WECC Standards Committee Joint Session Webinar Meeting September 5, 2013
System Performance Criteria - TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 SAR initiated in response to RCWG recommendations to RPIC Tier 1 analysis conducted by RS Evaluate and recommend how document should be Categorized Dependencies on other efforts Scope of drafting effort Timeline Recommendation to WSC June 2013 Retirement of WR1, WR2, WR4, WR5 Project WECC-0100 SDT formed under WSC to determine disposition of WR3 and respond to comments from ballot. Overview First three items are updates on current efforts. Last item was discussed and RS is defining functions to respond to this NERC effort.
System Performance Criteria - TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 RS prepared the document “WECC-0100 Tier 1 Evaluation and Recommendations” dated May 31, 2013 Standard or Criterion Reference Recommendation Supporting Documentation FAC-010/-011 Regional Differences NERC Eliminate White Paper N-2 for Adjacent Circuits on Separate Structures WR1.1 FAC-010/-011 White Paper G-2 not addressed by NERC TPL Category C WR1.2 Eliminate or Revise Multiple Bus Sections (B-2) WR1.3 Less stringent than existing and future NERC TPL requirements Table W-1 Performance Adjustment with WECC Board Approval WR1.4 Make Table W-1 a Guideline for future use with NERC TPL-001-4 R5 when it becomes effective Coordinate with WECC RC SOL Methodology which provides minimum acceptable performance criteria for each TOP. Voltage Stability WR3 RS divided as to whether to make a standard or a guideline; this should be resolved by the drafting team Coordinate with WECC RC SOL Methodology to ensure common definition for SOLs and IROLs Unsuccessful Reclosing WR4 Will be covered by future NERC TPL-001-4 R4.3.1.1 Actual Cascading Events WR5 Actual events are investigated by WECC/NERC/FERC; recommendations from these investigations address this requirement. Performance Category Upgrade Request Process Tied to the outcome of WR1.1 and the FAC-010/-011 Regional Differences
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR1 Requirement WR1 requires Planning Coordinators and Transmission Planners to comply with the WECC Disturbance Performance Table W-1 of allowable effects on other systems for all NERC TPL planning events. Discussion – New NERC TPL-001-4 Table 1 replaces Cat. A-D with P0-7. Expands contingency simulations and required performance. NERC TPL-001-4 requirement R5 will require PC/TP’s to have criteria for ... transient voltage response. Table W-1 more of a guideline today, 57 exceptions. RS will be developing Vdip Guideline PC/TP’s will be able to use for NERC TPL-001-4 R5.
Discussion – TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR1-R1.1 The NERC Category C.5 initiating event of a single-line-to- ground fault with normal clearing shall also apply to the common mode contingency of two Adjacent Transmission Circuits on separate towers — unless the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is determined to be greater than 30 years (i.e., outage frequency is less than 0.033 outages per year). Discussion – Double-circuit line outage rate 1.8 times two circuits on separate structures on common ROW. Outage rate not on common ROW 1.4 times on common ROW. Two circuits not on common ROW covered by NERC Table 1. Included in FAC-010-R2.1 Section E R1.1.5 Recommendation to Retire
Discussion Continued – TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR1-R1.1 Discussion Continued – Table 1 Western Interconnection Average Data 2008-2012 Circuits on Common Structure Circuits on Common Right-of-Way Separate Structure Circuits not on Common ROW or Structure Transmission Miles 8,822 14,782 51,649 Number of Events 24 22 103 No. of Outages/ 100 miles of line 0.271 0.147 0.207 Outage comparison of circuits on common ROW and/or structures when 2 or more circuits went out of service. From WECC Transmission Reliability Data.
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR1-R1.2 The common mode simultaneous outage of two generator units connected to the same switchyard, not addressed by the initiating events in NERC Category C, shall not result in cascading. Discussion – Common mode outage in the substation (breaker failures) already covered by NERC Table 1. Interpretation is confusing. No known common mode outage between units on the generator side. Included in FAC-010-R2.1 Section E R1.1.6. Recommendation to Retire
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR1-R1.3 The loss of multiple bus sections, as a result of a failure or delayed clearing of a bus tie or bus sectionalizing breaker, shall meet the performance specified for Category D of Table W-1. Discussion – Less stringent that existing NERC TPL-003, C.2 and C.9. More definitive performance requirement in NERC TPL-001-4, Table 1, P.4. Recommendation to Retire.
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR1-R1.4 For contingencies involving existing or planned facilities, the Table W-1 performance category can be adjusted based on actual or expected performance (e.g., event outage frequency and consideration of impact) after receiving Board approval to change the Performance Level Adjustment Record. Discussion – Historically used to adjust WR1.1 contingencies from Cat. C to D. Essentially an exception process for WR1.1. Requirement for WECC Board approval retained in “Seven Step Process for Performance Category Upgrade Request “. Recommendation to Retire.
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR2 Individual systems or a group of systems may apply requirements that differ from specific requirements in Table W-1 for internal impacts. If the individual requirements are less stringent, other systems are permitted to have the same impact on that part of the individual system for the same category of disturbance. If these requirements are more stringent, these requirements may not be imposed on other systems. Discussion – Policy statement tied to Table W-1, not a measurable Standard. NERC TPL-001-4 Requirement R5 requires PC/TP’s to have criteria for ... transient voltage response. Results in similar study results to the intent of WR2. Recommendation to Retire.
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR3 Reactive power resources, with a balance between static and dynamic characteristics, shall be planned and distributed throughout the interconnected transmission systems to ensure system performance... defines real power margin for Category A, B, and C contingencies. Discussion – The RS continues to discuss whether to reclassify this requirement as a Regional Standard or as a Guideline. Project WECC-0100 SDT formed to formulate a decision that will be balloted for wider approval. Recommendation to form SDT.
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR4 The Planning Coordinators and Transmission Planners shall meet the same performance category for unsuccessful reclosing, as that required for the initiating disturbance without reclosing. Discussion – Addressed by NERC TPL-001-4, R4.3.1.1 that states “The analysis shall include the impact of subsequent: Successful high speed reclosing and unsuccessful high speed reclosing into a fault where high speed reclosing is utilized.” Recommendation to Retire.
TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2 ... WR5 For any event that has actually resulted in cascading, action must be taken so that future occurrences of the event will not result in cascading; or it must demonstrate that the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is greater than 300 years (frequency less than 0.0033 outages/year) and approved by PCC. Discussion – NERC performance standards are deterministic and provide specific performance requirements for specific events. Event reporting required by NERC EOP-004. Actual events are investigated by WECC, NERC, FERC or some combination. Corrective actions required by NERC TOP-004-2 regardless of MTBF. Recommendation to Retire.
Review of Action Items Action Item Status Completion Date