TITLE I is a Federal Program that helps students in our nation’s schools.
Schoolwide Program Requirements 40% minimum poverty threshold One-year of planning prior to implementation Annual evaluation of program effectiveness Ten implementation components
Decker Prairie Elementary School Rosehill Elementary School Tomball Elementary School Tomball Intermediate School Tomball Jr. High SCHOOLWIDE CAMPUSES
TEN COMPONENTS OF A SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM: 1.A comprehensive needs assessment 2.Schoolwide reform strategies 3.Instruction by highly qualified teachers 4.High-quality and ongoing professional development 5.Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers
TEN COMPONENTS (cont.) 6. Strategies to increase parental involvement 7. Transition from early childhood programs 8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments 9. Effective, timely additional assistance 10.Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and TISD services and programs
NCLB Act of 2001 This law, in partnership with parents, communities, school leadership and classroom teachers, seeks to ensure that EVERY child in America receives a great education and that NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND!
Schoolwide Program Under NCLB Sets high expectations Provides flexibility to reform and perform Holds school, districts, and states accountable Involves parents
Characteristics of Effective Schoolwide Programs Use research-based practices Offer intensive, sustained professional development Involve parents and community members Assist the struggling students by addressing the diverse learning needs of students Collect, analyze, and use data Use school-based decision making Combine resources
TITLE I COMPACT A compact is a written statement of what schools and parents are supposed to do to help students achieve.
The Title I Compact lists the specific responsibilities of the Title I school, staff, students, and parents.
Tomball Intermediate School Campus Title 1 Compact *Please sign and return to your homeroom teacher
Return your ‘DRAFT’ copy (provided this evening) to the front office desk by next Friday, 9/11, with any suggestions for updates to this year’s Parent Compact. Thank you!
The updated, 2015 Tomball Intermediate Schoolwide Title I Compact will be provided for you this month in Wednesday folders. *Sign and Return*
In order for children to reach school standards, they need support from ALL the adults in their lives.
Communication between school staff and parents is very important because it helps coordinate their support of each student.
Parents need to know how their children are doing in school in order to best support learning at home.
At the same time, teachers and other school staff need to know how parents think the child is doing in order to best provide instruction at school.