What Factors Influence Collisions Rates the Most ? By: Dimitar Hristov, Vesko Avramov, and Ayman Barri Brookfield High School, Ottawa
Thesis: What influences collision rates the most?
Introduction Road traffic accidents kill more than one million people a year, injuring another thirty-eight million (5 million of them seriously). The death toll on the world's roadways makes driving the number one cause of death and injury for young people ages 15 to 44. Road traffic accidents kill more than one million people a year, injuring another thirty-eight million (5 million of them seriously). The death toll on the world's roadways makes driving the number one cause of death and injury for young people ages 15 to 44. This is a cross-sectional study of Ontario ’ s drivers and the factors that affect collision rates the most. The topic itself is very broad but we have chosen 8 question that we will focus on in our study. The information gathered in this research was primarily quantitative data which was collected using secondary data from the years 1993 – 2003 Questions of Focus: What was the number of collisions by gender in between the period of ? What was the number of collisions by gender in between the period of ? What was the number of collisions by age groups in between the period of ? What was the number of collisions by age groups in between the period of ? How did driving schools affect collisions in between the period of ? How did driving schools affect collisions in between the period of ? What was the number of impaired drivers involved in collisions in between the period of ? What was the number of impaired drivers involved in collisions in between the period of ? What time of the day did most collisions occur in between the period of ? What time of the day did most collisions occur in between the period of ? How many collisions occurred due to apparent driver action in between the period of ? How many collisions occurred due to apparent driver action in between the period of ? How many collisions occurred due to weather conditions in between the period of ? How many collisions occurred due to weather conditions in between the period of ? How did technology and car accessories affect collisions in between the period of ? How did technology and car accessories affect collisions in between the period of ?
Section 1: Collisions by Gender Annex A – Table 1
Annex A – Table 2
MaleFemale Mean283,114127,306 Median283,434122,624 Standard Deviation19,9298,747 Annex A – Table 3
Section 2: Collisions by Age Groups Annex B – Table 4
Age Group S. Deviation Under – – – – – unknown0.064 Sample Calculation: 1993 Probability of age group to be in a collision : = # of drivers in collisions / # of drivers = / = 10.48% Annex B – Table 4
Age GroupProbability for Year (in %) ‘93‘94‘95‘96‘97‘98‘99‘00‘01‘02‘03 Under unknown Annex B – Table 2&3
Section 3: The Effect of Driving Schools on Collisions
Section 4: Impaired Drivers Annex d – Table 2
Section 5: Time of Day Annex E – Table 1
Section 6: Collisions due to Apparent Driver Action Annex F – Table 1
Annex F – Table 2
Section 7: Collisions due to Weather Conditions Annex G – Table 1
Annex G – Table 2
Section 8: Collisions due to Apparent Driver Action Annex H – Table 2
Conclusion: Since most people feel that young drivers are the main reason for collisions, we have decided to conduct a research on the various factors that cause the most collisions. The biggest factor that causes collisions is in fact the time of the day. The most collisions occur during the period of 3pm – 6pm. The second biggest factor that causes collisions is apparent driver action, for example speeding, loosing control of vehicle, failing to follow driving rules, and etc. Weather condition is the third biggest factor and the last but not least factor of collisions are the age groups. Since most people feel that young drivers are the main reason for collisions, we have decided to conduct a research on the various factors that cause the most collisions. The biggest factor that causes collisions is in fact the time of the day. The most collisions occur during the period of 3pm – 6pm. The second biggest factor that causes collisions is apparent driver action, for example speeding, loosing control of vehicle, failing to follow driving rules, and etc. Weather condition is the third biggest factor and the last but not least factor of collisions are the age groups.
Collision Clip 1.wmv Collision Clip 1.wmv Collision Clip 2 Collision Clip 2