Taipei Botanical Garden 台北市立植物園
Taipei Botanical Garden was built in 1896 called nursery. Then the nursery was changed its name as the botanical garden in There are more than 2000 species of plants so far in the garden and Taiwan Forestry Research Institute is in control of this garden. History
The Garden is divided into 17 sections, such as a stunning lotus pond, Chinese zodiac plants, Succulent plants Garden, Fern garden, Odes plants Garden, Ethno plants Garden, Palms House…etc. Because it is an all-purpose Garden, including education, research and recreation, etc., people can not only learn the knowledge of plants, but also refresh their bodies and minds here. Brief Introduction
(台灣原產水生植物區) Aquatic plants are unique. There used to be numerous Taiwan native aquatic plants in the field, at the pond…etc. But now the wild Taiwan native aquatic plants are getting disappeared owing to the environmental pollution. Taiwan Aquatic Plants Garden
Taiwan yellow pond lily 臺灣萍蓬草 Chameleon 魚腥草 Lantern seedbox 水丁香 引用資料來源 : 《數位典藏與數位學習聯合目錄》
Succulent Plants mainly lived in the deserts and coastal areas, including Cactaceae (仙人掌科), Crassulaceae (景天科), Liliaceae (百合科), Agavaceae (龍舌蘭科) …etc. (多肉植物區) Succulent Plants Garden
Kalanchoe 長壽花 old woman cactus 玉翁 Finger Cactus 金星
The gymnosperms are the perennial woody plants. Besides the ornamental value, most of the gymnosperms are widely used in architecture, sculpture, papermaking, etc. by human beings. (裸子植物區) Gymnosperms Garden
Sago palm 蘇鐵 Buddhist pine 蘭嶼羅漢松
The Garden selected common plant in Taiwan, mainly perennial herbs. It provides the public and students recognizing the plants and learning the classification of plants. (植物分類園) Taxonomic Garden
cotton milkbush 唐棉 African daisy 非洲菊 water lily 睡蓮 Carnation 康乃馨