissemination: Data UK Data Archive ( –Two-year sweep data up to SHS Lite (CD-ROM from SHS Project Team) –Two-year sweep data up to –Simplified dataset, summarised complex variables SHS Interactive Tables –LA level results, through SHS website –Though out of date and currently being reviewed Request analysis by SHS Project team
Dissemination: Geography data National Local Authority Identifier Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation –Decile / Quintile / 15% most deprived Urban/Rural Classification
Dissemination: Website First point of access for all users Process of improvement and review –Efficient processes for storage, exchange and sharing of data and metadata –Shared resource with other analytical areas
Dissemination: Example output
Management SHS Project Team –Project Manager, Research Officer, Database Administrator –Joint working with Scottish House Condition Survey SHS Operations Management Group SHS Steering Group (coming soon)
Future Developments Survey review –Concurrent review with SHCS through 2010 –Wider implications of all surveys in Scotland Survey methodology improvements –Annually representative for all LA’s –Move to fully unclustered design –Core and modular –Reviewing weighting strategy –Income imputation –Dissemination strategy
How can you help? Representation on SHS Steering Group Contribute to survey review –Aims and purpose –Questionnaire content Secondary analysis of data
Questions ? SHS Project Team