Consultation on the Student Service Levy ‘mySay’ Budget Simulator
Advisory Committee to the Student Service Levy Oversight structure setup in 2010 Staff and students work in partnership Strategic and financial oversight of the levy
April 2014 ‘mySay’ Consultation Why? Part of the ‘Strategic Review of Levy funded Services’ setup by ACSSL Results would be used as one of the inputs to plan the future of services funded by the Levy at Victoria An alternative to standard surveys
What? Opportunity to look at the current budgets for student services and say how the levy could be allocated in the future Option of increasing / decreasing the budget for each service by 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% or 10%; or opt for no change. View the consequences of their decisions Opportunity to suggest additional student services that their levy could contribute to
Services in the Budget Simulator Student Health Services Counselling Services Recreation Services Career Development and Employment Disability Services Te Putahi Atawhai Financial Advice Early Childhood Services Clubs and Societies Accommodation Support and Advice Student Media Student Class Representatives Student Advocacy services
Results 2950 students responded (more than 15%) Increasing budgets for health, counselling and disability services Decreasing recreation, student media and class reps Changes suggested were small (majority falling between +2% / -2%)
mySay Overview Responses
Comments 11% of responses contained additional comments Generally supported the funding increases / decreases options ‘Increase’ side - services that related to health and well-being were the most commented on (seen as “must-haves” ) Career development also seen as important to help get a job after study
How have we used the Results Triage Counsellor helped reduced waiting times & direct to appropriate service Employability Programmes Coordinator -Supporting development of employability skills -Coordinating Alumni as mentors programme Feeding into workshops with staff and students on Levy funded Services planning
Feedback on ‘mySay’ Appreciated the opportunity to go through the Budget Simulator exercise and have their say Refreshing to fill out a visual survey for a change Realised how difficult it is to weigh up services and balance a budget
Questions ?