KEY PERSONNEL BRIEFING 42d Medical Operations Squadron Maxwell AFB, Alabama Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) MDG #1 KEY PERSONNEL BRIEFING
BRIEFING OBJECTIVE IAW AFI 44-121: Outline key personnel responsibilities towards the reduction of substance abuse Provide Commanders, senior enlisted advisor, first sergeants, and senior personnel information regarding substance abuse prevention and intervention education IAW AFI 44-121: Ensure commanders, supervisors, and health care providers understood the impact of substance abuse and how to identify/refer substance abusers
The ADAPT Program Objectives Promote readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance abuse Minimize the negative impact of Substance Abuse (SA) Provide education and treatment Return members to unrestricted status or assist in transition to civilian status
ELIGIBLE BENEFICIARIES Active Duty Members, Dependents, and Retirees are eligible for counseling and treatment following TRICARE guidelines for access Eligible beneficiaries receive services as authorized through their specific TRICARE option (e.g.., Prime, Extra, Standard)
ADAPT SERVICES PROVIDED 1st duty station briefing Newcomers orientation briefing Supervisors Briefing Substance Abuse Assessment Individual substance abuse education Treatment and aftercare programs Transitional Counseling Air Force Drug Testing Program
When to refer to ADAPT AFI 44-121 states a commander shall (must) refer all service members for assessment when substance is suspected to be a contributing factor in any incident (e.g.,DUI, spouse/child maltreatment, positive UA, when notified by medical personnel) Within 7 days of incident DUI referred within 24 hours when possible but NLT next duty day DUI Public Intoxication Drunk and disorderly Spouse/child abuse and maltreatment Underage drinking Positive drug test Referral by Medical Personnel
Making a referral to ADAPT Phone call to the ADAPT program Explain situation to ADAPT OIC/NCOIC An appointment time will be forwarded to CC or First sergeant
COMMANDER’S ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure the assessment process is not delayed by ordinary leave or TDYs Relay to the member that ADAPT is not punitive Actively participate as part of the Treatment Team Meeting (TTM) -- TTM’s held in bldg Provide command authority to implement the treatment plan when the member does not voluntarily comply with the TTM’s decisions
SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Non clinical services Prevention through briefings and outreach activities Individual Education following initial evaluation Individuals being processed for separation will be provided appropriate medical care prior to separation. All patients referred for substance abuse assessment who do not meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence will be provided a minimum of 6 hours of awareness education.
TREATMENT (Continued) Clinical services Patients meeting criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence will be entered into substance abuse treatment Program requirements will be individually tailored to meet the needs of the patient. Family involvement is strongly encouraged Individuals receiving a diagnosis will refrain from the use of alcohol during the initial phase of treatment. (Flyers are subject to abstinence for longer periods and indefinitely in some cases.)
TREATMENT (Continued) Maxwell Treatment Options: Outpatient Treatment (OP) Aftercare Program This will vary from base to base
Program Completion Patient meets DSM IV criteria for early full remission TTM determines - based on progress towards agreed upon goals stated in the treatment plan
Program Failure Drinking itself does not fail a person from the program. Pattern of failure to meet AF standards Unwillingness or unable to meet treatment or aftercare goals Patients will be considered for administrative separation by their commander IAW AFI 36-3207 or AFI 36-3208
The ADAPT office will be glad to conduct briefings upon request: PREVENTION IS THE KEY The ADAPT office will be glad to conduct briefings upon request: Commanders calls Supervisors/managers Dorm briefings Any other occasion we can help