Model Validation in Western Interconnection Dmitry Kosterev (BPA), Stephanie Lu (PSE), Donald Davies (WECC) August 2011
System Model Validation NERC conducted a model validation conference in Charlotte in June 2011 Each interconnection develop processes for system model validation WECC Needs: Powerflow validation base case Synchronized wide-area system response Tools for model comparison
System Model Validation Moving Forward System model validation is a deliverable under the Western Interconnection Synchro-phasor Program (WISP) Objective is to conduct regular system model validation in WECC starting June 2012 Frequency response Inter-area power oscillations A good baseline of oscillations exists in WECC Delayed voltage recovery
Powerflow Snapshot Powerflow snapshot of pre-disturbance conditions: WECC has a West-wide System Model (WSM) – a state-estimator case for the entire interconnection Improvements of state estimator model are needed (particularly wind power plant models) WECC RFPs for linking WSM with dynamic data – two approaches: Make dynamic data compatible with WSM Transfer initial conditions from WSM to WECC planning model
System Model Validation Studies WECC Powerflow Case: Bus-branch Bus number, ID WSM Powerflow Case: Node-breaker-element Element Code 2 WECC Dynamic Database: Bus number, ID WSM Dynamic Database: Element code, node 1
System Model Validation Studies Two pilot options: Option 1: Convert WECC dynamic data base to “element code” definition consistent with WSM (one time effort) Validation studies are done using WSM powerflow case and the new dynamic data file Option 2: Map generation, loads and equipment status from WSM to WECC powerflow case Validation studies are done using WECC powerflow case and existing dynamic database
System Model Validation Studies WECC send out RFP – nine good responses Option 1 (long-term) WECC selected primary and secondary options, in contract negotiations WECC RC needed additional work at Areva EMS Option 2 (near-term) WECC staff / BPA developed a mapping for generators from WSM labels to WECC powerflow bus numbers and IDs Tools will be needed for checking WSM powerflow data
System Model Validation Moving Forward Model Validation Tools You run a simulation of a disturbance event and the model does not match the actual data. What to do next ? Instead of matching simulations and models point by point, we focus on matching features of the response and understanding of its sensitivities to model parameters This is an area where WECC MVWG funds can be applied
Contact Information System studies: Donald Davies, WECC Staff, Dmitry Kosterev, BPA, Stephanie Lu, PSE,